Top 10 Cloud App Hosting Providers

Cloud application hosting makes applications and websites accessible. Unlike traditional hosting, virtual and physical cloud servers host the application or website, ensuring flexibility and scalability.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing provides on-demand delivery of computing resources and services. It includes tools and applications such as networking, databases, data storage, and software.

Cloud-based storage can keep files and save them to a remote database, and as long as the device has access to the web, it has access to the data.

It is also a popular option for people and businesses for various reasons like increased productivity, security, speed and efficiency, cost savings, and performance.

What are the Advantages of Cloud Hosting?

Cloud computing has been the talk of the decade, and more and more businesses are switching to it each day. Though it makes daily computing easier through streamlining IT processes, it’s not something to rush. These are the main advantages of cloud hosting:

  • Cost-effective: The services are capital expenditure-free. In cloud computing, there are no huge costs of hardware. You just have to pay based on your subscription plan.
  • Reliability: Cloud providers are reliable in their services which maintain an uptime of 99.9%. You could take needed applications from anywhere, and some even work off-line.
  • Flexibility in Capacity: Cloud application hosting is known for its flexibility. It could be turned up, down, or off by the user. Like in the promotion of sales, you could add capacity to avoid losing sales and crashing. After the sales, businesses could lessen the capacity for cost-cutting.
  • Portability: Another advantage is one can work from anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. There is also no restriction of the device even while using critical cloud services.
  • Automated Updates on Software: In cloud computing, server suppliers update the software, including security, so you wouldn’t have to wait for updates. Now you have more time to focus on growing your business.
  • Security: When any data has gotten lost, excellent security is offered in cloud computing as it is saved in the system, making it easier to retrieve during unexpected times. Deleting data could also be done.

Top 10 Cloud App Hosting Providers

Cloud hosting offers a lot of flexibility. Its plan is like pay-as-you-go, where you can set your resources based on your needs each month and pay accordingly.

There are various options of cloud app hosting providers, and choosing one could be challenging. After hours of research, we found the best cloud application hosts in the business.

1.   Back4App

Back4App offers a feature where the user can host a website or a simple NodeJS app. Configuring a subdomain on Back4App is needed in enabling the web hosting app. It’s easy to use and removes the tricky part when setting up the backend service.

2.   Heroku

Heroku is a cloud app hosting provider where you can deploy projects and a web app in a snap. Hero also offers free add-ons, such as Redis and PostgreSQL.

3.   Firebase

Firebase is a cloud app hosting platform that gives many services. Reviewers indicated it was limited, but with its last releases, Firebase built serverless applications and even opened their SDK’s source code.

4.   Backendless

Backendless can send emails, give notifications, and has real-time chat and geolocation-based functionality. Backendless, a Visual App Development Platform (VADP), combines API, user, and database management functionalities.

These functionalities are offered with a user-friendly web-based interface and UI Builder. It is customizable using manually written code or by using Codeless logic builder. Backendless can be hosted on cloud application hosting servers or installed and managed on private servers.

5.   DigitalOcean App Platform

The App’s GitHub repository, building, deploying, and scaling apps and static sites are made possible. Costs on the App are lower too than other providers.

With DigitalOcean Kubernetes as its base, the app offers the flexibility, power, and scale of Kubernetes without difficulty. Moreover, its build has open standards, giving visibility into the infrastructure than in a closed PaaS environment.

6.   AWS Amplify

This cloud application hosting makes creating, configuring, and implementing mobile applications powered by AWS Amplify easier. It allows and manages the mobile backend and provides a simple framework to merge the backend with Web, Android, iOS, and React Native frontends. Delivery of features is also faster due to the automation of both front-end and back-end application release processes.

7.   Kinvey

It allows the user to build hybrid, web, and IoT apps without setting up a cloud-based backend. With Kinvey, the connection to the services and maintenance of the servers is also taken care of independently.

8.   Kumulos

Kumulos is a simple but powerful mobile application performance management software that allows developers to create apps faster and maximize returns when the apps go live.

It clusters commercial and technical mobile app performance management in one place to enable businesses to get better results. Its features, including crash reporting, mobile Backend as a Service (mBaaS), client portal, push notification service, reporting & analytics, agency console, and app store optimization, make it ideal for fast-growing businesses throughout the app development world.

9.   8Base

8base is a cloud-based platform. It has a ready-to-use serverless, GraphQL backend as a service, helping frontend developers make enterprise web and mobile apps. The ready-to-use backend does not depend on backend developers, or DevOps is of great advantage.

Using the platform benefits the business as development teams reduce front-end developers, impacting cost, delivery time, and risk. Moreover, 8base automatically scales to meet user demands.

10. Kuzzle

An all-in-one backend solution. It is a French startup that gives scalable solutions to avoid starting from scratch. The cloud app hosting platform works on Linux or Docker-compatible servers, making it compatible with significant cloud servers like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services. It allows you to handle real-time notifications, data synchronization, and more which is also very useful.


Cloud application hosting provides various options and advantages for quicker solution deployment, which is needed and critical for a fast-growing business’ client and service provider, as deploying solutions within weeks is costly and not easy.


What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing provides on-demand delivery of computing resources and services. It includes tools and applications such as networking, databases, data storage, and software.

What are the advantages of Cloud Computing?

– Cost
– Reliability
– Flexibility

What are the best cloud app hosting providers?

– Back4app
– Heroku
– Firebase
– Backendless
– Digital Ocean App Platform
– AWS Amplify
– Kinvey
– Kumulos
– 8Base
– Kuzzle

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