Top 10 Cloud App Hosting Providers

Cloud application hosting utilizes a network of physical and remote servers to ensure the availability of apps and websites over the internet. Compared to conventional hosting, it promises more availability, fast loading, and improved storage.

forecast report by IDC predicts that global consumption of public cloud services will hit 1.35 trillion USD by 2027. Similarly, Gartner’s survey reveals that 48% of companies consider financing cloud computing categories more than any other area. 

This data shows the powerful presence of cloud computing in the IT industry. That is why it is also significant to discover the leading cloud app hosting providers. So, this article will discuss the top-rated ones and their key features.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing refers to the on-demand provision of storage, networking, servers, analytics, notifications, and software resources. It allows businesses to back up data in the cloud instead of using on-premises storage options. 

Indeed, CSPs are responsible for running and managing physical and remote servers in this regard. Platform as a Service (PaaS), Backend as a Service (BaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) are major classes of cloud computing. 

The majority of companies choose cloud computing solutions because of their cost efficiency, scalability, productivity, and performance. 

What are the Advantages of Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting is a sought-after option for accessing apps and websites over the internet. It offers a wide range of advantages to users. Let’s discover these cloud hosting benefits:

  • Cost-Effective: Installing and running IT infrastructure needs more capital. However, cloud hosting overcomes this cost. CSPs are responsible for the maintenance of data centers and further expenditures. Also, cloud services have a pay-as-you-go pricing structure. So, you are only billed for the resources you consume. 
  • Scalability: The cloud allows you to scale down or up your computing needs at any time. Yes, cloud hosting is popular for its quick extensibility of storage, database, and networking instances. 
  • Reliability: CSPs guarantee a 99.99% uptime because they rely on multiple servers worldwide. This means your application will remain up even if any server is down. 
  • Flexibility: Cloud hosting has also been adopted because of its flexible nature. Yes, cloud services authorize dev teams to work from anywhere. Also, you can seamlessly integrate these computing platforms with third-party tools and platforms.
  • Competitive Edge: Cloud hosting speeds up the development cycle and improves time to market. These features give businesses an edge over competitors that use traditional hosting options. 

Top 10 Cloud App Hosting Platforms

Back4app, Render, Heroku, Firebase, and Google App Engine are some of the leading cloud app hosting providers. Let’s discuss them in detail.

1. Back4app

Back4app is a prominent cloud app hosting platform that ships over 400,000 applications and owns a community of 300,000 developers.

This cloud infrastructure provider aids businesses and dev teams in crafting, extending, and deploying applications smoothly.

Back4app Containers and Backend as a Service (BaaS) are two core offerings of this CSP. Initially, if we talk about CaaS, it lets you instantly deploy and publish a Git-hosted code.

Yes, you can connect your GitHub account with Back4app and set up the repository within seconds in a fully containerized environment.

Conversely, this platform also hosts app backends in the cloud. It delivers server-side functionalities such as databases, storage, notifications, authentication, and cloud code.

With these features, businesses can focus on core competencies, and Back4app is liable for backend operations.

Similarly, the open-source nature, global CDN, and free tier also give this cloud hosting solution an edge over competitors.

Indeed, you can utilize open-source technologies like Postgres, Redis, Node.js, and Docker using this CSP. Moreover, Back4app has free-to-start plans for its CaaS and BaaS programs. 


  • Fast Deployments – You can build and deploy applications in a breeze using Back4app. It takes a few minutes to attach a GitHub repository with this CaaS solution and deploy code with zero configuration. Correspondingly, you can monitor and tailor these deployments anytime.
  • APIs & SDKs – Back4app allows you to utilize 10 built-in SDKs, REST, and GraphQL APIs. These APIs and SDKs are helpful for spontaneously spinning databases and crafting backends quickly. 
  • User Authentication – This cloud hosting provider also takes responsibility for authenticating users and passwords. Hereof, it grants a fully administered and customized user verification system for applications. This feature lets users proceed with the sign-in or registration procedure utilizing distinct email or social accounts.
  • Containerized Environment – Back4app runs the applications in an isolated environment called containers. Containerization is highly beneficial for accelerating development speed. Portability, easy app management, and improved DevOps workflows are further advantages of containerization.

