Building a robust AI assistant backend!

Back4app OpenAI Virtual Assistant Cover

As AI technology advances, AI assistants are expected to play an increasingly significant role in managing business customer support. Most businesses have already integrated some sort of AI into their workflows.

In this article we’ll discuss AI assistants, highlighting their incredible benefits and potential drawbacks.

On top of that, we’ll provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide on creating an AI-based assistant using OpenAI and Back4app.

What is an AI Assistant?

An AI assistant is a piece of software that takes in a prompt through text or voice and generates a response.

Among other things, this technology utilizes natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning.

The purpose of AI assistants is to mimic human-like conversation.

Throughout the article, we’ll use the words AI assistant and AI chatbot interchangeably. However, some people might argue that an assistant is a more complex version of a chatbot that can also perform tasks.

A few examples of popular AI assistants are ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini.

Some AI assistant applications include:

  • Customer support (AI assistants can be trained to answer customer queries)
  • Developer help (AI assistants can generate code and help developers work efficiently)
  • Education (assistants can be used for educational purposes and user onboarding)
  • Marketing & analytics (assistants can generate marketing material & analyze data)
  • Entertainment (AI chatbots can craft entertaining or creative responses)

Benefits of AI Assistants

AI assistants come with a number of benefits. Let’s look at them!

Boost Productivity

AI assistants allow you to boost your business productivity greatly.

They can be utilized for task organization, business operations, customer support, marketing, etc.

By utilizing AI, you can create highly scalable, autonomous customer support that’s available 24/7.

Additionally, developers can leverage AI assistants to write, review, and document code. There are already a number of specialized tools for this purpose, including GitHub Copilot, OpenAI Codex, and CodePal.

Ease of Use

AI assistants are among the most accessible software because they “understand” human text. Almost anyone, no matter how tech-savvy, can use them.

Cut Costs

AI assistants can help you significantly cut costs by optimizing your work processes and automating customer support. Some studies have discovered that AI helps businesses cut costs by up to 20%.

Information Retrieval

One of the best perks of AI assistants is their ability to fetch information. They can quickly query several documents and return a simple user-readable response.

Moreover, they can accompany the answers with the sources.

Thanks to recent advancements in OpenAI’s API, you can now train bots using your business data effortlessly.

Customization & Personalization

AI assistants are highly customizable. Repurposing an assistant is as easy as changing the instructions or so-called initial prompt.

In addition, AI assistants can return personalized responses based on who they’re communicating with.

For example, they can answer the user’s query in their native language or consider the context of previous conversations.

Drawbacks of AI Assistants

Nothing comes without drawbacks.


AI chatbots sometimes generate false or nonsensical information. When that happens, we say that a chatbot hallucinated.

The reason behind it is that bots don’t actually understand what they’re saying — they’re just generating the most likely next word based on the previous words.

If you’re curious to learn how AI chatbots like ChatGPT work, check out this article.

Can’t Perform Complex Operations

AI assistants are great for simple and repetitive tasks but fail miserably when asked to perform complex tasks.

They lack common sense and human intelligence in general. If the answer isn’t within the chatbot’s learning material, it’ll likely return an incorrect response.

Moreover, they’re not guaranteed to return optimal results.


To ensure chatbots trained on business documents provide accurate and current information, you must regularly update them with the latest documents. Without this ongoing maintenance, the chatbot may deliver outdated responses.

Privacy & Security Concerns

Assistants sometimes have to deal with classified business information or personal user data. This raises some ethical questions and makes it possible for the assistant to leak confidential information.

How to Build a AI Assistant?

In this part of the tutorial, we’ll create a GPT-powered virtual assistant.

Our virtual assistant will specialize in answering math questions. It will utilize threads, allowing it to answer follow-up questions.

Moreover, the code will be designed for easy repurposing and adaptability to other applications.

On the backend we’ll use OpenAI and Back4app, and the frontend will be built using React (with TailwindCSS).

Back4app + OpenAI Final App



1Create a Back4app applicationBootstrap a new project
2Upgrade app’s Node.js versionInstall TailwindCSS
3Create an OpenAI secret keyCode the user interface
4Add the secret key as an env variableInstall and configure Parse SDK
5Create Cloud Code functionsConnect to the backend

Let’s start coding!


At this stage of the tutorial, we’ll take care of the backend. We’ll create a Back4app app, create OpenAI secret keys, add them as environmental variables, and write the required Cloud Code functions.

Create Back4app App

First, log into your Back4app account or create one if you don’t have one yet.

