The Top 10 Backend Coding Languages

The Top 10 Backend Coding Languages
Top 10 Backend Coding Languages

Backend coding languages are the foundation of any great website or application. They provide the functionality and features that users love and rely on. If you’re looking to become a superstar backend developer, then you need to know which languages are the most popular and in demand.

In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 backend coding languages and what makes them so special!

What Is Backend Development?

Backend development is the process of creating the server side of a web application. It involves writing code that powers the functionality and features of the application, such as databases, user authentication, and APIs. Backend developers are responsible for ensuring that all components of a web application work together seamlessly and securely.

Backend development is an essential part of any web application. Without it, there would be no way to store data or create dynamic content. It also provides security by preventing malicious users from accessing sensitive information.

The most popular backend frameworks are Node.js, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and PHP. According to statistics from Statista, React.js was overtook by Node.js and was the most used web framework in 2022. Each framework has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the project requirements, which is why it’s so important to research backend coding languages before choosing one.

For those who want to work in the field, the average salary for a Backend Developer in the United States is $81k per year with an estimated range between $63k – $106k depending on experience level and location within the US states.

Benefits Of Being A Backend Developer

Being a backend developer can be a rewarding career path with plenty of benefits. As the backbone of any software application, backend development is a vital part of the tech industry. Here are some of the key benefits of being a backend developer.

High demand and job security

Backend developers are in high demand in the tech industry, and this demand is only going to increase. Companies are always looking for professionals who are skilled in backend development to ensure that their applications run smoothly. This means that backend developers are usually in high demand and can enjoy job security, knowing that their skills are always required.

Good salaries

Backend developers are one of the highest-paid professionals in the tech industry. As a backend developer, you can expect to earn a good salary that will reflect the value of the work that you do. Your salary will be commensurate with your skills and experience, and you will be well compensated for your work.

Less competition

Backend development requires a high level of technical expertise that not everyone will have. This means that there are fewer people competing for backend development jobs, which means that you are more likely to be able to secure a great job if you have the right skills.

Challenging and rewarding work

Backend development can be a challenging and rewarding career path. As a backend developer, you will be tasked with building complex systems and solving complex problems. This can be intellectually stimulating and will give you a sense of accomplishment when you succeed.


Backend development is a job that can often be done remotely. This means that you can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a good internet connection. This can be a great option for those who want to travel or work from home.

Constant learning

The tech industry is constantly evolving, and so is backend development. You will need to keep up with the latest advancements in technology and constantly learn new skills to remain relevant. This can be a great way to keep your mind sharp and ensure that you are always growing as a professional.

Top 10 Backend Coding Languages

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of being a backend developer let’s look at the top 10 coding languages for backend development.


JavaScript is a very famous programming language used for web development. It is used to create interactive and dynamic websites, web applications, games, and more. JavaScript is an object-oriented language with a syntax similar to other scripting languages such as Python, PHP, and Ruby.

JavaScript can be used on all major web browsers making it a widely used and accessible language. It is easy to learn and use, making it popular among beginners. JavaScript allows for quick and easy testing of code without the need for an external compiler. Additionally, it is highly versatile, allowing developers to create interactive functionality on a website without the need for server-side programming.

JavaScript has been criticized for its potential for security vulnerabilities. Since it is a client-side language, it is susceptible to being manipulated by malicious scripts. Additionally, since it is an interpreted language, it can suffer from performance issues when dealing with complex algorithms. The language is also subject to version incompatibility issues between different browsers.

Want to deploy a JavaScript application with just a few clicks? Please read the article How to deploy a JavaScript application.


Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language that was first introduced in Japan during the mid-1990s. Designed to be a general-purpose language, Ruby has gained popularity due to its clean syntax and ease of use. It has a strong focus on readability and productivity, making it a popular choice for web development, software testing, and system scripting.

One of the main advantages of Ruby is its community-driven development model, which ensures that the language is constantly evolving and improving. With a large and active community, there are plenty of resources available for learning and development.

Additionally, Ruby is simple and flexible. It is easy to learn and use, making it an excellent choice for beginners. Additionally, it is highly adaptable and can be used for a wide range of applications.

However, Ruby’s simplicity also has its drawbacks. It can be slow compared to other languages, making it unsuitable for some applications that require faster processing speeds. Additionally, Ruby’s popularity has led to a high demand for skilled Ruby developers, making it a relatively niche language compared to other popular programming languages.


Python is a popular high-level programming language suitable for a wide range of applications, from data science to web development. Python was first released in 1991 and has since then become one of the most widely used languages in the world.

One of the most significant advantages of Python is its readability and simplicity. The language is easy to learn and understand, even for those with no prior programming experience. Python has a vast standard library and a large community of users, making it easy to find support and resources.

Python also has excellent scalability and versatility, making it an ideal choice for both small and large projects. It can be used to develop applications, scripts, and web services. Another key advantage of Python is its compatibility with most operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

However, Python does have some downsides. One potential drawback is its performance. Because it is an interpreted language, it can be slower than compiled languages. Python’s dynamic typing can also make it less predictable and less suited for certain types of projects.

Please refer to the tutorial Deploying an Python App to learn more about how easy is running an application using Back4app.


PHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, is an open-source, server-side scripting language used primarily for web development. Rasmus Lerdorf created it in 1994 and is now maintained by The PHP Group.