2. Render

Render is a powerful cloud app hosting platform that handles over 40 billion requests monthly.

This California-headquartered CSP can host DBs, backend APIs, static sites, Docker containers, and Cron jobs. To begin using its services, simply attach your Git repository to Render. 

Render deploys apps in a managed and containerized environment and backs popular technologies, including Node.js, Python, and Ruby.

Moreover, this fully administered infrastructure provider can support all sizes of application projects, whether prototypes or enterprise-level ones. 

Free-to-start programs, global CDN, custom domains, automatic HTTPs redirects, and SSL certifications are also advantages of using Render.

You can employ the Individual plan if you want to proceed with its free tier offering. 


  • Managed Databases – Render has completely administered databases for relational and non-relational datasets. It has Managed PostgreSQL to back relational schemas. Similarly, it uses Managed Redis to support NoSQL databases. 
  • Infrastructure as Code – IaC, also known as Render Blueprint, illustrates, administers, and deploys various instances using an exclusive YAML file. You can discover these Blueprint files by searching for ‘render.yaml’.
  • Preview Environments – Render spontaneously generates recent replicas of your production environment. Therefore, developers can easily analyze the modifications without disturbing the staging. They also don’t have to depend on DevOps teams to overview these changes. 
  • Render API – Render provides users with an authoritative REST API to handle distinct functionalities. Yes, this public API is helpful for managing custom domains, Cron jobs, deploying data stores, and Blueprints. 

3. Firebase

Firebase is an all-in-one cloud app hosting platform that comes with robust Google Cloud support.

In addition to numerous cloud computing services, this CSP also backs a wide range of operating systems and technologies, including iOS, Android, Unity, and Web. 

It is straightforward to connect a Git repository via Firebase CLI or console to deploy and host your code quickly. In this regard, GCP and its features like Cloud CDN, Cloud Build, and Cloud Run play a significant role. 

Cloud messaging, remote configuration, Firestore, data connect, app check, and authentication are further appealing functions of Firebase.

Like other app hosting providers, Firebase has a no-cost plan. Yes, you can host your apps for free if the Spark plan fulfills your required instances. 


  • App Hosting – This feature enables dev teams to host their web applications on Firebase through ‘git-push’ options. App Hosting is a full-fledged solution that handles server-side and frontend rendering, manages domains, and supports multiple frameworks. 
  • Database – Firebase is a suitable solution for SQL and non-relational datasets. You can leverage Data Connect if your DB is PostgreSQL. Contrarily, its Realtime and Firestore DBs endorse NoSQL document schemas. 
  • App Check – It is a highly valuable functionality that keeps your apps protected from phishing, data poisoning, and several other online fraudulent activities. In simple words, this extra layer of security safeguards your backend APIs and resources from attackers.
  • Authentication – Firebase supports numerous SDKs and UI libraries for verifying application users via multiple social or email accounts. This ready-made user authentication system allows you to tailor the registration or login page interface. 

4. Heroku

Endorsed by Salesforce, Heroku is another cloud app hosting provider that follows the Platform as a Service (PaaS) computing model.

It permits startups, developers, and agencies to build, deploy, and run applications in smart containers. 

These containers are called dynos and play a significant role in running apps in an administered environment.

With over 7800 build packs, Heroku is a suitable CSP for famous technologies, including Java, Python, JS, Ruby, Node.js, Scala, and PHP. 

Although Heroku is a reliable hosting vendor but, unlike other hosting services, it doesn’t offer a free tier plan to its users.

Yes, you ought to pick a premium program to begin using this PaaS provider. Moreover, Heroku has a fixed pricing structure.


