Top 10 No-Code Backends To Know About

Low-code or no-code backends and platforms are rapidly growing among developers and businesses. Indeed, enterprises are promoting citizen development to speed up their dev tasks.

Microsoft’s corporate vice president Charles Lamanna says that if 500 million apps are created in the next five years, 450 million of them will be designed with no-code.    

Similarly, 80% of big companies think citizen development is becoming more significant for them day by day. So, if you are a developer, startup, enterprise, or SME, you must choose a credible no-code backend solution.

This guide shares one of the leading no-code backends and its features. This article will also explain exactly what a no-code backend is and its benefits.

What is a No-Code Backend?

A development approach that communicates with the client side of an application and doesn’t require particular coding expertise is referred to as a no-code backend.

This backend is not approachable by app users. Moreover, a no-code backend confers visual tools for building, deploying, and running applications and is liable for modifying and backlogging data. 

Correspondingly, these no-code backend solutions have their own storage, UI, notification, permission, and user authentication systems.

So, you can emphasize core competencies, and these platforms handle server-side functionalities. Besides, such platforms are also known as Backend as a Service (BaaS) providers. 

In this regard, Back4app, Xano, Airtable, Bubble, and Backendless are renowned no-code backend platforms. 

What are the advantages of using a No-Code backend for a software project?

No-code/low-code backends offer several benefits to businesses and dev teams. However, the key advantages are here:

Faster Development Time

Interacting the backend of an application with frontend technologies is a daunting task that requires time and effort.

Fortunately, user-friendly interfaces, spreadsheet-like databases, and visual editors let you speed up development time using no-code platforms.  

Conventional programming takes months or weeks to craft backends, but you can build apps within hours using no-code builders.  

No Infrastructure Hassles

With no-code services, you don’t have to manage or upgrade the server-side infrastructure. The provision of infrastructural instances is entirely on BaaS vendors.

Indeed, no-code backend grants fully managed infrastructure for deploying, creating, and running applications.

Easy Support and Updates

Although the no-code backend is economical compared to traditional development, its community and customer support are also remarkable.

You don’t have to deal with a glitch or programming query alone. These platforms have customer support that is available to assist you 24/7. 

By the same token, most no-code platforms like Back4app and Backendless use open-source technologies.

Therefore, you can seamlessly get ample community support to address your queries. Frequent updates are also an advantage of using these platforms. 

Top 10 No Code Backends

Let’s delve into the best no-code backends:

1. Back4app

Back4app is an inclusive, no-code backend that has shipped 400k applications across more than 100 countries.

It permits developers to craft, scale, and deploy real-time databases, APIs, auth, and cloud functions within movements. 

This cloud platform simplifies DevOps workflows and offers an AI Agent so development becomes more agile.

Correspondingly, it is easy to backlog, elaborate, and query data structures with Back4app. Hereof, this advanced low-code/no-code (LCNC) platform employs SDKs, REST, or GraphQL APIs for delineating relational datasets. 

Yes, you don’t have to learn SQL to work with DBs while using this open-source BaaS solution. Rappi, GlobalLogic, and Adobe are among the renowned companies that use Back4app. 


  • Serverless Business Logic – This CSP relies on cloud code functions to quickly build and add business logic to your mobile or web app. With these JS functions, you can execute backend scripts without overseeing servers. Furthermore, connecting code functions with databases and user management systems is simple.
  • Real-Time Data Support – Back4app has a real-time database for spontaneously gathering and searching relational data. You can subscribe to the ‘Live Queries’ option to access data. Also, because of its spreadsheet-like interface, you can edit, add, or delete rows or columns without learning DB languages.  
  • User Authentication – Another appealing feature of Back4app is its all-in-one, built-in user management system. With this feature, you can verify emails, control user access, and encode passwords seamlessly.
  • Seamless Deployments – Back4app bestows robust and simple deployments. You just have to sync your repository with this no-code backend, which deploys your code in a containerized environment. Yes, you can connect your GitHub account within a few clicks. Also, it doesn’t need any configuration.
  • API Support – This platform automatically crafts APIs for its users. Consequently, developers can generate the backends easily. These SDKs and APIs are also helpful when communicating with server-side functionalities. 