As you log in, you’ll be redirected to your app list. Click “Build new app” to create an app.

Back4app App List

The Back4app platform allows you to deploy two types of apps: Backend as a Service (BaaS) and Containers as a Service (CaaS). We’re building a backend, so go with BaaS.

Back4app BaaS Create

Next, give your app a informative name, leave the database as NoSQL, and click “Create”.

Back4app App Setup

Wait roughly three minutes for the platform to create the app. Back4app will handle everything from making the app layer to setting up the database, security, scaling, and more.

Once done, you’ll be redirected to your app’s database interface.

Back4app Database View

Change Node Version

By default, Back4app apps are powered by Parse v4.10.4. This version of Parse Server uses Node v14, which is incompatible with the OpenAI’s library, which requires Node v18+.

Let’s upgrade the Parse Server version.

First, select “Server Settings” on the sidebar, then navigate to “Manage Parse Server” settings as depicted in the image below.

Back4app App Settings

Change the Parse Server version to 5.2.3 or newer.

Back4app Parse Server Version

Click “Save” and wait a few minutes for Back4app to upgrade the server version.

To verify the Node.js version, you can define the following Cloud Code function:

Parse.Cloud.define("getNodeVersion", async(request) => {
  return process.version;

Then, trigger it via the built-in “API > Console > REST” by sending a POST request to functions/getNodeVersion.

OpenAI API Keys

Moving along, let’s create an OpenAI API key to connect to OpenAI from our backend.

Navigate to OpenAI’s dashboard and create a new project by clicking on “Default project” and then “Create project”.

Back4app OpenAI Create Project

Give your project a descriptive name — I’ll go with “back4app”. After that, click “Create”.

OpenAI should automatically switch to the newly created project.

Next, go to the “API keys” section by selecting “Dashboard” in the navbar and then “API keys” in the sidebar. Click “Create new secret key” to start the API key creation process.

Back4app OpenAI Create API Key

Leave all settings as default and click “Create secret key” to confirm the key creation.

Back4app OpenAI API Key Settings

Please take note of the secret key since you’ll only be able to see it once.

Treat your secret key as securely as you would a password. If someone else obtains it, they could generate substantial OpenAI charges. Additionally, I suggest setting usage limits.

Set Environmental Variables

To avoid exposing our secret key in source code, we’ll add it as an environmental variable.

Navigate to “Server Settings > Environment Variables > Settings”.

Back4app Environmental Variables

Then set the OPENAI_API_KEY environmental variable like you would in a .env file:


Ensure to replace <your_openai_api_key> with your OpenAI secret key from the previous step.

Lastly, click “Save” to save the environmental variables.

Back4app Environmental Variable Add

You can now access the secret key from Cloud Code functions like so:

const secretKey = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;

// sk-proj-...

Cloud Code

To implement the backend logic, we’ll utilize Cloud Code functions. Cloud Code functions are a robust feature of Parse Server that enables developers to run custom server-side JavaScript code.

They can be triggered via REST, using Parse SDK, or scheduled on a timed basis.

Check out What are Serverless Functions? to learn more about Functions as a Service.

First, select “Cloud Code > Functions & Web Hosting” in the sidebar to access Cloud Code.

Back4app Cloud Code

You’ll notice that the screen is split into two sections. You have the directory structure on the left side and the JavaScript code editor on the right. By default, there are two directories:

  1. cloud folder used for deploying Cloud Code functions and other custom code
  2. public folder used to deploy static content (e.g., images, videos, icons)
Install OpenAI Library

To interact with the OpenAI API, we’ll install the OpenAI JavaScript library.

Installing NPM packages using Cloud Code is easy. To do so, create a package.json file in the cloud folder listing the packages you want to install.

// cloud/package.json

  "dependencies": {
    "openai": "^4.51.0"

To get the latest openai package version, check the NPM package page.

Then click “Deploy” at the top right of the screen.

If the installation is successful, you should see a newly-generated package-lock.json in the cloud folder. The lock file should contain the openai package.

Cloud Code Functions

Next, let’s take care of the Cloud Code functions.

