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Firebase vs Couchbase

Every business with online resources such as websites and applications requires a robust and reliable database service. It is currently the bare minimum requirement for ensuring secure and fast data storage and on-demand accessibility, both of which impact functionality and user experiences. 

Firebase and Couchbase are two popular services offering real-time features suitable for fluid mobile application development. Both these databases have a wide variety of features and provide specific advantages for developers. If you are trying to weigh out the Firebase vs. Couchbase option for your business, there are various aspects to consider. Read on to gain a better idea about which service can benefit your business. 

What is Cloud Firestore?

What is Cloud Firestore?
Cloud Firestore

One of the functions that support high-performance web or mobile applications is a robust database. An excellent database makes it easy to store information in a well-organized manner. It also creates an avenue to retrieve and manage the data effortlessly while providing functions that help automate various database management tasks. All these qualities make the database an indispensable tool for business across industry verticals.

One of the database platforms preferred by businesses around the world is Google Firestore. It provides features for advanced data management and realtime functions that enhance application development. In this discourse, we shall make an overview of the Google Firestore and the benefits it brings to developers.

Here is what you will learn reading this article:

  • What is Cloud Firestore?
  • Advantages of using Cloud Firestore
  • Cloud Firestore Features
  • How Firestore pricing works
  • Cloud Firestore Alternatives

Firebase vs. Pusher | Which is better?

Firebase vs. Pusher | Which is better?

Every business needs a reliable hosting service to power its applications across multiple platforms and devices. The hosting quality has a significant impact on the website or application’s performance, functionality, and reliability.

However, Firebase and Pusher are two of the most popular hosting providers used by numerous businesses today. Primarily, both of these are real-time API and backend tools that can take the hassle out of your development processes. Simultaneously, both of these can offer distinct benefits and features to businesses.

Have a look at the following Firebase vs. Pusher details to know each of these service providers’ key features and benefits:

Firebase vs. Parse – A comprehensive comparison for iOS development in 2020 – Part 1

Firebase vs. Parse  – A comprehensive comparison for iOS development in 2020 – Part 1


Parse and Firebase are platforms created to make the developer’s life easier, building the server-side of your application much faster, solid, and scalable.

Those two products hit the market a few years back and evolved since, always bringing new functionalities and keeping up with newer technologies.

The two take different approaches to how they do what they do. Also in how they support the iOS development specifically.

As an iOS developer myself, I decided to write a totally unbiased view of both platforms for the iOS world and see how they approach this market share specifically.

Cloud Firestore Alternatives – Which is the best?

Cloud Firestore Alternatives – Which is the best?
Cloud Firestore Alternatives

This article will provide an overview of Cloud Firestore, and present the best five alternatives to it. It will cover the features, pros & cons, and pricing of each provider.

A high-end database is one of the most vital prerequisites for any business that aims to host high-performance apps and websites. There is a great deal of popular database service options available today.

One of the widely popular options is Firestore from the Google stable, known for the level of features and functionality it offers to developers. 

Firestore may not meet your needs in terms of relational queries or vendor lock-in. So, there are many credible Google Firestore alternatives that you should consider before committing to it. Doing so can help you make the right decision if you are evaluating hosting options. 

What is Google Firestore?

What is Google Firestore?
What is Firestore

A powerful database is quite important for any business that intends to host high-performance applications for mobile and web platforms. Easy access to well-organized information, effortless data management, and robust automation features make databases invaluable for most companies.

Google Firestore is one of the standout cloud database services preferred by a large number of businesses today. It facilitates advanced data management and real-time functionality for comprehensive application development. Read on to gain a detailed insight into Google Firestore features and advantages.

Pusher vs Firebase | What are the differences?

Pusher vs Firebase | What are the differences?

This article will compare Pusher and Firebase, their features, advantages and disadvantages, and pricing structure.

All businesses require reliable hosting services to power up their applications across different devices and platforms. The quality of hosting has a significant impact on the performance, reliability, and functionality of websites and applications. 

Pusher and Firebase are two of the most prominent hosting services being used by many businesses today. Primarily, they are real-time backend /API tools that take the pain out of development. Both tools have distinct sets of features and advantages. 

The Pusher vs. Firebase question is open for debate, but you can read on which one is best for your needs. Take a look at the features and benefits of these two services. 

Firebase vs Netlify | Secrets Unlocked

Firebase vs Netlify | Secrets Unlocked

Cloud services are making a world of difference for businesses across all industry sectors today. Numerous organizations implement agile cloud computing solutions into their workflows to obtain better website and application management outcomes. If you are launching a new website or mobile app for your business, it makes sense to opt for a reliable cloud hosting and storage service. 

Firebase and Netlify are two of the leading cloud-based hosting services with advanced features. Both of these offer various benefits for users. The Firebase vs. Netlify question is not easy to answer unless you know what each offers. Take a look at the information given below to get a better idea.

Reading this article, you will learn:

  • What is Firebase? Pricing, features, and advantages
  • What is Netlify? Pricing, features, and advantages
  • Firebase vs. Netlify | Differences
  • When to use Firebase?
  • When to use Netlify?
  • Netlify vs Firebase | Comparison Table

Firebase Storage: What It Is and How It Works

Firebase is a web and mobile application development platform powered by Google. Cloud Storage is incorporated natively into the Firebase architecture.

When creating Firebase projects, you’re also creating Google Cloud projects, because this is where Firebase stores data. This integration enables you to leverage Google Cloud security features for Firebase apps, as well as manage media directly through your storage account. 

This article explains how Firebase architecture works, and walks you through the process of  accessing and uploading files, setting up monitoring, and configuring user-based security rules.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is Firebase storage?
  • Firebase architecture in the cloud
  • Firebase storage methods

Linode vs Heroku | Secrets Unlocked

Linode vs Heroku | Secrets Unlocked

Cloud computing has changed the entire landscape of how businesses operate across a plethora of industry sectors. Innovations keep coming in terms of improved security, agile business processing, web and application hosting, and data management. Linode and Heroku are two of the several highly relied upon cloud computing solutions providers today.

Both these companies offer useful features for developers, and business owners looking to enhance their infrastructural capabilities. Opting for either one can enhance your business outcomes as they are tried-and-tested by users worldwide.

The Linode vs Heroku argument has no simple conclusion. But, one can judge which one is better for them by looking at their pricing, features, and benefits. Here is what you will learn reading this article:

  • What is Linode? Pricing, features, and benefits
  • What is Heroku? Pricing, features, and benefits
  • Linode vs Heroku | Comparison

Read on to get a better idea of the subject. 

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