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Microservices Testing: 6 Must-Have Test Types

What is Microservices Testing?

Microservices are a style of software development architecture that divides applications into loosely coupled sets of services. Each service is self-sufficient and does one thing well. One of the benefits of this architecture is that it allows fast, continuous deployments. It is also possible to easily roll back a specific service and check for problems, whereas in a traditional monolithic architecture it is necessary to test the entire system.

Microservices are becoming a mainstream software architecture, and just like monolithic applications, they need to be tested to ensure quality. Microservices testing has two aspects – testing each individual microservice to see if it performs its desired function, and testing the entire microservices application to see if microservices work well together and correctly serve user requests.

Testing microservices can be difficult, due to the complexity of microservices architectures. It can be hard to make microservices observable, and teams need to manage the continued evolution of new microservices – different teams develop different microservices, often with limited communication between them. This can make it difficult to decide what and how to test.

Dokku vs Engine Yard

The world has a huge number of cloud computing services that businesses often rely on. Out of all, the best PaaS service providers can undoubtedly and easily let you obtain simple solutions to create, coordinate, manage, and deploy your applications.

But cloud computing can make you come across a huge number of PaaS options which can undoubtedly make things overwhelming. Therefore, you should concentrate on the most important things that can really help your business reach the top of the industry.

Dokku and Engine Yard are nowadays considered the most effective and advanced PaaS service providers. If you want better results for your business to grow, you should often consider choosing one of them.

Go through the below-mentioned facts to understand which PaaS service provider is ideal for your business. But the argument between Dokku and Engine Yard does not have an end!

Engine Yard vs Dokku Comparison

Platform as a Service, aka PaaS, benefits businesses that want services from a cloud service provider. PaaS can provide and maintain efficient IT infrastructure for such businesses.

Some common PaaS services comprise IT infrastructure, for example, servers, networking, data centers, etc. These infrastructures also manage application development tools, operating systems, middleware, virtualization, runtime, databases, and more. 

What is PaaS – Platform-as-a-Service?

What is PaaS – Platform-as-a-Service?
Platform as a Service PaaS

This article will provide a comprehensive report about Platform as a Service. It will cover the market size, features, pros & cons, use cases, and providers.

Businesses and programmers always want to focus on their core competencies and code instead of deploying and handling infrastructure.

On this basis, the use of the Platform as a Service (PaaS) model of cloud computing is an excellent pick. Indeed, PaaS is a popular cloud model for setting up, running, testing, and upgrading applications without taking care of infrastructure, DBMS, middleware, and additional development tools. 

However, if you are new to PaaS or willing to explore every single aspect of Platform as a Service, then follow this guide. Yes, this article is going to discuss everything about PaaS, from pros, cons, and use cases to the best PaaS providers.

The 10 Top PaaS Companies To Know About

Managing infrastructure is one of the most time-consuming aspects of building great apps. As the world of technology evolves, more businesses are looking for cloud-based solutions to help them keep up. Platform-as-a-Service, PaaS for short, provides this solution.

Similar to SaaS, PaaS provides users with the platform and environment needed to develop, manage and run applications over the Internet. It also offers database and domain management, security, and performance monitoring capabilities, eliminating the need for developers to spend time coding these features themselves.

With so many PaaS companies to choose from, you may be wondering: Who are the major players in this space, and what does each bring to the table? We’ve rounded up ten of the biggest names in cloud computing so that you can easily compare their offerings. 

Getting started with Heroku’s command line tool on macOS

Nowadays deploying web applications on the cloud has never been as easy as before. Cloud platforms like Heroku, Google, or AWS provide developers tools to allocate, maintain and deploy their web applications in a few simple steps. In the following, we will look at Heroku’s command line tool (commonly referred to as Heroku’s CLI). This tool helps us to set up our web applications to upload and deploy them on Heroku’s cloud platform. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install, set up, and use some of the key features of Heroku’s CLI.

How to Build a GraphQL API with Nest.js?

In this article, you will learn how to build a GraphQL API with NestJS taking advantage of its clean architecture and type safety.

NestJS is a NodeJS framework that helps users create scalable enterprise-grade backend applications by providing type safety and a strict architectural pattern.

GraphQL is a query language for application programming interfaces (APIs) widely used as an alternative to REST due to its speed and stability, which it achieves by responding to querys with precisely the data they request. This GraphQL feature solves the problem of overfetching and underfetching posed by REST.

Top 10 Examples of PaaS Vendors

With the proliferation of cloud computing services, more and more businesses are moving away from on-premise IT data centers and solutions.

Organizations are increasingly adopting the cloud because cloud computing enables them to access their resources from anywhere, with any device. Gartner predicts more than half of the enterprise IT spending in key market segments will shift to the cloud by 2025. 

The cloud computing service model generally comes in three broad categories, including Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Each service model provides a different level of control depending on your choice of model. For instance, PaaS solutions enable you to control applications and data while the service provider manages the rest. 

IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS is a different discussion; Let’s keep it for another day. Here we will discuss Platform as a Service and the ten best PaaS examples.

How to Deploy a Node.js Application?

How to Deploy a Node.js Application?

In this article, we’ll explain how to deploy a Node JS application. We’ll talk about Node’s advantages and disadvantages, and deployment options — including IaaS, PaaS & BaaS. Lastly, we’ll deploy a Node application to Back4app.

Advantages and Disadvantages of PaaS

Advantages and Disadvantages of PaaS
PaaS Advantages and Disadvantages

More businesses in a variety of industries are getting their hardware and software components delivered online, including servers, storage, frameworks, tools, and ready-made apps.

This has been made possible by the growth of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS solutions, which are examples of cloud computing services.

In this blog, we’ll concentrate on the platform as a service model (PaaS), discussing its advantages and disadvantages.

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

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