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The Top 10 Netlify Alternatives

The Top 10 Netlify Alternatives
netlify Alternatives

Developers and businesses can effortlessly find Netlify alternatives like Back4app Containers, Vercel, Heroku, and GitHub Pages through a search query.

However, it is crucial to understand the critical properties of these alternate options. Also, remember to know exactly what Netlify is, its pros, and its features.

Thus, after giving a brief overview of Netlify and its functionalities, this guide shares one of the best alternatives to Netlify in detail. 

Let’s begin.

Top 10 No-Code Backends To Know About

Low-code or no-code backends and platforms are rapidly growing among developers and businesses. Indeed, enterprises are promoting citizen development to speed up their dev tasks.

Microsoft’s corporate vice president Charles Lamanna says that if 500 million apps are created in the next five years, 450 million of them will be designed with no-code.    

Similarly, 80% of big companies think citizen development is becoming more significant for them day by day. So, if you are a developer, startup, enterprise, or SME, you must choose a credible no-code backend solution.

This guide shares one of the leading no-code backends and its features. This article will also explain exactly what a no-code backend is and its benefits.

How to Add Authentication to a React Native App?

React Native (Expo) Authentication Cover

Authentication is a core component of almost every app.

This practical article will provide a step-by-step guide getting started with React Native authentication.

On top of that, it’ll describe the basics of authentication, how it compares to authorization, authentication flow, and the benefits of using it.

Free Server Hosting For Android Apps

Android is the most consumed operating system worldwide. A recent Statista report states that Android is the top mobile OS with a 70.71% market share.

Thus, most developers and businesses are associated with Android development and prefer economical or free server hosting. 

Significantly, cloud hosting solutions like Back4app, Firebase, Backendless, and AWS Amplify have become standard for Android programming.

These CSPs confer free-tier offerings, advanced computing features, and inexpensive hosting plans. 

So, let’s explore the leading free Android servers and their core characteristics. This article also discusses the key advantages of using cloud hosting.

How to Deploy a Machine Learning Model?

Machine Learning Model Deployment Cover

In recent years, machine learning and artificial intelligence have gained significant popularity. This is likely to be accredited to advancements in natural language processing and recommender systems.

This article introduces machine learning, its applications, deployment options and demonstrates how to deploy a simple machine learning model to Back4app Containers.

Here are the top 10 IDEs for React Native!

Here are the top 10 IDEs for React Native!

React Native or RN, is a highly acclaimed JavaScript framework that Meta developers introduced in 2015. Since then, React Native has become a widely used technology for building native applications. A survey by Stack Overflow mentions RN as a leading library with 8.43% votes

However, React Native is not a standalone framework. It needs IDEs to optimize coding and development processes along different tech stacks. In this regard, Visual Code Studio, Atom, WebStorm, and Sublime Text are commonly used React Native text editors and IDEs. 

These integrated development environments (IDEs) aid developers in writing codes more efficiently. Also, they improve the productivity of the dev process. Therefore, this guide elaborates on one of the best IDEs for your React Native projects in detail.

Top 10 Backend Solutions To Know About

Top 10 Backend Solutions To Know About
Backend Solutions to Create Your Next Application

Software development conventionally consists of frontend and backend programming. Hereof, backend development is considered more crucial because it deals with complicated tasks. However, backend solutions made it quite easy for dev teams. 

Indeed, the use of backend solutions is rapidly growing with advancements in the programming world. Especially businesses rely on cloud computing services like BaaS and PaaS for quickly managing, deploying, and creating their backends. 

According to MarketsandMarkets, the BaaS market will hit 9.2 billion USD by 2028. This platform also anticipates that PaaS market share can reach 164.3 billion USD by 2026. This figure was only 56.2 billion USD in 2020.

Correspondingly, the selection of the right databases and server-side frameworks is also important. Therefore, this article shares one of the top backend solutions with their core properties.

How to build and deploy a Telegram bot?

In this article, you will build a Telegram bot with Node.js and Back4app’s backend-as-a-service. Then, you will deploy it using Back4app containers.

Bots are software that can perform automated repetitive tasks over a network or on a platform. Telegram bots are created using the Telegram bot API and are specifically designed to work on Telegram.

You can design Telegram bots to perform various tasks on Telegram, such as retrieving information like weather updates or news headlines and hosting quizzes for entertainment.

They can also automate tasks like scheduling reminders and perform simple user authentication, among other things.

How to Upload Files to Back4app

Effective file management is crucial when developing web applications that involve user file uploads.

Back4app provides an easy and efficient file storage, management, and retrieval solution mechanism based on Parse.

In this guide, you will learn how to store your files using Back4app by integrating its file storage capabilities with a React app.

How to build a reservation app with Vue?

Managing reservations is an essential part of business in the service industry, where scheduling and customer capacity are critical, such as restaurants.

With Back4app, the Twilio API, and Vue, you can build a simple restaurant reservation app with features such as making reservations, receiving confirmation messages, and viewing reserved slots.

In this article, you will build and deploy a reservation app with Vue on the front end, Back4app to handle your backend and deployment needs, and Twilio to communicate with users through Whatsapp.

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!