  • Data Services – Heroku promises to manage SQL and non-relational data services for its users entirely. Some DBs that you can easily access while using Heroku are Redis, Apache Kafka, and Postgres. 
  • Streamline Deployment – This containerized platform is famous for its easy and quick deployment process. You just have to link your Git repository, and Heroku handles load balancing and backend infrastructure.
  • Add-ons – Another incredible property of Heroku is its availability of more than 200 add-ons. These third-party add-ons can be seamlessly interspersed with applications.
  • Heroku Runtime – Heroku Runtime is liable for supervising applications in dynos. This feature lets dev teams deal with app traffic and utilize SSL certifications. Automated security patching and instant rollbacks are further benefits of this feature. 

5. Backendless

Backendless is an ultrafast BaaS vendor that can host your applications and backends. It is a great choice for dev teams with minimum coding skills.

Yes, Backendless is a no-code or low-code application development platform famous for visual databases and codeless logic.

However, this hosting provider also grants excellent support for iOS, Android, Flutter, JavaScript, and .NET projects.

Fully managed Docker architecture, real-time data, API services, and cloud code are further properties of Backendless. 

The pricing model of this CSP is also user-friendly. As a beginner, you can choose the Free plan for limited instances. Then, it is easy to switch from Free to Scale Fixed or Scale Variable plans anytime. 


  • Caching API – You can approach this API through any of the Backendless SDKs and backlog or fetch data from the server. This API can also translate cached content for multiple platforms and technologies.
  • User Management & Engagement – Backendless offers user management APIs to manage user authentication, sessions, password encryption, and login procedures. Similarly, you can retain and engage users through email marketing and notifications.
  • Codeless – This is one of the most exciting functionalities that lets you craft and deploy backends without scripting the code. Indeed, you get a graphical interface to deal with all aspects of your app.
  • Cloud Database – Backendless supports non-relational and SQL datasets through its highly scalable and real-time database. It also comes with a data browser that eliminates the need for a database administrator. 

6. DigitalOcean App Platform

DigitalOcean App Platform is another PaaS offering on our listing that guarantees excellent API, web, static, and mobile app hosting.

With built-in security and backing for all popular programming languages, App Platform creates, deploys, and runs applications in a managed environment.

It empowers dev teams to publish app scripts through Docker Hub, Git repository, or container image. Later, you can employ shared hosting or go with dedicated servers.

In addition, you can also enable the autoscaling option after making the app live.

If you discuss its pricing, the App Platform Free plan is best for startups and learners. Beginners who want to host their static apps can employ it.

However, a small fee is associated with its Web Hosting and Business Critical Apps packages. 


  • Fast Deploys – The App Platform allows for instant and automated deployments and redeployments. Developers just have to sync this DigitalOcean account with a Git platform and publish the code without any configuration.
  • App Insight – Getting detailed insights is also necessary for running apps successfully. Fortunately, the App Platform delivers in-depth insights into the performance, user behavior, and resource consumption.
  • Kubernetes – Developers can host containerized apps with complete control over administered Kubernetes. This functionality is considered more straightforward than the native experience. Quick extensibility of resources and backing for private registries are also advantages of this feature.
  • Security – If you want a protected cloud hosting for your applications, you can employ App Platform. It not only provides SSL certificates but also safeguards your data against DDoS attacks. 

7. 8Base

8Base is an advanced cloud hosting solution that gives life to your ideas. It comes with AI-powered architecture, so it becomes easy for dev teams to deploy and build applications quickly.

Moreover, as a Backend as a Service (BaaS) provider, it grants a full suite of server-side computing tools. 

File handling, user authentication, a managed relational database, and dedicated hosting instances are key highlights of this CSP.

This low-code infrastructure provider also offers a freemium program that allows you to employ a particular hosting region.


  • ARCHIE – All hosting providers are combining their services with artificial intelligence. In this regard, 8Base launched a complete product called ARCHIE. It confers developers prebuilt templates and visual architecture to overcome the project duration and cost.  
  • Language Support – 8Base is a highly compatible computing platform for many frontend technologies, including Vue, React, Angular, Ionic, Flutter, and Android.
  • Relational Database – The availability of fault-tolerant databases is another advantage of using 8Base. This purely ACID-compliant DB smoothly handles, stores, and queries the data.
  • GraphQL API Engine – This powerful API deals with server-side functionalities of your backends. With this feature, you can simply emphasize the core business and client-side development, and it takes care of all server-side operations.  

