Kuzzle Alternatives: Top 8 Competitors

kuzzle alternatives

Kuzzle Alternatives: Top 8 Competitors

Kuzzle among the best mBaaS in the industry right now, with a hand full of features, and performance that is unparalleled to its competitors. Kuzzle provides a unique full-featured cluster mode, which is a rare feature to see even in modern applications right now. Though, in this case, rare means very welcomed.

But if, for some reason, you can’t find it comfortable enough to use Kuzzle, do not worry. We have listed 8 top competitors that are way better than Kuzzle:


Back4App is one of the best options when it comes to backend development options. Not only is this option good for mobile development and deployment, but it is also a complete platform based on open-source technologies, the most reliable option for backend development in recent years. Back4App isn’t just dedicated to developing a single type of application, though. Developers can use Back4App to develop a whole variety of applications, at the click of several buttons.

Here are some features of Back4App:


  • Automated Scaling of Applications
  • Data model
  • GraphQL & Rest APIs
  • Expert Support
  • Affordable & Expendable
  • Easy App Migration
  • Amazing Reliability
  • Automated Backup & Recovery
  • 24*7 Monitoring and Alerting
  • Web-Based Management Tools

To know more about Back4app features, please read this article.


Firebase is the ultimate platform for developing backend, according to Google. It has been recommended by many websites as a great platform for new developers too. Firebase is usually used by developers to develop online games, usually ones which feature online authorization services & a social network system to work on. Firebase allows applications to work offline temporarily too. If developers are trying to develop an application for users who are living in a developing country, and/or have an unstable internet connection, Firebase should be the best option as a backend.  Do not worry though, for as soon as the application feels like the device has an internet connection, it immediately synchronizes with the server

Firebase is both efficient, simple-to-use, and affordable. There is even a free version available for testing.


  • In-app messaging
  • A/B Testing – for phones with the new partition system.
  • Cloud messaging
  • Prediction & offline work environment
  • Analytics through Google
  • AdSense support


Strapi is a front-end development platform, unlike the backend platforms we have listed beforehand. By using Strapi, users are able to develop a Content Management System (CMS) easily, and efficiently.  Here are some of the features of Strapi:


  • Customizable Cloud messaging
  • Built-in filter capabilities
  • Plugins support
  • Authentication system support
  • Easy-to-use
  • Fast & efficient in working & deployment

And so much more.


Hasura is a private company that also provides backend as a service option. Though Hasura isn’t as popular as most others on this list, it is by no means any weaker than its competitors. In fact, Hasura comes with GraphQL support right from the start. In fact, Hasura’s GraphQL engine provides GraphQL APIs on Postgres databases.  Here are some features of Hasura:


  • Make powerful queries
  • Built-in filtering capabilities
  • Postgres backend database
  • Live queries
  • Add support for a dynamic access control system


PubNub is a complete infrastructure as a backend. It allows developers to make applications of any scale, or even complete infrastructures of software-based companies before they even start investing in an application. PubNub provides mBaaS, and BaaS capabilities too. PubNub is open-source mostly, and you can find most of their source code on GitHub that is linked on their main page. PubNub has multiple variants, but you can build your own by compiling their code.


  • Real-time network support
  • Easily scale applications for the global market
  • Build real-time applications
  • Fast deployment
  • Add SMS and other advertisement support
  • Many add-ons
  • Completely open-source
  • Add/remove features
  • Regularly updated

AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is one of the strongest backends to ever live on the internet, and because of a single reason. It is a set of JavaScript scripts. Nearly every type of application in the world needs to use JavaScript in one way or another. This is where AWS Amplify can come in. It can amplify any sort of application’s usability: whether that be a game or a social media applet, users will get full-fledged support for the backend. The AWS Amplify is also able to support a list of reliable cloud operations.


  • Local Testing
  • GraphQL Editor
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Lambda Function triggers and resolvers.
  • Custom indexing
  • Support for AAS (Amazon Aurora Serverless)
  • Streamlined OAuth flow
  • Extremely powerful and volatile
  • Can help on the frontend too
  • Designed for a GitHub environment.


Backendless is pretty simple, and one of the most mainstream options available as alternatives to Kuzzle. Backendless has won several rewards & is the number one choice of many developers who are making to make simple, and efficient applications without having to rely on complex, confusing code that might not even work. Backendless is usually used to make applications that rely on social media, but it can also make applications that do not even have to use a single social media application if you desire.

Here are some features of Backendless:


  • Caching support
  • Cloud coding & cloud infrastructure
  • Codeless development
  • Geolocation support
  • Real-time data
  • SMS/mail subscription development.
  • Custom login system


Pusher is one of the leading backend companies that allow easy communication between different APIs so that applications are easily able to integrate SDKs for different devices. Pusher is available as a hosted service and adds real-time data functionality to even the applications, and not only the developer side. Pusher has been around for 8 years and is one of the most mature alternatives to Kuzzle.

Here are some features of Pusher:


  • Flexible messaging
  • Live user lists
  • Integration with social media applications
  • Integration with different APIs
  • Authentication support
  • Ever-increasing popularity


These are all the alternatives in case you don’t find Kuzzle to be an attractive option for you, or for your developer. There are many other options available too, like Kony Quantum and Mendix, but these 8 alternatives are much better for Kuzzle competitors.

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