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79 Articles

What is an SDK – Software Development Kit?

What is an SDK – Software Development Kit?
What is an SDK?

Are you looking for the meaning of the term SDK? Here is an in-depth analysis of what is an SDK, the advantages of using it for software development, use cases, and examples of how to implement it.

Key Takeaways

  • SDK is a building block to creating an application;
  • An SDK helps developers to accelerate software development;
  • It usually provides code examples, APIs, libraries, etc;
  • SDKs are available for mobile and web applications;
  • SDK is not an API. These are two different concepts.

Top 10 Ember JS Alternatives

This article will cover ten of the best Ember JS Alternatives. The list includes Express JS, Angular JS, Backbone JS, Vue JS, etc.

Initially released in 2011, Ember is now a decade old and has been around for more time than Vue, React, Svelte, and all the other frontend JavaScript frontend frameworks.

While it has hardly been the household name in frontend JavaScript development, it has silently helped several teams ship steadily and sustainably since its release.

Several techniques introduced in Ember and Angular are now widely adopted and accepted as frontend development grows in popularity.

Over the years, however, libraries like React and Vue have taken the core concepts of Ember and improved upon them, becoming more popular as a result.

Ember has been quietly productive, but more organizations are gravitating towards Ember alternatives that are less opinionated and provide other benefits like component reuse, better testing, etc.

In the following post, we take a look at some of the best features of Ember JS and the pros and cons of using this framework in various projects.

Following that, we present a list of the top Ember JS alternatives that can be used in other scenarios. If you are a developer wondering about deploying a JavaScript framework for your upcoming project, the following list should help you make an informed decision about the same.

Keep reading to discover some of the best Ember JS competitors.

Top 10 Vue Alternatives

Top 10 Vue Alternatives
Vue Alternatives

This article will explore ten of the best Vue alternatives. The list includes React, jQuery, EmberJS, Elm, InfernoJS, Angular, Nest, etc.

Despite being one of the newer JavaScript frameworks, Vue JS has been consistently growing in popularity over the years.

It was built to improve the existing JavaScript tools like Angular, React, and Ember, and combined their best approaches with other features to make web development faster and easier.

With its latest versions, Vue is lightweight and flexible, meaning it can be employed on a vast number of projects with different use cases.

That said, the fact that it is one of the newer frameworks makes Vue widely less adopted than some of the existing ones, meaning the shortcomings of this framework will appear to stand out more than the others.

For instance, there is a substantial lack of plugins which becomes annoying when developers have to switch to other languages to implement certain features.

In the following post, we take a look at some of the pros and cons of Vue as a JavaScript framework followed by some of the top Vue JS alternatives available to developers right now.

If you are wondering about using Vue for your upcoming projects, the following list should help you make an informed decision about the same.

Top 10 Phoenix Framework Alternatives

This article will explore ten of the best Phoenix Framework alternatives. The list includes Ruby on Rails, Django, Laravel, Spring, ExpressJS, etc.

Backend software developers have to often choose between productivity and performance, compromising one for the other.

While modern frameworks try to minimize the tradeoffs to a limited extent, none of them has come closer to the implementation of the Phoenix Framework, which offers Ruby on Rails levels of productivity while being one of the fastest frameworks available in the market.

That said, Phoenix is still a young framework, and it is yet to be adopted on a widespread level, meaning that the community support might be limited compared to some other frameworks.

In the following post, we take a detailed look at what Phoenix Framework brings to the world of software development and then discuss some of the top Phoenix alternatives available to developers. 

Top 10 Asp.Net Alternatives

This article will explore ten of the best Asp.Net alternatives. The list includes Ruby on Rails, Django, Laravel, ExpressJS, CakePHP, etc.

While there are multiple web frameworks available to developers, advanced .NET versions are some of the most popular ones in use right now, catching the attention of organizations all around the world.

Asp.Net extends the functionality of the .NET platform with tools and libraries required to create web apps. From simple and responsive web pages to high-performance REST APIs, Asp.Net can be used for a wide range of applications.

That said, there are certain scenarios when using frameworks for other languages that might be beneficial for implementing the required features. In the following post, we take a look at some of the top Asp.Net alternatives and where they can be useful.

If you are a new developer looking to use Asp.Net in your next project, the following list should help you make an informed decision before starting the project.

Top 10 Flask Framework Alternatives

This article will explore ten of the best Flask framework alternatives. The list includes Django, Bottle, Web2py, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, etc.

Flask is one of the most popular Python-based web frameworks available to developers at the moment. Unlike full-stack frameworks, Flask is lightweight and extensible, meaning that it is designed to get quick results while leaving enough room for the app to be extended in the future.

With extensive documentation, Flask can help you understand how each backend component works, allowing even novice developers to get their deployments up and running in no time.

While the popularity of Flask is undeniable, in certain niche circumstances, some alternative web frameworks can perform better and help developers implement their required features.

In the following post, we take a look at some of the top Flask alternatives that developers can use for their next project.

If you are looking for the ideal framework to implement in your next project, the following post should help you make an informed decision.

Top 10 Cloudflare Alternatives

This article will explore ten of the best Cloudflare alternatives. The list includes Cloudfront, Akamai, Sucuri, Google Cloud CDN, etc.

With a unique offering combining website security and performance, Cloudflare has become a highly sought-after tool for website owners. It is a highly adaptable tool that is suitable for beginners and experienced webmasters, offering a host of features that eliminate the worry of downtimes and security threats from a single platform.

The tool has repeatedly absorbed DDoS attacks that have peaked over 400Gbit/s, providing DNS services to over 25 million internet properties.

If you are considering migrating to another CDN service, here is a list of some of the top alternatives to Cloudflare that you can use for your website. Continue reading to find the best features in each of the following options and select the one that best matches your requirements.

Keep reading to discover companies similar to Cloudflare.

Top 10 IBM Cloud Functions Alternatives

This article will explore ten of the best IBM Cloud Functions Alternatives. The list includes AWS Lambda, Cloudflare Workers, App Engine, Heroku, etc.

The event-driven execution model of function-as-a-service implementations like IBM Cloud Functions is gaining immense popularity in the current day and age.

FaaS is a type of cloud computing service that allows developers to implement serverless computing where developers can build, compute, run, and manage app packages without engaging in managing their own infrastructure. 

FaaS implementations provide several benefits in a production environment. Apps developed are easier to scale and the FaaS provider manages horizontal scaling, meaning organisations only need to pay for the resources consumed.

Software developers can write functions in almost any programming language, which directly results in increased developer productivity and a quicker time to market.

In the following post, we take a deeper dive into one of the top FaaS implementations, i.e., IBM Cloud Functions followed by some of the top alternatives to the service available in the market.

If you are a new developer looking to adopt this tool for your next project, the following list should help you compare the various options available to you so that you can make an informed decision.

Top 10 Startups Using Koa Framework

Almost every business needs to go online these days, and having a web application is the best a business can do these days.

However, only having the application is not enough. It is also important that the application performs extremely well, and some web applications need to be single-threaded.

For those applications, Node Js is the best development solution. When developing such robust applications, Koa is used because it provides a more expressive and smaller experience for developing web applications.

In this way, the development experience is enhanced, but the website user experience for the users is also enhanced in several ways.

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