Top 10 Flask Framework Alternatives

This article will explore ten of the best Flask framework alternatives. The list includes Django, Bottle, Web2py, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, etc.

Flask is one of the most popular Python-based web frameworks available to developers at the moment. Unlike full-stack frameworks, Flask is lightweight and extensible, meaning that it is designed to get quick results while leaving enough room for the app to be extended in the future.

With extensive documentation, Flask can help you understand how each backend component works, allowing even novice developers to get their deployments up and running in no time.

While the popularity of Flask is undeniable, in certain niche circumstances, some alternative web frameworks can perform better and help developers implement their required features.

In the following post, we take a look at some of the top Flask alternatives that developers can use for their next project.

If you are looking for the ideal framework to implement in your next project, the following post should help you make an informed decision.

What is Flask?

Flask is essentially a web microframework written in Python that allows you to develop web applications rapidly and easily.

Unlike some other frameworks discussed below, Flask is referred to as a microframework as it does not require any additional tools or libraries and lacks certain functionalities, like input validation, web template engine, data abstraction layers, etc.

That said, Flask supports a plethora of extensions that can be used to provide additional features to the app natively. Some of these include extensions for form validation, ORM, upload handling, and other common framework related tools.

Flask is also extremely flexible, making it the ideal choice for smaller, niche use cases. It is used in the tech stacks of popular applications like Pinterest, LinkedIn, Lyft, Mozilla, etc.

Keep reading to discover the best alternatives to Flask framework.

Advantages of Flask

  • Simplicity of development

Flask is built around the core concepts of simplicity and flexibility. It is a simple yet highly functional framework with extensive documentation, allowing even newer developers to build web apps and APIs quickly.

Flask itself is made up of Python modules that can interoperate between different systems and workflows. Developers can use any component they like to get their app up and running.

  • Scalability

Flask’s status as a microframework actually makes it suitable for use in fast-paced environments, where it is preferred to start small and expand later.

This web framework is highly scalable and can process a large number of requests each day as the app grows. Flask modularizes the code, allowing developers to segregate them into independent components which can be used later as required.

  • Lightweight

Considering the fact that the core codebase of Flask is small, it provides developers extensive control over what components they want in their app.

Flask supports modular programming, i.e., the core functionality of the framework can be split into interchangeable and interoperable modules, which act as independent building blocks that are moveable and testable on their own.

Disadvantages of Flask

  • Lack of tools

The obvious downside to the lightweight nature of Flask is the lack of native tools. Unlike full-stack frameworks, Flask developers will have to add the extensions and libraries manually, which can be a complex task in larger projects.

Moreover, a large number of modules can start to slow down the app in certain instances and it cannot process all the requests properly.

  • Larger Flask apps can be difficult to understand

While the modularity of Flask is a definite advantage, it can also come back to haunt developers in certain scenarios.

The development of a web app can take any route possible, meaning large apps can be difficult to understand for developers arriving at a project midway, who will now have to familiarize themselves with each component.

  • Maintenance costs

The versatility of Flask can also end up being the reason it is expensive. Organizations using Flask can sometimes incur extra costs for supporting the various functionalities.

Moreover, if a component in the tech stack becomes obsolete, it is difficult to find and implement a replacement quickly, which can lead to extended downtimes and higher maintenance costs.

Keep reading to discover the best Flask competitors.

Top 10 Flask Alternatives


Django is one of the most popular high-level Python frameworks available to developers. Unlike Flask, it is a full-stack monolithic framework and comes with several extensions and libraries built into it, being a one-stop-shop for all your development needs.

It is free and open-source, follows the model-template-view architecture, and provides developers with an optional CRUD interface that can be generated dynamically and configured via admin models. 


Bottle is an incredibly light Python microframework that is targeted toward small-scale use cases. It is a simple and fast web framework distributed as a single, small Python module with no dependencies.

