14 Best Tech Podcasts For Software Developers

This article will explore 14 of the best podcasts for software developers. Podcasts are an amazing way to learn about almost anything. They allow you to be exposed to new ideas, and can be listened to whenever you have the time. Driving to work or working out at the gym are great ways to listen to podcasts and learn something new. 

As a software developer, you can get a lot out of these podcasts. Here are some of the best ones out there right now, so you can start learning new ideas and improving your skills right away. 


This podcast is one of the very best shows about web development out there. It’s hosted by Scott Tolinski, a former breakdancer and now developer, and Canadian developer Wes Bos. They’re both highly entertaining to listen to, so you can breeze through episodes being highly entertained, as well as learning more about web development. 

The podcast has been running for more than 300 episodes so far, so there’s plenty to dive into here. Every episode, they share their very best web development tips and tricks with you. It’s something that both new and veteran developers alike should be listening to.

As well as this, they interview some of the very best web developers in the field right now. It’s another great way to learn even more, and maybe even find solutions to the problems you’re having with your own coding. 

The Cloudcast

This podcast is one that has been around for over 6 years, with over 300 episodes in their backlog, ready for you to listen to. Run by hosts Aaron Delp and Brian Gracely, the two hosts cover everything software engineering. 

This is anything from serverless architecture, DevOps, cloud computing, and more. Whatever is happening in the field, they’ll be covering it for you. It’s a good way of keeping up to speed with what’s happening in such a fast paced industry. 

One of the best things they do is offer TL;DR notes on their site. This gives you a breakdown of what the episode covered, so you can ensure you got all the major points from the episode itself. 

How I Built This

This NPR hosted podcast features Guy Raz, a host and editorial director with the company. Every episode, he interviews some of the best and brightest about how they made their way to the top and built their own company. He asks them about the lows and highs they’ve experienced, the challenges they’ve faced, and where they found their success. 

This podcast isn’t strictly speaking just about software engineering, but it does cover the broader topic of entrepreneurship. As a new business owner, you’ll be balancing running the business alongside the day to day business of coding. Listening to these interviews helps you learn a lot about what these business owners did right. 

Every episode, Raz asks his guest how much of their success they owe to luck. It’s a fascinating question, and you’ll be amazed at how many guests say that a lot of luck was involved during their journey. 

The Code Newbie Podcast

As the name implies, this podcast is one of the best ones out there if you’re brand new to coding and tech. It covers all the basics that you’ll need to get started in an easy to follow way. This includes guides on all kinds of tech basics, giving it a very broad scope. It’s good for newcomers, as they can get to grips with all the building blocks of their craft and see what they have to do to get ahead. 

On top of this, it also covers the stories of developers and programmers who are big names in their industries, and how they managed to climb the ladder. Having those stories really helps as you can hear what worked and what didn’t from them, learning from their experiences. 

They put out an episode about once a week, with each episode averaging at 30 – 55 minutes long. As such,  there’s lots to learn here, and all for free.

Software Engineering Unlocked

Here’s another podcast that looks at the experiences of highly regarded people in the field, and helps you learn from them. It’s hosted by Dr. McKayla Grieler, and in it she interviews developers from around the world. She looks at how they got where they are now, and what they did to get there. 

Every episode is around an hour long, and the host and guest go into real detail about what they do and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. It’s very helpful, both for brand new developers and those that have been in the business for years. 

The Changelog

The Changelog is a hugely popular podcast, having been running for over 11 years at this point. The hosts, Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo, are developers themselves. They interview developers during the podcast, talking to them about the projects they do with a real focus on open source projects. 

“As well as the podcast, there’s also an online community that’s run by the hosts themselves” says developer Peter Forester, from UKWritings and Paper Help. “Here, you’ll be able to meet up with others like you, and discuss anything to do with development.”

With over 400 episodes in the archives, there’s tons of the podcast to get caught up on. Plus, most of the episodes even have transcripts, which is great news for many listeners out there. 

Software Engineering Radio

This podcast was created to be a long lasting educational resource for developers, rather than just a newscast. As such, all their episodes are highly relevant, even if it’s been a while since they were released. As such, every developer should give them a listen. 

You’ll be able to hear about all the topics that are important to developers, and from some of the top experts in the industry. There’s so much to learn, you’ll want to get stuck into the backlog to see what’s available. 

Episodes are released around 3 to 4 times a month, so there’s always something new and fresh coming out of this podcast. 