2. Xano

Xano is a highly extensible no-code backend facilitating 50k enterprises and medium-sized businesses.

This no-code app builder empowers you with practical tools for inaugurating backends on the fly. In particular, you don’t need to write the script to generate APIs with Xano.

Its support for all popular frontend technologies also makes Xano a more reliable service.

Indeed, it is uncomplicated to integrate Xano with client-side frameworks using no-code or low-code APIs, SDKs, or third-party tools. Bravo Studio, Adalo, and FlutterFlow are good connection tools here.

In addition, Xano works as an entirely administered infrastructure endorsed by Google Cloud. You can also utilize Xano on AWS and Azure CSPs. 


  • Pure No-Code Environment – Xano facilitates users with minimal to zero coding knowledge. You don’t need to write a single line of programming script. On behalf of coding, Xano caters to a substantial library of no-code tools. 
  • Function Stack – Developers can interpret and implement the business logic through tailored functions and predetermined visual stacking. Hereof, Xano backs all essential scripting approaches, including loops, variables, conditionals, and arrays. 
  • Flexible Database – Xano uses PostgreSQL DBMS to backlog your data. With unmetered importing of records, Xano backs both relational and non-relational data approaches. In this way, you can use this flexible database solution for all sizes of companies.
  • Docker & Kubernetes – This platform keeps your backend in a Dockerized environment, separating it from other applications. Later, Kubernetes are employed to manage the backend. Hence, you can focus on business logic instead of worrying about speed. 
  • Real-Time Collaborations – This feature lets you coordinate with teammates in the meantime to improve productivity. Businesses can arrange role-based permission for handling server-side instances. It also facilitates the smooth creation of isolated branches and secure API modifications. 

3. Airtable

Airtable is another reliable no-code app development tool 450k organizations use for distinct tech stacks.

This next-gen platform permits developers to use modern drag-and-drop functionalities, ready-to-use templates, and AI to develop apps smartly. 

Its interface is especially user-friendly, and you can deploy backends without expertise in different programming languages.

This platform also offers oodles of widgets and quickly integrates with third-party tools to streamline workflow. 

Shopify, Medium, Cole Haan, and Time are prominent businesses that use Airtable to speed up their development processes. 


  • Database Support – It is the perfect platform for spinning relational DBs within moments. Without having a strong grip on SQL, you can craft and show SQL datasets. The core blocks of its DB are views, bases, tables, records, and fields. 
  • Easy Customization – It is a misconception about no-code backends that you get restricted control over customization, which is wrong. Airtable lets you tailor your apps using visual editors and tools. You can even customize the readymade themes according to your needs.
  • Automation – Developers can automate their datasets and monotonous operations through this feature. So they can reduce the development time and overcome the chances of glitches. 
  • Interface Design – This unique attribute enables you to recreate your workflows with drag-and-drop elements. You can tailor the interface for the entire team according to their roles. In short, interface design permits you to visualize your data and make it actionable.
  • APIs & Integrations – Airtable has well-documented and low-code REST APIs to interact with external resources. Similarly, you can seamlessly connect Airtable with helpful platforms like GitHub, Jira, Salesforce, and Tableau.  

4. Firebase

Firebase is a trusted Backend as a Service (BaaS) vendor endorsed by Google Cloud.

This cloud computing platform requires minimal coding for building, running, testing, and deploying applications. Its database offerings allow users to query or store datasets spontaneously.

Correspondingly, the availability of Gemini, Genkit, and Vertex AI makes it ultra-fast to craft server-side functionalities for mobile and web applications.

User authentication, Crashlytics, Google-backed monitoring, and lab testing are further highlights of this CSP.

The featured customers of Firebase are Lyft, Venmo, The New York Times, and Duolingo.