Bottle comes with its own web server, eliminating the need to configure WSGI servers. It also has support for various URL parameters, is highly flexible, and allows you to integrate third-party templating engines, e.g., Mako, Jinja2, etc.


Web2py is a highly familiar Python web framework that is primarily focused on enabling full-stack functionality. Similar to Bottle, Web2py has no dependencies in addition to the Python standard library, meaning it can achieve advanced functionalities while being a lightweight alternative.

Web2py requires no installation pre-requisites, comes with a fully-featured integrated development environment that allows developers to modify their website from anywhere using only a web browser, and deploys a powerful error logging system for security.


Shifting to other programming languages, Laravel is the PHP contemporary to Flask for Python. It is a free and open-source PHP backend framework that follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern to separate the backend into logical parts.

Laravel also features a modular packaging system like Flask, but it comes with additional utilities like a dedicated dependency manager, which makes it easier for developers to write, deploy, and maintain their web apps.

Ruby on Rails

Launched in 2004, Rails is now one of the most popular web frameworks out there and has inspired several frameworks in other languages.

It is a full-stack framework distributed under the MIT license that also follows the MVC architecture, which can be used to create a wide range of apps, websites, and APIs.

Rails is often faster than its competitors, largely due to the rich repository of libraries and plugins that enhance its speed and performance.


Asp.Net is an open-source, server-side web framework that can be used to create dynamic web pages, apps, and services using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

As the name suggests, Asp.Net is based on the .NET technology and extends the framework with the libraries and tools required to build modern web applications for multiple operating systems, like Windows, macOS, Linux, etc. 


ExpressJS is a JavaScript framework and one of the most popular ones overall at that. It is a free and open-source backend framework that enables developers with a robust set of features required to build modern web apps, services, and APIs.

ExpressJS is relatively easier to learn and can be deployed across a wide range of projects. Being the de facto server framework in Node.js, ExpressJS is ideally the best framework for developers looking to build web REST APIs. 

Spring Boot

Initially released in 2002, Spring Boot is one of the oldest web frameworks still in use today. It is an open-source Java framework that provides developers with a configurable, fully production-ready environment that can be used to create standalone apps using a single dependency.

In Spring Boot, there are default configurations to allow faster bootstrapping and it embeds a web server like Tomcat or Netty during the initialization process, eliminating the need to deploy WAR files.


CakePHP is undeniably one of the most popular PHP frameworks and brings multiple advantages to PHP development, like better performance, session management, and consistency.

It is a free and open-source web framework distributed under the MIT license and follows the model-view-controller architecture pattern like Rails and Laravel. Moreover, it also follows the convention over configuration paradigm, enabling better developer productivity.

It brings several features like app scaffolding, PHP templating, built-in validation, etc.


Koa is an open-source, flexible Node.js web development framework that is developed by the same team behind ExpressJS.

It aims to be a smaller yet more robust foundation for web apps and APIs, and compared to its alternatives, Koa has a smaller footprint that allows developers to write better middleware.

Since it uses ES6 generators, apps written using Koa will have fewer callbacks. It has a built-in, easily configurable catchall for errors that helps developers avoid crashes easily.


Although Flask in itself is a great tool, it is a smart move to take a look at the various Flask alternatives available in the market and find the ideal framework that is perfect for the specific needs of the project.

The features one developer finds useful in Flask might be completely unnecessary to another. If you cannot make this decision on your own, consider getting in touch with one of the experts at a leading app hosting company for further insights.

They can also help you get your hands on the best software solutions for your next project.


What is Flask?

Web microframework written in Python that allows you to develop web applications rapidly and easily.

What are the pros & cons of Flask?

Pros: Simplicity, scalability, lightweight
Cons: Lack of tools, maintenance costs, can be hard to understand

What are the best Flask alternatives?

– Django
– Bottle
– Web2py
– Laravel
– Ruby on Rails
– Asp.Net
– ExpressJS
– Spring Boot
– CakePHP
– Koa

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