We’ll create the following four functions:

  1. setup() will create a virtual assistant and save its configuration to the database
  2. createThread() will create a new virtual assistant thread
  3. deleteThread(threadId) will delete an existing virtual assistant thread
  4. addMessage(threadId, message) will add a message to the thread and generate a response

Go ahead and paste the following code into cloud/main.js:

// cloud/main.js

const OpenAI = require("openai");
const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

const ASSISTANT_INITIAL_MESSAGE = "Hi, my name is Math Bot. How can I help you?";
  name: "Math Bot",
  instructions: "Very smart math bot that answers math questions.",
  model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125",
  tools: [],

Parse.Cloud.define("setup", async (request) => {
  const Assistant = Parse.Object.extend("Assistant");
  const query = await new Parse.Query(Assistant);
  const count = await query.count();

  // Check if virtual assistant already exists
  if (count !== 0) {
    throw new Parse.Error(
        "A virtual assistant already exists!",

  // Use OpenAI's API to create an assistant
  const openAssistant = await openai.beta.assistants.create(

  // Store the assistant in Back4app database
  const assistant = new Assistant();
  for (const key in ASSISTANT_SETTINGS) {
    assistant.set(key, ASSISTANT_SETTINGS[key]);
  assistant.set("initialMessage", ASSISTANT_INITIAL_MESSAGE);

  return assistant.get("assistantId");

Parse.Cloud.define("createThread", async (request) => {
  const thread = await openai.beta.threads.create();

Parse.Cloud.define("deleteThread", async (request) => {
  const _threadId = request.params.threadId;
  return await openai.beta.threads.del(_threadId);

Parse.Cloud.define("addMessage", async (request) => {
  const _threadId = request.params.threadId;
  const _message = request.params.message;

  // Verify all the parameters are provided
  if (!_threadId || !_message) {
    throw new Parse.Error(
        "You need to provide: threadId & message.",

  const Assistant = Parse.Object.extend("Assistant");
  const query = await new Parse.Query(Assistant);
  const count = await query.count();

  // Check if a virtual assistant exists
  if (count === 0) {
    throw new Parse.Error(
        "A virtual assistant does not exist!",

  const assistant = await new Parse.Query(Assistant).first();
  const assistantId = assistant.get("assistantId");

  // Get the thread, add the message, and generate a response
  let buffer = "";
  const message = await openai.beta.threads.messages.create(
    _threadId, {role: "user", content: _message},
  let run = await openai.beta.threads.runs.createAndPoll(
    _threadId, {assistant_id: assistantId},

  // Add the last message to the buffer
  if (run.status === "completed") {
    const messages = await openai.beta.threads.messages.list(run.thread_id);
    buffer +=[0].content[0].text.value;
  } else {
    console.error("Failed to run the assistant.");

  return buffer;

Code rundown

  1. Code imports and initializes the OpenAI library.
  2. It then defines the assistant settings (e.g., name, instructions, and initialMessage).
  3. Code provides four Cloud Code functions, which are described up above.
  4. In setup(), we fetch the assistant and thread and then add a message to the thread. We then use a run to generate a response using the assistant.

Test Cloud Code Functions

Before moving onto the frontend, we must ensure the backend works as expected.

For testing purposes, we’ll use Back4app’s built-in console. Navigate to “API > Console > REST” on the sidebar.

Back4app API Console REST

First, trigger the setup() function:

  • What type of request: POST
  • Which endpoint: functions/setup
  • Use Master Key: false
  • Run as: leave blank
  • Query parameters: leave blank

This will create a new assistant and save it to the database. If you navigate to the database view, you should see that the Assistant class now has one row.

Back4app Database Assistant

Moving along, let’s test the conversation endpoints.

  1. POST to functions/createThread to create a thread. Take note of the thread ID.
  2. POST a question to functions/addMessage with the following parameters {"threadId": "<thread_id>", "message": "What is 2+2?"}. Verify the generated response is correct.
  3. POST to functions/deleteThread with the following parameters {"threadId": "<thread_id>"} to delete the thread.

Great, the backend seems to be working well!


In this tutorial section, we’ll bootstrap a new React project, install TailwindCSS, implement the UI, set up Parse SDK, and implement the required logic.

Create Vite App

Start off by bootstraping a new Vite project using the React template:

$ npm create vite@latest frontend -- --template react

Change directory to the newly-created folder and install the dependencies:

$ cd frontend
$ npm install

Run the development server:

$ npm run dev

Open your favorite web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5174/. You should see the default Vite + React landing page.


To simplify our work, we’ll use TailwindCSS, a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to rapidly build custom designs without leaving your HTML.

The framework provides a highly customizable and responsive approach to styling.

To install TailwindCSS, please follow the official guide.


Moving along, let’s implement the UI.

To make our code more organized, we’ll first create a few components. First, create a components folder within the src folder and place the following three files inside:

On top of that, add this avatar.png to the src/assets folder.

At this point your directory structure should look like this:

└── src/
    ├── components/
    │   ├── Spinner.jsx
    │   ├── AssistantMessage.jsx
    │   └── UserMessage.jsx
    ├── assets/
    │   └── avatar.png
    └── ...