  • Data Connect – Firestore and Realtime Database fetch and gather data in the meantime but only support NoSQL structures. Thus, Firebase introduced the Data Connect feature. This functionality lets you link your app with PostgreSQL to support relational datasets. In this regard, Firebase outsources Cloud SQL from GCP.
  • Extensions for Automation – Firebase has dozens of automation extensions. Some popular ones are Stream to BigQuery, Run Payments with Stripe, Distributed Counter, and Search with Algolia. 
  • Authentication – This CSP has a full-fledged user authentication and management system. With this feature, you can sign up using email or different social accounts on iOS, Android, Unity, web, and C++ applications.
  • Cloud Functions – Developers don’t have to manage the servers when they operate their backend with Cloud Functions. These are JavaScript functions accomplished in a Node.js environment with a sole objective. Any modification in DB or analytical events can be the reason for this.  

5. Backendless

If you want to develop lightning-fast applications with visual real-time DB and client-side UI, Backendless is the best no-code platform.

This vendor offers you server-side programming with no or minimal coding. Similarly, it empowers you to craft frontend logic without writing a single script line.

Backendless relies on REST API to interact with the client-side and perform further server-side functionalities.

Besides, this open-source codeless builder acts very well when it comes to extending backend instances.

The popular apps that use Backendless are FindMy+1, Lifebook, Game with Me, and YTCount.


  • Cloud Code – This exciting Backendless feature lets you include business logic in your app without a script. Cloud Code applies Timings, API Services, and Event Handlers to add logic in a visual programming environment. 
  • Visual Database – Backendless offers real-time graphical database offerings. Yes, developing, editing, or administering relational DB, visual schema modeler, and views is seamless. Moreover, this no-code BaaS provider backs both SQL and NoSQL data structures.
  • User Management – Pre-built user authentication and management is another incredible property of Backendless. It has over 18 user authentication services, including Google, Auth0, GitHub, and Okta. 
  • Hive – Backendless employs Hive, a scalable data storage system known for quick batch processing. Its interface, similar to SQL, is easy to use for non-developers.

6. AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify provides a complete package of tools and features for building low-code backends.

This Backend as a Service (BaaS) solution makes it easy to deploy and host your web, Android, and iOS applications. 

With real-time data support, it allows you to benefit from several AWS products, including API Gateway, Lambda Function, DynamoDB, and AppSync.

Moreover, it is highly compatible with all widely used frontend frameworks, including React, Vue, and Flutter.

QsrSoft, Amazon Music, Noom, and Busby are featured customers of AWS Amplify.


  • Authentication – Ready-to-use authentication is an appealing property of this low-code platform. It can deal with email verification and manage users and passwords. For this purpose, AWS Amplify utilizes Amazon Cognito. 
  • DataStore – With the powerful backing of DynamoDB and AppSync, interpreting your data in the meantime is seamless. Visual data modeling and offline support of AWS Amplify give it an advantage over competitors. 
  • Storage – With this CSP, you can conveniently backlog user-generated content in the cloud or on your machine. Hereof, Amplify lets you choose among different storage buckets, such as private, public, or protected. Also, it is simple to connect your backend with Amazon S3.
  • Amplify Studio – Citizen developers desire to handle backends using a graphical interface, so this platform offers Amplify Studio. You can also get several automated themes and server-side tools here. 

7. Fastgen

Are you looking for a futuristic low-code backend with APIs, automations, and workflows? If yes, you can pick Fastgen.

With this low-code/no-code (LCNC) provider, it is straightforward to generate APIs, debug Cron jobs, and integrate logging with other server-side functionalities.

Besides, Fastgen authorizes you to add and handle unmetered tables and records using the PostgreSQL database.

You can communicate with this database manually or use an API. Similarly, you can employ your external but fully configured database with Fastgen.


  • Easy Debugging – This advanced low-code service is quick when it comes to debugging your workflows, APIs, or Cron jobs. Here, you commit the test request, identify the actual cause of the error, and fix it robustly.
  • Variables – You can easily approach server-side data using interpreted data structures. Environment variables are especially helpful for handling and backlogging API keys, passwords, and further configuration settings.
  • Functions – Fastgen has over 50 functions to maneuver the data on the fly. You can utilize the navigation menu to generate and administer functions like workflows, auth, and API routes. 
  • Database Query – You can conduct SQL queries with Fastgen. In this regard, it backs the PostgreSQL database management system. So, you can swiftly add, update, remove, and select the required data. High performance, advanced indexing, and excellent scalability are advantages of using PostgreSQL. 