One of the main advantages of PHP is its ease of use. It’s a relatively simple language to learn, which means that developers with even basic programming skills can pick it up quickly. Additionally, PHP is highly flexible and versatile, with the ability to support a wide range of functions and applications.

There are, however, some downsides to using PHP. One of the biggest issues is its security. PHP has a history of security vulnerabilities, and many of the security features that are built into other programming languages are not present in PHP. Another issue is its performance. PHP can be slow in some instances, and its scalability can be limited depending on the size and complexity of the application.

Despite its flaws, PHP remains a popular choice for web development, particularly for smaller projects and startups. Its accessibility, ease of use, and flexibility make it a valuable language to know for any budding web developer.


C# is a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It was first created in the early 2000s, and it has since become a popular language for Windows desktop development, web development, and video game development.

One of the major advantages of C# is its popularity and the extensive resources that are available to developers. It has a well-established user community with numerous forums, video tutorials, and guides. It is also a versatile language with a wide range of applications, including game development, web development, and desktop application building.

One of the downsides to C# is that it is primarily used for Microsoft applications, so it isn’t as widely used as other languages like Java. Additionally, C# can be challenging to learn for beginners as it has a steep learning curve, especially for those who are not familiar with object-oriented programming.


Java is a versatile object-oriented programming language that has a wide range of applications, from web development to games and mobile apps. It was released first in 1995 and has since become one of the most popular languages among developers.

One of the key advantages of Java is its portability, which means that it can run on different platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Additionally, Java offers strong memory management and security features, which make it popular in enterprise applications.

One of the downsides of Java is that it can be slower than other programming languages due to its reliance on a virtual machine. Additionally, Java’s syntax can be verbose, making it harder to learn for beginners. Another potential drawback of Java is its licensing fees, which increase as the number of users grows, making it less accessible for smaller companies or startups.

Despite its drawbacks, Java remains a popular programming language due to its versatility and robust feature set, making it an excellent choice for enterprise-level applications and large-scale projects.


Perl is a versitile programming language that is widely used for scripting, web development, system administration, and in many other areas. It is a flexible, dynamic, and powerful language that can handle text processing, regular expressions, and network programming with ease. Perl has a large community of developers, which means that there are plenty of resources available for learning and sharing ideas.

Some of the pros of Perl include its powerful text processing capabilities, high degree of extensibility, cross-platform compatibility, and ability to handle complex tasks with ease. Additionally, Perl is a very versatile language that can be used for a wide range of tasks.

On the downside, Perl is sometimes criticized for its syntax, which can be seen as complex and hard to read. Additionally, some developers find that Perl can be slower than other languages when it comes to certain tasks. Nevertheless, Perl remains a popular language, particularly in the areas of web development and system administration.


Rust is a popular systems programming language that emphasizes performance, safety, and concurrency. Developed by Mozilla, Rust offers efficient code execution and strong memory safety through its ownership and borrowing system. Rust’s syntax and architecture were influenced by other languages like C++, Python, and Haskell.

One of the biggest advantages of Rust is its ability to prevent common programming errors like null and dangling pointers. It provides safe concurrency through its ownership model that moves the ownership of data between variables. Rust’s performance is also noteworthy, as it compiles directly to machine code and allows low-level control over system resources.

However, Rust has a steep learning curve due to its unique ownership and borrowing system. This can make it challenging for beginners to learn. Additionally, Rust’s ecosystem is relatively smaller compared to other programming languages, which may limit the availability of libraries and tools. Overall, Rust is an excellent choice for projects that require high performance, reliability, and security.

Deploying and hosting a Rust application is a straightforward processing using containers. Please use the tutorial Hosting a Rust Application to know more.


Go, also known as Golang, is an open-source programming language designed by Google with the aim of making it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. One of the main advantages of Go is that it has a simple syntax which makes it easy for developers to learn and write code quickly.

Furthermore, Go is known for its excellent concurrency support, which makes it easy to develop a wide range of applications that can handle multiple tasks simultaneously. Additionally, Go’s garbage collector automatically frees up memory, which makes it more efficient for building large-scale applications.

On the downside, Go has a small standard library compared to other programming languages like Python or Java, which can make it harder to accomplish certain tasks. Additionally, Go’s strong focus on simplicity can sometimes make it tricky to write complex code with multiple dependencies.

Want to easily deploy a Golang app? Please check the article 5 Easy Steps to Deploy a Golang Application the tutorial Hosting a Golang App.


SQL (Structured Query Language), is a language in the programming world that is used to manage and communicate with relational databases. It is widely used in the tech industry, from small startups to large corporations.

One of the benefits of SQL is that it is easy to learn and use, even for those with no programming experience. It allows users to retrieve, edit, and manage large amounts of data in a systematic and efficient manner.

On the downside, SQL can be limited in its ability to handle unstructured data. It also requires a strong understanding of database structure and design to be used effectively. Additionally, SQL can be vulnerable to security threats if not properly secured. Overall, SQL is a powerful tool for managing and analyzing relational data.


When it comes to choosing the best backend coding languages for your project, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each language has its own strengths and weaknesses, so the best choice for you depends on the specific goals of your project.

Popular languages like Python, PHP, and C# offer excellent scalability, compatibility, and community support. Meanwhile, newer languages like Java, Rust, and Golang offer more modern features, such as better performance and improved security.

Whatever language you choose, make sure to do some research ahead of time to ensure that it’s the best choice for your project. Good luck!

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