Zunaira Tarif

Best Backend for a Swift App

Discovering an appropriate backend for Swift applications is paramount for Apple developers to build flexible, scalable, and highly tailored applications.

Swift is a robust, multi-paradigm, and compiled scripting technology launched in 2014. Apple completely endorses this general-purpose programming language to build lightning-fast macOS, watchOS, iOS, tvOS, and iPadOS applications. 

Swift’s simple learning curve, regular updates, stability, and beginner-friendly nature make it an ideal option for many Apple programmers.

However, using this iOS language with the right backend solution is equally essential to achieve maximum outcomes. 

That is why this article will share a variety of Swift backend options and their features. We will also give a quick overview of setting up a Swift app’s backend. 

Let’s kick things off.

Backend as a Service Open Source

Open-source Backend as a Service (BaaS) solutions have streamlined the development of mobile and web applications in the past few years.

This cloud computing model confers a complete set of server-side functionalities to build and deploy backends robustly. That is why the popularity of BaaS platforms is climbing.

According to a forecast report by Allied Market Research, the Backend as a Service (BaaS) market will hit 28.7 billion USD at the end of 2032. This value was 3.1 billion USD in 2022. It signifies the growth of the BaaS industry with a CAGR of 25.3% in ten years.

Similarly, MarketsandMarkets projects the BaaS market size to be around 9.2 billion USD by 2028. This report anticipates a CAGR of 17.5% from 2023 to 2028.

However, businesses and dev teams prefer using open-source BaaS platforms because of their benefits. Some prominent features are no vendor lock-in, cost efficiency, flexibility, easy customization, and community support.

So, you must consider this guide if you are a backend engineer or a company looking for a Backend as a Service (BaaS) open-source solution.

We will thoroughly discuss the leading options, traits, and perks of using open-source cloud computing platforms.

Let’s begin!

Top Benefits of Using Firebase for App Development

Top Benefits of Using Firebase for App Development
Top 10 Advantages of Firebase

Firebase is a widely used CSP for crafting mobile and web applications on the fly.

It simplifies and speeds up the development process through its real-time synchronization, user-friendly interface, remote configurations, and quick scalability.

According to a survey by Stack Overflow, Firebase secured the 5th position with 13.9% votes amongst the most used cloud platforms.

Similarly, StackShare communicates that around 3131 companies employ Firebase for various tech stacks. This high demand for Firebase is only because of its out-of-the-box benefits and features. Therefore, we are set to explore the top benefits of Firebase in detail. 

Top 10 React Alternatives in 2024!

React is a sought-after frontend JavaScript library used to build advanced multi- and single-page user interfaces.

Virtual DOM, automated batching, JSX, and components are key features that make React the second most used web framework, with 39.5% votes.

However, with the ongoing evolution of web development, dev teams like to choose compact and high-performing React alternatives.

Indeed, the complexity of JSX, insufficient documentation, and time-consuming integration could be the reasons behind finding an alternate technology.

That’s why this article will thoroughly discuss the top choices you can use instead of React.

The Best Backend Frameworks in 2024!

The Best Backend Frameworks in 2024!
Backend Frameworks

Backend frameworks bestow primary structure for developing mobile and web applications.

These pre-built components revolutionize how business logic is added, databases are handled, user management is performed, and server-side functionalities are further improved.   

Hereof, Laravel, Spring Boot, RoR, Django, ExpressJS, and Asp.NET Core are highly acclaimed programming frameworks.

However, it is still crucial to employ the most suitable option that meets the demands of your project. 

Indeed, choosing the right backend framework is significant in building high-performing, secure, and scalable web and mobile applications.

Thereby, this guide will discuss the best backend frameworks and their key features and limitations.

The Backend Tools List You Must Know

Backend development has great significance in the programming world. That is why the demand for backend engineers is accelerating.

Although the average yearly salary of a backend developer in the United States is $155,681 but, the workload is also high.

However, software engineers can overcome this pressure using advanced server-side tools. These backend tools, such as databases, frameworks, BaaS, and libraries, are responsible for the server-side functioning of applications and websites. 

So, whether you are a business executive or a developer and willing to work more efficiently, you must consider these options. Let’s discuss these tools one by one.

Top 10 Serverless Hosting Providers

Serverless hosting solutions play promising roles in dropping costs and bringing modernization to the virtual landscape.

These serverless offerings rely on cloud computing models and get businesses free from infrastructure administration. That is why the use of these hosting platforms is accelerating in the IT industry.

survey by Statista forecasts that the revenue of the cloud market will reach 355.81 billion USD by the end of 2029. Storage, computing, and hosting are significant components of this report.

Similarly, a GMI report forecasts that the serverless architecture market will be worth 90 billion USD by 2032. This figure was only 9 billion USD in 2022. This signifies that the serverless architecture industry can grow at a CAGR of 25% during these years.     

Indeed, these hosting products are becoming popular day by day, but it is crucial to explore them blow by blow before making a decision.

Therefore, this article presents one of the sterling serverless hosting providers in detail, describing their key characteristics.

Firebase Self-Hosted Alternatives

Firebase is a leading cloud platform that allows you to build and run mobile and web applications without having substantial coding expertise.

However, Firebase is neither an open-source nor a self-hosted cloud solution. Yes, Firebase doesn’t offer on-premises hosting or private servers to its users.

This drawback gives developers minimal control over infrastructure and code. Conversely, Back4app, Parse Server, Backendless, and Kuzzle are reliable self-hosted Firebase alternatives that grant you more control and personalization. So, let’s discuss these substitutes in detail.   

AWS Equivalent of Firebase

Amazon Web Services and Firebase are two leading cloud service providers. However, because of some discrepancies in Firebase, dev teams and businesses use its alternatives. Therefore, it will be a great idea to select AWS products. 

Indeed, Amazon Web Services is the top-ranked cloud platform, with 48% of the votes in a recent survey of Stack Overflow.

Conversely, Firebase secured the 5th position with 13.9% of the votes. Therefore, this guide will discuss the best AWS Equivalent of Firebase, its features, and pricing structure. 

Top 10 Cloud App Hosting Providers

Cloud application hosting utilizes a network of physical and remote servers to ensure the availability of apps and websites over the internet. Compared to conventional hosting, it promises more availability, fast loading, and improved storage.

forecast report by IDC predicts that global consumption of public cloud services will hit 1.35 trillion USD by 2027. Similarly, Gartner’s survey reveals that 48% of companies consider financing cloud computing categories more than any other area. 

This data shows the powerful presence of cloud computing in the IT industry. That is why it is also significant to discover the leading cloud app hosting providers. So, this article will discuss the top-rated ones and their key features.

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