8. DigitalOcean App Platform

DigitalOcean App Platform is an outstanding PaaS provider that enables you to build, deploy, and run applications using minimal code.

This fully managed platform eliminates the need for server maintenance and configuration. Also, it is more economical than other CSPs.

Dev teams can join the App Platform and deploy the app using a Git repository. Connecting your account with GitHub takes only a few steps.

Later, it is up to you whether you employ dedicated or shared resources to run your backend. 

Payload, Speech Bulbs, and Ersilia are satisfied clients of the DigitalOcean App Platform. 


  • Language Support – Whether you are scripting with languages like Python, Java, JS, PHP, and Go or employing frameworks like Node.js, Django, and .NET, App Platform backs them. Yes, you find exceptional support for different programming technologies here. 
  • Secure Integrations – The App Platform addresses all security concerns of developers and businesses. It provides great safety when integrating with third-party APIs, databases, and other resources.
  • Fast Deployment – This Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider is compatible with highly acclaimed Git platforms like GitLab and GitHub. Therefore, the App Platform can deploy your code quickly without any configuration.
  • Functions – Inserting functions with this low-code solution is also seamless. You can leverage serverless APIs to add these functions.  

9. Bubble

Bubble is an all-in-one, no-code platform that is useful for developing backends and user interfaces. It allows developers and businesses to convert their imaginations into reality regardless of their coding skills. 

That is why enterprises, SMEs, and dev teams have created 3 million apps using Bubble. Its simple logic and extremely user-friendly dashboard play a significant role in this.

Indeed, this no-code solution makes it effortless to build apps with readymade templates and drag-and-drop components.

Messly, BluBinder, Farie, and Codi Technologies are prominent clients of Bubble.


  • Logic & Workflows – Bubble grants developers highly responsive workflows and logical interpretations without writing a single line of code. Also, you can smoothly tailor and create workflows and events. Similarly, it is uncomplicated to connect with live data and automate functions.
  • Customizable Designs – Although you can get tons of pre-built designs here, Bubble also lets you customize them according to the requirements of your products. Yes, you can glorify your UI with multiple components. Fortunately, you can perform these actions without programming codes.
  • Hosted Infrastructure – Fully managed infrastructure is another advantage of Bubble. This platform handles your server-side instances; you don’t have to worry about the limits. Indeed, Bubble doesn’t glue you with metered storage, server, and networking resources.
  • Version Control – It empowers dev teams to examine different app modifications through private versions of your applications. If you find these changes inappropriate, you can undo them.

10. Contentful

Contentful is another no-code solution on our list, popular for creating and managing backend content.

This headless CMS eliminates the need for manual actions when handling the server-side of your mobile and web applications. 

Unlike conventional CMSs, Contentful isolates the content tier from the displayed layer. This approach permits dev teams to utilize APIs to send content across multiple devices.

We have also seen that traditional content management systems only support websites, but headless CMSs unconditionally back mobile app development. 

Sonic, Costa Coffee, Headspace, and CARFAX are featured clients of Contentful.


  • Live Previews – This trait lets you preview your application in real-time before its release. You can optimize or modify these previews and see how your app will look in different languages. 
  • Improved Content Tab – Developers can’t only customize their apps with Contentful, but they can also tailor the user interface of this no-code CMS. Indeed, you can add filters, modify tabs, and employ elements to streamline your development process.
  • Contentful Studio – It is one of Contentful’s finest products for non-programmers. It is a visual builder with dozens of tools and drag-and-drop functionalities for creating backends. 
  • Scalability – Contentful is an enterprise-grade CMS. You can extend your app instances when traffic grows. In this regard, Contentful allows you to expand resources and effortlessly integrates with AI technologies and third-party platforms. 


Businesses are quickly transitioning from professional to citizen development, which is why the use of no-code platforms is growing.

No-code backends are easy to operate because they have minimal to zero code requirements. 

However, finding the best no-code backend for a web or mobile application is still complex.

Hence, this article provides a detailed list of no-code solutions and their core capabilities. You should adopt the solution that best suits you. 

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