Next, put the following code in src/App.jsx:

// src/App.jsx

import {useEffect, useState} from "react";

import AssistantMessage from "./components/AssistantMessage.jsx";
import UserMessage from "./components/UserMessage.jsx";
import Spinner from "./components/Spinner.jsx";

function App() {

  const [initialMessage, setInitialMessage] = useState(undefined);
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);

  const [threadId, setThreadId] = useState(undefined);
  const [message, setMessage] = useState("");
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState([
    {role: "assistant", content: "Welcome! How can I help you today?"},
    {role: "user", content: "What is 2+2?"},
    {role: "assistant", content: "2+2 is 4."},

  async function getInitialMessage() {
    // TODO: get the initial message

  async function reset(message) {
    // TODO: create a new thread

  useEffect(() => {
    // TODO: get the initial message
  }, []);

  function onSubmit(event) {
    // TODO: add the message to the thread and generate response

  function onNewThread() {
    // TODO: create a new thread

  return (
    <main className="container mx-auto py-8 px-8 md:px-32 lg:px-64 h-[100vh]">
      <div className="pb-12 space-y-2">
        <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold">
          An AI-powered virtual assistant built using OpenAI + Back4app.
      <div className="space-y-2">
        {, index) => {
          switch (message.role) {
            case "assistant":
              return <AssistantMessage key={index} content={message.content}/>;
            case "user":
              return <UserMessage key={index} content={message.content}/>;
              return <></>;
        {loading && <Spinner/>}
      <form className="inline-block flex flex-row pt-12" onSubmit={onSubmit}>
          className="w-full p-2 border border-gray-300 rounded-md outline-none"
          placeholder="Type a message..."
          onChange={(event) => setMessage(}
          className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 text-white p-2 px-3 rounded-md ml-2"
          className="bg-green-500 text-white p-2 px-3 rounded-md ml-2"

export default App;

This code creates a simple UI, which renders messages from the messages state. On top of that, it provides a text box and a button for submitting messages to the virtual assistant.

Start the development server once again and navigate to http://localhost:5174/. You should be able to see ChatGPT-like user interface.

Install Parse SDK

To connect to our Back4app-based backend, we’ll use Parse SDK.

The Parse SDK enables developers to seamlessly interact with Parse-based backends, allowing for efficient data queries, user authentication, notifications, real-time data handling, and more.

First, install Parse via npm:

$ npm install parse

Next, navigate to your Back4app application. Select “App Settings > Security & Keys” on the sidebar. Then, take note of the “Application ID” and “JavaScript Key”.

Back4app Security & Keys

Instead of exposing the secret keys in source code, create .env file in the project root:


Ensure to replace the variables with your actual keys.

Next, navigate to src/main.jsx and initialize Parse using the environmental variables:

// src/main.jsx

// ...
import Parse from "parse/dist/parse.min.js";

// Initialize Parse SDK using the Back4app API keys
Parse.serverURL = "";

  // ...

You can now use the Parse instance in all your views by importing it:

import Parse from "parse/dist/parse.min.js";


Lastly, replace the React hooks in src/App.jsx with the following:

// src/App.jsx

// ...
import Parse from "parse/dist/parse.min.js";

function App() {

  // ...

  async function getInitialMessage() {
    const Assistant = Parse.Object.extend("Assistant");
    const assistant = await new Parse.Query(Assistant).first();
    return assistant.get("initialMessage");

  async function reset(message) {
      {role: "assistant", content: message},
    const threadId = await"createThread");

  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      const assistantInitialMessage = await getInitialMessage();
      await reset(assistantInitialMessage);
  }, []);

  function onSubmit(event) {
    if (loading || !threadId || !message) return;

      {role: "user", content: message},

    (async () => {
      const response = await"addMessage", {threadId, message});
      setMessages(messages => [
        {role: "assistant", content: response},

  function onNewThread() {
    if (loading || !threadId) return;

    (async () => {
      await reset(initialMessage);

  return (
      // ...

export default App;

This code handles the message and submits it to the backend. It also allows users to create a new thread by clicking a button.

Voila! The frontend is now complete.

Restart the development server and test out the app to ensure everything works.

If you wish to deploy the assistant’s frontend, check out How to host a React app?


This article taught you everything you need to know to build personalized AI-based assistants.

You should now be able to use the OpenAI’s Assistant API and Back4app to back & deploy your AI assistants,

The final source code is available in the back4app-openai-virtual-assistant GitHub repo.

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