Top 10 Server-Side Technologies for Creating Your Next Application

This article will explore ten of the best server side technologies. It will cover backend platforms, programming languages, and frameworks.

With the never-ending innovations in technology, enterprises are taking new approaches to create value for customers. While it is worthwhile to create intuitive user interface that elevates the user experience, it is essential not to ignore the backend.

The reason is simple, all the functions in the frontend are powered by backend technologies.

Introducing Frameworks

For the newbie, frameworks are a suite of tools used by developers to simplify development assignments.  

They are often classified based on the interface, programming tools and programming languages supported.  

Developers prefer frameworks containing packaged templates and preconfigured tools that expedites development tasks. 

Therefore, modern backends should go beyond providing structure and methods alone. They should empower developers to do more like building interoperable platforms.

In this article, we shall be reviewing the top server-side frameworks in the world today.

What are server side technologies?

Server side technologies examples include backend frameworks, backend development platforms, and server side programming languages.

Top 10 Server Side Technologies List

Let’s discuss the features and costs of the 10 most impressive server-side technologies for managing development tasks. 

1. Back4app 

The impressive features of Back4App makes it one of the top server-side technology globally.

The integrated tools help developer expedite the tasks of building mobile and web apps.  Whether you want to create an custom app from scratch or optimize an existing one, Back4apps got the tools to help you deliver on the money. 

Developers using this platform enjoys REST and GraphQL APIs, scalable hosting, database, notifications, live queries and many more. 

Core Features

  • Storage
  • Authentication,
  • Notifications,
  • SQL/NoSQL database,
  • GraphQL and REST APIs.


  • Free Plan
  • Shared hosting starts from $25/month
  • Dedicated hosting starts from $250/month

2. Firebase

Firebase is a backend service that provides all the tools required to develop, launch and manage your app on the cloud. Developers can access all the services required from the Firebase dashboard so they can focus on the app frontend development. 

Sone of the services available on Firebase include storage, authentication, push notifications, database, analytics, and many more. Since these services are on the cloud, they scale automatically as the need arises.

Core Features

  • Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • Notifications
  • NoSQL databases


  • Free plan
  • Premium plan charged on Pas-as-you-go.

3. Express.js

Express.js  takes the form of a web app development framework with several features that enhance app development assignments.  It’s excellent for Node.Js developers who want to build app quickly. 

The main features of Express.js include dynamic rendering of HRML pages into templated pages. This is possible because the platform provides a middleware that manages HTTP requests, including URL, HTTP Method, and other actions.

Core Features

  • Developing single-paged web app.
  • Faster backend development
  • Middleware


  • A free download.

4. Laravel

Laravel  is this a full-fledged server-side development framework build on PHP. It allows developers to build apps with amazing features without much hassles. It handles tasks that requires complicated coding, like authentications and queues without extensive coding. 

The coding syntax of Laravel are clean and straightforward, allowing developers with average coding skills to build impressive apps. It also has a database migration capability that empowers developers to build, edit and share the database schema (visual model) of an app. 

Laravel is widely used to build small and large web applications with complex server-side development requirements. 

Core Features

  • Modular
  • Caching
  • Authentication


  • You can download it for free.

5. Django

Django was named after Django Reinhardt, a popular guitarist. Its is an open-source Python framework commonly used for server-side development tasks like building APIs and web apps with minimal coding.

One of the unique features of Django is its stateless authentication mechanism that makes apps more secure.  Given it’s “sharing nothing” architecture, it’s scalable, allowing developers to add hardware at any instant.  It works well with JSON, XML, and relational database management systems.

This framework is widely used in building web apps with heavy traffic because it is highly efficient.

Core Features

  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • SEO friendly


  • Free to download

6. Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a full-features server-side technology that is developed with Ruby in 2004. It empowers developer to use the MVC development model for building web pages, online services, and database structure. The simplified database structure development, scaffold view and migrations allows developers to leverage this technology for rapid app development. 

Ruby on Rails is packaged with every component developers need in a premium framework.  For instance, the error ROR logs help in troubleshooting bugs quickly. Its an excellent choice for developing a lightweight, and testable app in record time.

Core Features

  • Automatic testing
  • Automatic deployment
  • MVC architecture


  • Free to download

7. CakePHP

Just is the name implies, CakePHP is based on PHP7 and designed as a server-side technology solution for speeding up web development projects.  This frameworks offers several modern functions that allows developers to achieve more with lesser coding.  Its ability to generate code quickly makes it an excellent choice for prototype development. 

Some of the outstanding features of CakePHP include  flexible database layer, enhanced error handling, XSS protection, input validation, SQL injection, form tampering, CSFT protection, caching, and lots more. The framework is freely available under the MIT license.

Core Features

  • MVC architecture
  • CRUD
  • Flexible licensing


  • Free to download

8. Meteor

Meteor, is a JavaScript-based framework that works excellently for building web and mobile apps. It was created in 2011 and has been used extensively for prototyping and commercial app development. 

This server-side technology offers useful features like packages that enhance flexible and faster coding. The framework manages all aspect of development assignment, from browser tasks, to database transactions.  All these features work together to build reliable and secure web apps.

Core Features

  • Ecosystem
  • Database integration
  • Live reload


  • Download for free

9. Flask

Flask is one of the most popular server-side technology written in Python. The framework was developed in 2004 by a Python expert called Ronacher and his team. It’s use to build lightweight web apps using the Werkzeug library and Jinja 2 template engine.

This framework is flexible and compliant with the Web Server gateway Interface. You can get the framework up and running quickly without issues with dependencies.  Simply go with the default options and the Flask framework will be ready for development assignments. 

Core Features

  • Unit testing
  • Dev server
  • Documentation


  • Free to download

10. Nest

NestJS which is commonly called NEST for short is a server-side technology based on Node.js and used for developing backend app functions.  While NEST uses progressive JavaScript, it also supports TypeScript and integrates other technologies like functional programming, object-oriented programming, and functional reactive programming. 

NEST uses an HTTP server framework called Express, but can also be configured to use Fastify. Developers have access to NEST APIs which gives them access to multiple third-party models that enhance development tasks. 

Core Features

  • Efficient
  • Scalable
  • Functional programming


  • Free to download


This article listed the  best-in-class server side technologies for app development. You can take the time to evaluate these platforms and select the one that works best for your development project..


What is a Server-Side Technology?

Server-side technologies are set of tools and programming languages that are used for performing server-side tasks in web and mobile development projects. 

What are the benefits of using a backend solution?

– Scalability
– Robustness
– Time saving

What are ten of the best server side technologies?

– Back4app
– Nest
– Flask
– Meteor
– CakePHP
– Ruby on Rails
– Django
– Laravel
– Express JS
– Firebase

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