Top 10 Phoenix Framework Alternatives
This article will explore ten of the best Phoenix Framework alternatives. The list includes Ruby on Rails, Django, Laravel, Spring, ExpressJS, etc.
Backend software developers have to often choose between productivity and performance, compromising one for the other.
While modern frameworks try to minimize the tradeoffs to a limited extent, none of them has come closer to the implementation of the Phoenix Framework, which offers Ruby on Rails levels of productivity while being one of the fastest frameworks available in the market.
That said, Phoenix is still a young framework, and it is yet to be adopted on a widespread level, meaning that the community support might be limited compared to some other frameworks.
In the following post, we take a detailed look at what Phoenix Framework brings to the world of software development and then discuss some of the top Phoenix alternatives available to developers.
What is the Phoenix Framework?
If you have developed anything in the Elixir programming ecosystem, you must have heard of the Phoenix Framework.
This web development framework is built on the Erlang VM and is widely used in the development of fault-tolerant, low-latency, distributed modern web applications. It is one of the most known Elixir Frameworks.
Phoenix borrows heavily from other frameworks built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, like Rails and Django, providing a large part of everything you need to develop a web app out of the box, albeit in a less “batteries included” manner.
Currently, Phoenix is frequently used with LiveView, a library built on top of Phoenix, and Alpine.js to a lesser extent.
Advantages of the Phoenix Framework
- Speed
Elixir, and Phoenix as an extension, are fast. Elixir is a functional language and offers significantly better response times compared to object-oriented languages like Ruby.
With Elixir and Phoenix, developers can provide an impressive user experience by developing responsive and functional applications.
- Reliability
Elixir provides the best of Erlang and Ruby; it has a simple syntax like Ruby and offers all the features of a mature system like Erlang.
As a result of being built on Erlang, Phoenix is a framework designed to be fault-tolerant, concurrent, and reliable.
- Productivity
In Elixir, the naming conventions are simpler, routing is easier to manage via plugs, changesets allow clear validation and transformation rules, and the importing functionality is straightforward yet flexible.
Such features make Elixir one of the most productive web frameworks and offer a healthy speed of development.
Disadvantages of the Phoenix Framework
- Lack of Elixir developers
First appearing only in 2012, Elixir is a relatively new language and is not adopted on a widespread scale.
The demand for Elixir developers is substantially lower compared to its alternatives, and the number of developers available in the market is even lower. It will take some time before Elixir and Phoenix gain good community support.
- Elixir is a young programming language
Another point of concern is the future of Elixir; being a relatively young programming language, there is no sure way to tell what lies in the future for the Elixir ecosystem and if it will ever be adopted for more complex projects.
- Small ecosystem
Due to the lack of a robust open-source community, the number of tools and libraries available is also limited.
While Phoenix LiveView has helped bridge the gap to a certain extent, more time is required for it to catch up to its alternatives.
Top 10 Phoenix Framework Alternatives
Please see below ten of the best alternatives to Phoenix framework.
Ruby on Rails
Ruby is the primary inspiration behind Elixir and Phoenix and Rails is the ideal alternative if you are looking for a web framework to boost productivity.
Rails is a server-side web app framework for Ruby that provides all the tools required by developers to build modern, responsive, and functional web applications using Ruby.
Django is the Python contemporary to Ruby and enables rapid and secure web development in the Python ecosystem.
It takes care of much of the hassle of web development, allowing developers to focus on writing code without reinventing the wheel.
Laravel is one of the most popular web development frameworks available to developers right now. It is a completely server-side framework built on PHP and can be used to develop a wide range of custom web apps for multiple industries.
Spring Framework
Spring Framework is an open-source app framework and inversion of control container for the Java platform, providing the infrastructure required to develop Java and web apps on top of the Java EE platform.
While it has modules and extensions for web development, Spring can work in any Java app irrespective of the context.
Moving over the Node.js environment, ExpressJS is a minimal, flexible, and one of the most popular frameworks used to develop a wide range of web apps with robust functionality.
If you are looking for a Phoenix alternative with widespread community support, ExpressJS is your best bet.
A highly opinionated alternative to Laravel is CakePHP, which is a popular open-source web framework for PHP development.
CakePHP offers multiple features like code generation and app scaffolding that accelerates production speeds and saves development costs.
Despite being developed by the same teams, Koa is a simpler and a more customizable alternative to ExpressJS.
It provides a robust set of tools and leverages async functions to improve productivity and error handling significantly.
Moving over to the .NET platform, Asp.Net is an open-source web framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to build dynamic web pages, apps, and services using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
Asp.Net extends the functionality of the .NET platform and makes the development of web apps and APIs easier and quicker.
If you are looking to develop single-page apps in Python, Flask is a minimal, flexible, and responsive alternative to Phoenix you can use.
Flask is a micro-framework, i.e., it does not bundle tools and libraries and instead uses third party libraries to deliver functionalities.
Sinatra Framework
Sinatra is a free and open-source web app library that allows developers to build robust web apps using Ruby on top of the Rack web server.
If you are just starting Ruby, Sinatra is an excellent choice to build a solid foundation before moving on to Phoenix or Rails.
The advantage of Elixir over other Phoenix alternatives is that it does not serve a particular niche, allowing developers to build applications for any industry.
However, the uncertainty over the future of Elixir makes it difficult for developers to commit full time without a robust community backing.
If you have been wondering about using one of the alternatives to Phoenix for your next project and cannot decide, consider getting in touch with one of the experts at a leading app hosting company for detailed insights.
What is the Phoenix Framework?
A web development framework written in Elixir.
What are the pros & cons of the Phoenix Framework?
Pros: speed, reliability, and productivity
Cons: lack of Elixir engineers, young language, small community
What are the alternatives to Phoenix Framework?
– Ruby on Rails
– Django
– Laravel
– Spring Framework
– ExpressJS
– CakePHP
– Koa
– Asp.Net
– Flask
– Sinatra Framework