What is SQL on AWS? 3 Options Compared

SQL on AWS refers to the use of Structured Query Language databases on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leading cloud services platform.

AWS provides various database services that cater to different data needs and applications, all of which can be managed and accessed from the AWS Management Console.

Each of these services has its unique features and benefits, making AWS a versatile platform for database management.

SQL databases are relational, meaning they organize data into one or more tables, allowing for data manipulation through queries.

There are many benefits to running SQL databases on AWS, including elastic scalability, redundancy and high availability, and the ability to outsource database administration tasks to Amazon, reducing overheads for the in-house team.

SQL on AWS: 3 Service Options 

AWS offers an array of SQL database services, each suited for different applications and requirements. Let’s explore three of these options: Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, and Amazon Redshift.

Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) is a web service that simplifies setting up, operating, and scaling a relational database in the cloud.

It provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity and manages time-consuming database administration tasks, freeing you up to focus on your applications and business.

RDS supports six database engines: Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle Database, and SQL Server.

Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible relational database built for the cloud. It combines the performance and availability of enterprise databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source databases.

Aurora delivers up to five times the throughput of standard MySQL and three times the throughput of standard PostgreSQL.

This performance is on par with commercial databases, at a tenth of the cost. You can easily scale your database deployment up and down from smaller to larger instance types as your needs change.

Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using your existing business intelligence tools.

It allows you to run complex analytic queries against petabytes of structured data, using sophisticated query optimization, columnar storage on high-performance storage, and massively parallel query execution.

Redshift also includes Redshift Spectrum, which allows you to directly run SQL queries against exabytes of unstructured data in Amazon S3.

No loading or transformation is required, and you can use the same SQL for structured and unstructured data.

Quick Feature Comparison

The following table compares the main features of the three Amazon services.

FeatureAmazon RDSAmazon AuroraAmazon Redshift
Service TypeRelational Database ServiceRelational DatabaseData Warehouse Service
Database Engines SupportedAmazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle Database, SQL ServerMySQL and PostgreSQL compatibleN/A
Primary Use CaseGeneral-purpose relational databaseHigh performance relational databaseLarge scale data warehousing and analytics
PerformanceCost-efficient, resizable capacityUp to 5x throughput of MySQL, 3x of PostgreSQLPetabyte-scale, sophisticated query optimization
ScalabilityScale up and down as neededServerless-based with fully automated scalingMassively parallel query execution
Data HandlingManages time-consuming database administration tasksCombines performance of enterprise databases with cost-effectivenessAnalyzes structured data using BI tools, includes Redshift Spectrum for unstructured data
AvailabilityHigh availabilityHighly available and durableHighly available
SecurityManaged service with built-in securityEncryption at rest and in transitAdvanced security features

SQL on AWS: How To Choose The Right Database

Here are the key criteria you should consider when selecting a SQL database service on AWS.

Assess Your Data Requirements

Understanding your data requirements is critical in choosing the right SQL database service on AWS. Begin by evaluating the nature and size of your data.

Are you handling large volumes of structured data or dealing with a mix of structured and unstructured data? For structured, relational data, services like Amazon RDS or Aurora are suitable, offering robust data management and querying capabilities. 

For larger datasets, particularly involving data warehousing and analytics, Amazon Redshift, designed for petabyte-scale data, is more appropriate.

Also, consider the growth trajectory of your data. If you anticipate rapid data growth, look for services offering scalable storage and performance options, ensuring they can handle increasing data volumes without significant restructuring or migration challenges.

Identify Your Performance Needs

Performance requirements vary widely based on application type, user base, and criticality of the database operations.

For applications requiring high throughput and low latency, particularly those supporting online transactions or real-time analytics, Amazon Aurora stands out with its high-performance capabilities. 

For complex analytical queries on large datasets, Amazon Redshift, with its massively parallel query execution and columnar storage, is more apt.

Consider also the peak load scenarios and ensure the chosen service can handle these without performance degradation. If your use case involves unpredictable workloads, opt for a service offering automatic scaling to efficiently manage performance during varying load conditions.

Analyze Cost Implications

The cost of AWS SQL services varies based on several factors including compute resources, storage, data transfer, and additional features like automated backups and monitoring.

Amazon RDS and Aurora are generally more cost-effective for smaller to medium-sized databases and offer a pay-as-you-go model, making them suitable for businesses seeking operational flexibility. 

Amazon Redshift, while potentially more costly due to its advanced data warehousing capabilities, offers significant cost efficiency for large-scale data analytics.

Consider your budget constraints and evaluate the total cost of ownership, including not only the service fees but also potential savings from reduced administration and maintenance needs.

Services with automated scaling and management can offer long-term cost savings by optimizing resource usage and reducing the need for extensive database administration.

Consider Compatibility and Integration

Compatibility with existing applications and ease of integration with other AWS services and external tools are essential factors in selecting an SQL database service. Check for compatibility with your current database engines, programming languages, and frameworks. 

For example, if your team is experienced in MySQL or PostgreSQL, Amazon Aurora could be a seamless fit. Similarly, evaluate the integration capabilities with AWS services like AWS Lambda for serverless computing or AWS Elastic Beanstalk for application deployment.

Also, consider the ease of data migration and the availability of tools and services to assist in this process.

A service that aligns well with your existing technology stack and offers smooth integration will reduce migration challenges and enhance overall operational efficiency.


SQL on AWS is a game-changer for database professionals. It provides scalable, efficient, and reliable solutions that cater to a wide range of applications and requirements.

Whether you’re a startup seeking a cost-effective solution or an enterprise with extensive data needs, AWS has a database service that can meet your needs.

Explore the options, compare their features, and make an informed choice. You’ll be well on your way to leveraging the power of SQL on AWS.

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