What is a Backend?

Programmers and web developers use languages and terms that are alien to the average computer user.  People that hope to work with web technology in any capacity must be acquainted with these development lingos.

One of the essential aspects of web and app development is the “Backend.”

This article shall discuss various parts of the backend and its importance in development assignments. Now let’s introduce the backend to the layman.

What is Backend?

Apps consist of two sections. The users can access the frontend while the area invisible to the user is the backend. 

The backend is a general term used to describe the hardware resources, network infrastructure, and software technology that powers an app or website. The frontend can be likened to a car’s body, while the backend is like the engine that drives the body, hidden away inside the chassis.

In computer applications, the website or app users are the ones that access the frontend, just like passengers use the car exterior. On the other hand, the engineers and developers work with the backend, like how mechanics and engineers work with the car engine. 

Server-Side Vs. Client-Side

Have you heard about the term client-side and server-side of a program? Developers deal with these terms every day. Let’s explain the difference and relationships between the client-side and server-side of an app.

The Client-Side:  This term refers to the activities that occur on the devices connected to the server. This can be a smartphone, PC, or any other computing device of the users.

A typical example is when you browse a website. Your web browser would access the user interface consisting of text, graphics, and perhaps forms that allow you to interact with the resource’s backend.

Some of the frontend features may be triggered by backend functions. A typical example is the push notifications on a smartphone that are controlled by the backend end. However, most frontend codes do not need to communicate with the server.

Server-Side: This refers to the functions on the server, such as interaction with the database, authentication, server application functions, authentication, and many others. In summary, server-side operations refer to the functions that are accessible by the client terminal.

An Overview of Backend Architecture

Your project’s server requirement determines the type of backend architecture that is the most appropriate for it.  Other vital factors to consider include costs and the must-have features of your ideal architecture. 

There are three classes of server architecture. These are:

  • Serverless backend.
  • Server-oriented backend, and 
  • Decentralized backend.

Let’s take a look at these architectures one after the other.

Server-Oriented Backend

Servers are computers or programs that provide services accessible by other computing devices. This approach is the conventional server architecture and also the most widely adopted among developers. 

Server backends can be on-location on stationed on the cloud.  Some of the benefits of this backend architecture are simplified data sharing and seamless integration with various computing devices.  Since this architecture is centralized, it offers a single access point, whether in your home, office, or any other location.

The server-oriented architecture consists of the following three layers discussed below.

API: This term means the Application Programming Interface. It’s more like an intermediary utility that allows the developer to add backend functions to a website or an app.  For instance, it can be used to achieve social media integrations, send messages, integrate with smartphone features, and many more.  However, the power of an API is largely determined by the capabilities of the technology that uses the API service. 

The Database: As the name implies, the database is a repository of a large volume of data accessible by users and computer programs.  The databases are created and managed using different types of modeling techniques. All types of database technology offer utilities for creating and managing the database. Developers can also create external applications for managing the data within a database. Such apps communicate with the database through a set of commands called queries to store new data or retrieve existing ones. 

Application:  The application layer consists of computer programs that submit various queries to the database. Once the database replies to the queries, it is displayed in the appropriate sections of the application’s frontend.

Serverless Backend

The serverless backend architecture has servers that are operated by a third party that handles the server deployments and management. In essence, the backend provider takes charge of server maintenance, and scaling when the need arises. So, the developer does not have to bother about server hassles. The backend provider offers an application dashboard for managing app functions.

This type of architecture helps developers handle app projects quickly.  The running of cloud apps is also hassle-free because the third-party takes care of server management and scaling. Apart from freeing the developer from server management headaches,  experts consider the serverless architecture more secure. The reason is simple; experienced backend providers can handle security issues more efficiently. 

Since the serverless server architecture is cloud-based, it is more vulnerable to attacks.  So, extra care must be taken to make the server secure. 

Decentralized Backend

This type of architecture consists of a centralized network of servers in different physical locations. Since there is no central location, nobody takes responsibility for the backend management.

This type of network is often opensource, running on separated terminals of a peer-to-peer network. Two of the most popular decentralized networks are those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. 

Programmers can use any language to create the frontend and user interface for this kind of backend. The frontend storage of decentralized architecture can be hosted by backend apps such as Swarm or IPFS.

A Final Note

The above paragraphs introduced the reader to backends and explained the concepts of client-side and server-side functions. 

The backend is a vital part of every application platform; it is the engine that processes information requests and delivers the output to client terminals. In essence, the backend powers website’s and app’s functions. The frontend codes communicate with backend features such as the server apps and database to submit and retrieve information as the need arises. 

In summary, the backend is responsible for the proper functioning of the features of the frontend. The frontend provides the codes and an interface that allows the user to communicate with the backend. The two work together to provide the functions you see in apps and websites. 


What is a backend?

Apps consist of two sections. The users can access the frontend while the area invisible to the user is the backend. 

How does the backend architecture looks like?

– Server-Based
– Serverless
– Decentralized

What’s the difference between client-side and server-side?

The Client-Side:  This term refers to the activities that occur on the devices connected to the server. This can be a smartphone, PC, or any other computing device of the users.

Server-Side: This refers to the functions on the server, such as interaction with the database, authentication, server application functions, authentication, and many others.

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