Because I’ve seen some developers in the Back4App and Parse communities sometimes struggling to understand how Parse Live Query works, I wrote this article to explain all different events that Parse Live Query can fire and how to maintain a collection of Parse objects real-time updated on the client-side. So let’s get started! First of all, I created a Parse App at Back4App and a very simple class to illustrate the many different events that Parse Live Query can fire. The name of my class is Todo and I added two columns:
Instant GraphQL API on Back4App
After a lot of coffee and code, we are excited to announce the GraphQL support on Back4App!
Since version 3.5, Parse Server automatically provides a GraphQL API in addition to the REST API. Version 3.6 is already available as a beta at Back4App, and you can now enjoy a powerful, also instantly, generated GraphQL API, for your new or existing apps.