Masters Of Scale

Hosted by cofounder of LinkedIn Reid Hoffman, this podcast takes a closer look at how people have started their own businesses within the tech industry, and how they’ve made it work. He talks to founders and execs from all over the world about their experiences, and what they did to find success.

As a developer, it’s something that you’ll get a lot out of. There’s a lot to think about in each episode, and you’ll see the hist and guests look to prove or disprove popular business theories. “It’s really helpful to you, especially if you’re just starting out” says Lynda Chisholm, a tech writer at Dissertation Help and Essay Services. “Because they’re actively looking to test those theories, you’ll get a peek into their thought process.” 

Recent episodes even cover the impact of COVID on tech businesses, especially the episode with Brian Chesky, the owner of AirBnB. He talks through what they had to do to keep the company afloat when no one was traveling, and the consequences that had on them. 

Talk Python To Me

As the name implies, this podcast is about all things Python. It’s a programming language that has a lot of broad appeal, being usable in so many different ways. If that’s the main way you program, then you need to add this podcast to your list right now. 

New episodes are put out every single day, so there’s always something new to discover and learn here. There’s tips on using Python, and the applications it can be used for. You’ll also find interviews with experts and enthusiasts alike, so you can pick up more tips from them too. 

Dev Interrupted

Every week, host Dan Lines puts out an episode of this podcast aimed at software team leaders. This focus allows him to bring in experts to discuss relevant topics to you, such as metrics, processes and more. 

Every episode is around 30 minutes too, so you don’t have to have a lot of time to listen to it. As a team leader, that isn’t a resource you’re going to have a lot of, after all. There are lots of actionable insights you can use in each episode, to help your team and business and grow. 

This goes beyond the podcast itself, too. There’s a Discord server where you can meet with other leaders, and even take part in AMAs with their guests. There’s a lot going on here, so it’s worth a look. 

Learn To Code With Me

Are you totally new to coding, and want to learn the skills you need? Then Learn To Code With Me is a must listen. It’s hosted by Laurence Bradford, and every episode she interviews someone who became self taught developers. These range from former professors, pastors, security guards, stay at home parents, and more. 

She talks to her guests about how they learned to code, and what their efforts lead them to. It’s interesting to see the different trajectories their lives too after they learned a new skill. It’s certainly inspiring if you’re just starting out. 

As well as this, you’ll find details about the practical side of learning. You’ll get ideas on the best hardware to use, how to find clients as a freelancer, how to code when raising kids at the same time, and so on. There’s so many resources here, you’ll find lots to help you get started. 

JS Party

Just as there’s a Python focused podcast, there’s also this JavaScript focused one, called JS Party. It’s hosted by several frequent panelists that are all enthusiasts of JavaScript, and have made a career for themselves in development. 

These include Amal Hussein, a software engineer, Nick Nisi, a TypeScript fan, Feross Aboukhadijeh, a Stanford lecturer, and more. They all bring different experiences to the podcast, making it well rounded and fascinating to listen to. 

The podcast is fun to listen to as well as being highly informative. You can pick up more about JavaScript and the changes that are impacting developers. They cover plenty of other topics too, such as new libraries and emerging best practices. You’re going to pick up a lot here, so it’s well worth a listen. 

Practical AI

AI is becoming a mainstay in almost every industry out there. Machine learning is changing everything from marketing to warehousing, and you want to be ahead of that wave. Sound like you? Then you need to be listening to this podcast. 

The show is hosted by data scientist Daniel Whitenack and software engineer Chris Benson, who are professionals in the field. Every episode they interview engineers who work with datasets and show you how AI is changing up the system. That includes people who work with credit card companies, governments, social networks, and more. 

There’s 120 episodes, so there’s plenty to listen to and learn about here. You’ll get a more practical look at AI, and how it works with your coding business. 

The Ladybug Podcast

This popular podcast only launched in 2019 and already has plenty of dedicated followers. It’s hosted by four developers who have found success in software engineering, and have varied backgrounds. With some of them self taught and some with CS degrees, there’s a lot of different experiences here. 

They cover a lot of technical topics, as well as other relevant topics to you such as career growth and personal development. It gives you a more well rounded view of the world of software development. Right now there’s already 65 episodes in the back catalogue, so you can binge on plenty of them. 

With these podcasts, you can learn a lot more about coding and development. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran, or you’re just looking for a different take on the subject, there’s going to be something for you here. 

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