How to create data structures with ChatGPT?

In today’s era, innovation is centered on making our interactions with technology more intuitive.

Alex, the architect from Back4app, recently demonstrated the capabilities of ChatGPT, particularly with the Back4app plugin, to interpret and implement data models described in natural language.

If you’re a developer curious about how this works and the possibilities it unlocks, keep reading!

Overview about ChatGPT

ChatGPT is one of the groundbreaking developments from OpenAI. Built on the GPT-4 model, it has the capacity to generate coherent, contextually relevant, and human-like text based on the input it receives.

With applications ranging from chatbots to content generation, ChatGPT’s capabilities are constantly expanding.

Overview about Back4app

Back4app serves as a scalable and extensible backend platform, making the development process more streamlined.

By simplifying tasks like data storage, user authentication, and real-time data syncing, Back4app has become a go-to for many developers looking to expedite their development lifecycle.

How to create data structures with ChatGPT?

Please watch the video below for a detailed tutorial on creating data structures with ChatGPT.

Alex’s recent demonstration sheds light on the interaction between ChatGPT and Back4app. Here’s a concise breakdown of the process:

  • Describing the Structure: Begin by describing your desired data structure using natural language. For instance, Alex asked ChatGPT to create a new data structure named “index” for the S&P 500 app with properties like “active” (Boolean), “name” (String), “expiring date”, and “is international” (Boolean).
  • Plugin Assistance: With the Back4app plugin enabled for ChatGPT, the textual input is then processed. The plugin interprets the data structure’s details from the text and begins the implementation process.
  • Checking & Iterating: After describing the structure, a quick check on Back4app reveals the newly created “index” class with all the specified properties. The beauty of this system is its flexibility. If you want to modify or add to your existing structure, simply communicate your requirements. For instance, Alex added a new property “stock”, which was a pointer to the stock class, by simply asking ChatGPT.
  • Complexity Isn’t an Issue: Whether your data structures are simple or intricate, as long as you can clearly define them in text, ChatGPT coupled with the Back4app plugin can handle your requirements, creating and adjusting data structures as needed.


The synergy between ChatGPT and Back4app brings a revolutionary shift in how developers can create and manage data structures.

Instead of diving deep into code and manual configurations, the power of natural language processing can simplify and expedite these tasks.

As we continue to integrate AI into our development processes, tools like ChatGPT make it clear that the future of development is not just more advanced, but also more intuitive.

The fusion of AI and development tools is reshaping the landscape, making technology more accessible and aligned with human interaction.


How to make data structures with ChatGPT?

Initiate Description: Clearly describe the desired data structure using natural language.
Engage Plugin: Enable the Back4app plugin in ChatGPT for interpretation and implementation.
Verify on Back4app: Post-description, check Back4app to see the newly created/modified structure.
Iterate if Needed: Modify or expand your structure by communicating changes to ChatGPT.
Embrace Flexibility: Both simple and complex structures can be crafted using this method.

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