Yearly Archives

7 Articles

Parse Live Query comes to Back4App

The idea of ensuring that app development proceeds as quickly and efficiently as possible lies at the heart of back4app’s philosophy. Therefore, the recent addition of the Live Query feature to back4app makes app development on this platform an even more attractive option. Access to real-time information on database changes is particularly important to developers. Through activation of Parse Live Query, they can now receive these real-time notifications of relevant database changes.

More Good Reasons to Work with Back4app

Barely two months remain to the scheduled closure of on 28th January 2017. If there are any developers or enterprises out there still pondering which alternative App development and Parse Server hosting solution to choose, final decision time is here. Recent major improvements in Back4app’s Parse Server platform ensure that it continues to provide the most efficient and economical alternative to New clients soon recognise that Back4app is much more than an acceptable substitute but in many respects, it offers them far superior service levels than the competition. When you consider factors such as App migration, performance, reliability, customer support, flexible user plans and the availability of many other valuable features Back4app becomes the professional app developer’s preferred platform choice.

Firebase vs. Parse Server | Secrets Unlocked

Firebase vs. Parse Server | Secrets Unlocked
Firebase vs Parse

Are you looking for an effective Backend as a Service solution to power the backend of your applications?

A robust backend of an application ensures its success and enhances its credibility. No matter how attractive your application looks, the absence of a powerful backend can fail your application to deliver the best.

However, when it comes to picking the best backend solution, multiple factors are vital in making a successful selection. Considering compelling features of your preferred services are essential. However, Parse and Firebase are two well-known backend options available. Let’s get deep into these solutions to know which can work the best for you.

Google has recently released a new version of Firebase. It provides a unified platform to build Android, iOS, and Web Apps. Admob, Analytics, Authentication, Indexing, Test Lab, ML, and Notifications are some of the new features introduced in the latest version of Firebase.

Parse Server is a better choice to build new apps or APIs. Read on to get a sense of comparison between the two and understand why Parse Server is still better.

Back4app is attending Stanford LaunchPad program

Back4app is attending Stanford LaunchPad program

There is another feather in the cap for the Back4app team as they attend this year’s Stanford LaunchPad program. This accomplishment provides a significant boost to the already fast-growing company that aims to help customers get better back-end service. Back4app. has two Stanford MBA’s working for the company, which makes the company eligible for entry into this prestigious program.

Parse Server 与 Firebase 的比较

Parse Server 与 Firebase 的比较
Firebase vs Parse
Google(谷歌) 最近为 Firebase 推出了新版本。它为开发者提供了统一标准的Andr​​oid, iOS 和 流动网络应用的实时应用平台。在最新版本的Firebase中,亦增加了如Admob, Analytics, Authentication, Index-ing, Text Lab 等一系列应用分析工具。
然而Parse Server还是一个开发应用和API的更好选择。接下来会为两者进行分析并说明为什么Parse Server 会是更好的选择。

Parse способы миграции кроме хостинга Parse Server

Эта статья предоставляет исчерпывающую информацию о том, что такое Parse Server, как перенести ваше приложение на новый сервис хостинга, об истории, которая за этим скрывается, и лучших альтернативах Parse в связи с его отключением. Читая эту статью, вы узнаете:

  • Что такое Parse Server?
  • Настоящая причина отключения Parse.
  • Лучшие альтернативы Parse и способы перестать использовать Parse.
  • Альтернативы Parse и варианты миграции.
  • Как развернуть и использовать Parse Server.
  • Административная панель
  • Стоимость хостинга Parse Server.
  • Что произойдет после отключения Parse?

PARSE サーバーをホストにするための移行方法

この記事では、Parse Serverの概要、新しいホスティングサービスへのアプリケーション移行方法、その背景のr 歴史、およびParse停止に対する最善策について説明します。これを読めば、以下について知ることができます。

  • Parseサーバとは何か?
  • Parse停止について、本当の理由。
  • 最良のParseの選択肢とParseからの離脱方法。
  • Parseからの代替、移行オプション。
  • Parseサーバーを導入して使用する方法。
  • Parseダッシュボード。
  • Parseサーバーホストにかかるコスト。
  • Parseの停止後は?

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!