What is Parse?

Parse is a widely used open-source framework for the development of application backends. The framework aids developers in speeding up application development to a considerable extent. It also cuts down on the effort necessary for developing an application. A large community of developers supports the platform and has been helping users since its inception. It is a useful development platform for fast and cost-effective development.

Why use Parse?

Parse enables users to capitalize on developing their applications without any hassle. Developers do not need to rely on the assistance of backend engineers to create high-quality applications.

When to use the Parse platform?

Parse can be used to develop conventional software projects such as web, mobile, and IoT (Internet of Things) applications. Most projects that utilize the Parse framework are from iOS and Android mobile apps. The frontend technologies that Parse supports include Java, Swift, React Native, Ionic, and Xamarim.

Parse has a broad spectrum of use cases. Some of the examples of applications relying on Parse technology include – 

  • Puzzles, strategy, educational, and trivia games 
  • Content management systems 
  • Social networking applications like LinkedIn and Facebook
  • Restaurant management applications
  • Emergency services applications
  • Real-time messaging applications
  • Cab service applications
  • Food delivery applications
  • Multimedia streaming applications
  • Real-time payment applications
  • Fitness applications
  • E-commerce applications
  • Educational applications
  • E-store applications
  • IoT applications

How developers benefit from using Parse?

Parse offers various benefits for developers in terms of productivity boosts during the development process. Parse is capable of automating tasks that repeat frequently.

Including tasks such as API development and exposure, mobile SDK backend integrations, data modeling, logs, real-time push notifications, and more. Parse lets developers lay their focus on essential activities and reducing the time expenditure on boilerplate coding.

Parse vs. Custom Backend

Parse has several advantages and disadvantages. Take a look.

The Advantages of using Parse:

  • Speedy application development 
  • Developers can focus better on core coding activities
  • A software application development project

The disadvantages of using Parse:

  • Custom development is more flexible than Parse
  • Parse only works with SQL and NoSQL databases
  • Cloud code functions are limited to Javascript

The features of Parse

  1. Spreadsheet like database
  2. Create/Expose GraphQL APIs
  3. Create/Expose REST APIs
  4. Notifications in real-time
  5. Push notifications
  6. Social Logins
  7. Email notifications
  8. File system

Data modeling

Data modeling is among the most crucial features of Parse. It enables developers to perform smooth and intuitive data organization. Users can use its spreadsheet-like dashboard to form classes and their respective properties in a structured manner.

Apart from ease of understanding and effortless maintenance, actions like the importing, exporting, and filtering data are also quite easy to perform.

JSON encodable elements such as Dates, Strings, Arrays, and Numbers can be stored through modeling. More complex aspects like Pointers and Relations can also be stored. File type offers support for Binaries, along with geolocation components Geopoint and Polygons.

Parse lets users perform the addition of new properties over time and the deletion of deprecated ones. Users are not required to specify and prototype any features.

Simply adding or removing a column prompts Parse to update the changes across all objects and published APIs. In case data models keep expanding over time and become more convoluted, generating new integrated structures can be performed easily through graphical model operations.

GraphQL APIs

Parse lets its users create end-to-end GraphQL APIs with minimum or no effort. It enables users to do more than API creation and exposure. Every Class designed in Parse performs automatic generation of:

  • Specific and generic types of Mutations and GraphQL queries 
  • Documentation for all Mutation and Queries
  • Class and method schemas to let users perform the downloading and integration of projects without any hassle. 
  • Documentation for all mutations and queries

Parse facilitates cloud code integration with GraphQL APIs to enhance the flexibility of usage. Developers can utilize server-side run NodeJS code instead of code from devices to make more processing power available to their applications.

Users can conserve battery usage for mobile platform applications by effectively de-loading the devices. It also enables the potential reduction of data transfer amounts. GraphQL reduces the need for retrieving multiple objects.

Everything can be calculated on the cloud platform, with the results being transferred to the device. This approach ensures smaller payloads and lower data plan use.

Furthermore, Parse provides support for NPM modules to let users integrate them into their projects. So, it leads to more significant conservation of effort and reduces considerable time.

The scope of the query language can be expanded to a real language by combining Parse with GraphQL. It facilitates the addition of logic to a project’s flow and diversifies the capabilities of your applications.


Parse users can create end-to-end, dynamic-type REST APIs without having to spend much or any effort in coding.

Notifications in Real-Time

Parse lets its users send live queries that let them and other users simultaneously update the same records. 

Push Notifications

Push’ notifications are ideal for marketing and help application owners stay in touch with the users of their mobile applications. Parse makes push notifications a possibility on both iOS and Android devices.

Social Logins

Parse is also used for social login features, which are usually facilitated through third-party authentication. Using Parse lets users streamline and simplify authentication with websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others. 

Email Notifications

Parse enables users to apply automation mechanisms for email verification. The platform verifies the email address and password reset of users within this functionality.

File System

Parse adapters let users store data and host files with multiple service providers such as Google Cloud. AWS and Back4App. 

Where can Parse be deployed?

Users can host Parse on any cloud infrastructure that runs on Node.js. The three key ways of hosting your Parse application are – 

Self Hosting

The Parse application can be self-hosted using public cloud platforms such as Google Cloud, Azure, AWS, and Digital Ocean. 

Parse Hosting Services

You can host Parse with specialized hosting services like Back4app.

In-house deployment

You can deploy Parse on-premises on private servers.

Where is the Parse Open-Source framework available?

You can download the Parse framework at Parse Server Github Repository. Also, please check the latest Parse update on Parse Server 4.4.

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General FAQ

What is Parse?

Parse is an open-source framework for backend development. It is widely used by developers to accelerate mobile app development and get rid of repetitive tasks.

What are the key features of Parse?

– Spreadsheet like database
– Create/Expose GraphQL APIs
– Create/Expose REST APIs
– Notifications in real-time
– Push notifications
– Social Logins
– Email notifications
– File system

How to deploy Parse?

– Self-hosting on AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean, etc
– Parse hosting services like Back4app
– Local on-premisse deployment

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