8. AWS Amplify

Do you want an AWS-endorsed cloud app hosting provider with a free tier offering? If yes, you shouldn’t skip AWS Amplify.

This is a highly extensible and secure solution to deploy single-page, multiplatform, static, SSR, and mobile applications effortlessly.

Yes, you ought to attach your Git repository with Amplify and deploy the hosted code within minutes.

This CSP is prominently featured with full-stack support, authentication, zero-config, real-time data, and ample community.

Furthermore, its ‘always free’ properties under the free tier program make it a perfect choice for startups and SMEs.

However, when you switch to a paid plan, the charges remain very predictable with a pay-as-you-go pricing model. 


  • DataStore – This storage engine simultaneously unifies the content of your applications and database. Therefore, developers can access the data in the meantime. Offline mode, visual data modeling, and easy content administration are further perks of DataStore.
  • Authentication – AWS Amplify has a complete user authentication system. This allows you to authorize app users, customize the UI elements, and control user activity. 
  • Amplify Studio – Consider Amplify Studio if you want to utilize a visual interface to handle content and smoothly craft the backend. It is also a great tool for improving teamwork. For example, it lets developers grant access to teammates without opening an account on Amazon Web Services. 
  • Amplify Libraries – It is an exciting tool for approaching open-source libraries and resources for Flutter, Android, Swift, and JS projects. It is also beneficial for deploying cloud-based applications.  

9. is a futuristic app hosting provider suitable for over 14 scripting technologies and 100 frameworks.

It is basically a Platform as a Service (PaaS) vendor that has served 5,000 customers worldwide. 

You can quickly deploy your code following a simplified solution here. Yes, after syncing your Git repository with, it takes only a few steps to complete the development process.

Fully managed and cloned environments, server optimization, and 99.99% uptime are also benefits of using this CSP.

If we talk about its pricing structure, the Professional plan has a 30-day free trial, during which you don’t have to insert your credit card details. Otherwise, it charges a fixed fee for its different services.


  • Developer Workflow – streamlines the developer workflow through a combination of APIs, UIs, Git-based code hosting, and YAML configuration. Its support for a wide range of runtime environments and frameworks also improves productivity.
  • Observability – You can monitor the usage of memory, CPU, and other instances to improve the performance of an application using this feature. It offers a dashboard and presents all details graphically. 
  • Scalability – Like other CSPs, also has the feature of auto-scaling. So, if your app traffic spikes, the infrastructure provider will extend the server-side resources. 
  • Security & Compliance – Data protection from malware and cyberattacks has become crucial for businesses. Fortunately, you get complete security for your web and mobile applications with 

10. Google App Engine

Founded in 2008, Google Cloud Platform is a big name in the cloud computing world.

Businesses and developers who want to host their applications on Google servers must consider using Google App Engine. It is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) product that helps in hosting and creating applications.

The free tier plan comes with metered resources. Likewise, you can get 1GB of outbound data daily, 9 and 28 hours of B1 and F1 instances, respectively. Withal, its billing amount varies from region to region. You can benefit from the Google Cloud Pricing Calculator to estimate the cost.


  • Fully Managed – Google App Engine has a fully administered infrastructure where you don’t need to supervise any server or backend functionality. Also, you don’t have to conduct any configuration for publishing your code.
  • Versioning – It frees the dev teams to build and deploy distinct versions of cloud applications. Also, they can host them in multiple environments. 
  • Support for Languages – GAE supports almost all popular programming languages. So, you can employ this platform for any of your Python, Go, Java, and Ruby projects without any hesitation.
  • Secure – GAE is also a highly secure hosting platform for all types of applications. SSL or TLS certifications also keep your data secure from different cyber-attacks.


Employing a cloud app hosting provider is a daunting task. However, this comprehensive guide and list of top-notch hosting vendors will help you in choosing the right option.

So, make a wise decision after analyzing these solutions in detail. 

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