
Parse Server 5 – Closed Beta on Back4app

Parse Platform is an open-source backend tool kit developed and maintained by a community of experts that when combined with Back4App, allows you to access a scalable backend and launch mobile or web applications in just minutes, without having to worry about server infrastructure and management.

The tool kit, offers users the most popular backend features, including easy access to databases, REST API, GraphQL API, cloud functions, authentication, notifications, and cron jobs, which can all be deployed on any infrastructure running NodeJS.

In 2022, Parse Server 5 (a core component of the Parse Platform) was released, bringing several improvements to the popular backend tool kit.

Since its launch, Back4App has been working tirelessly with the open-source community to make this, the best version ever released!

Given its popularity, Parse is constantly being updated by the open-source community with the latest security patches, performance improvements, and new features, all covered in this article.

How to make a ToDo List App with React Native, Expo and Back4App

React Native is one of the most popular frameworks used in mobile development. It was created by Facebook based on Javascript. It can be used to build apps to iOS or Android with native platform capabilities.

Expo is a tool that helps you speed up development time and testing.

This article explains how you can integrate a React Native app with Back4App. After completing this step-by-step tutorial, you will have built a project to manipulate a To-Do List.

Is it your first time using Back4App? If so, you need to do the Sign-Up.

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!