Gilad David Maayan

Canary Deployments Explained

What Is a Canary Deployment?

Canary deployment is a technique used to reduce the risk of introducing a new software version in production by slowly rolling out the change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure. This can help to ensure that the new version does not have any unexpected problems or bugs that could impact the stability of the system.

In a canary deployment, the new version of the software is first deployed to a small group of users, often referred to as a “canary group.” The performance of the new version is then monitored closely to ensure that it is functioning as expected. If any issues are detected, the rollout can be stopped before it affects the entire user base. If the canary group does not experience any problems, the new version can be rolled out to the rest of the users.

Canary deployments can provide additional control and flexibility when rolling out new software versions, especially in conjunction with other techniques such as feature flags and blue-green deployments.

Microservices Testing: 6 Must-Have Test Types

What is Microservices Testing?

Microservices are a style of software development architecture that divides applications into loosely coupled sets of services. Each service is self-sufficient and does one thing well. One of the benefits of this architecture is that it allows fast, continuous deployments. It is also possible to easily roll back a specific service and check for problems, whereas in a traditional monolithic architecture it is necessary to test the entire system.

Microservices are becoming a mainstream software architecture, and just like monolithic applications, they need to be tested to ensure quality. Microservices testing has two aspects – testing each individual microservice to see if it performs its desired function, and testing the entire microservices application to see if microservices work well together and correctly serve user requests.

Testing microservices can be difficult, due to the complexity of microservices architectures. It can be hard to make microservices observable, and teams need to manage the continued evolution of new microservices – different teams develop different microservices, often with limited communication between them. This can make it difficult to decide what and how to test.

Parse Security: Securing Your Open Source App Stack

What Is Parse?

Parse is the most commonly used open source framework for developing application backends. It was introduced in 2016 and is backed by a large community of developers. It is a proven platform that can accelerate web application developments at any scale.

Parse is a Node.js application that is deployed on hosts in a cloud platform like AWS. It provides APIs for user authentication and stores data in a document storage. By combining a mobile SDK with a backend service, Parse provides features including several user authentication methods, social login, creation and querying of arbitrary data models, push notifications, and the ability to upload files to a server for client-to-client access.

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