Jessica Clark

A step-by-step guide to make a mobile app using a serverless backend

A step-by-step guide to make a mobile app using a serverless backend
A step-by-step guide to make a mobile app using a serverless backend

In today’s ever-evolving digital world, mobile applications have become an essential part of our lives, driving businesses to cater to the increasing need for innovative and user-focused solutions.

Utilizing a serverless backend is an efficient approach to build a mobile app, providing flexibility, scalability, and cost-reduction benefits.

This piece delves into the process of crafting a mobile app using serverless architecture, delivering valuable insights and practical guidance for developers who are keen to harness the power of serverless technologies.

How to Use a Serverless Architecture for Backend Development

How to Use a Serverless Architecture for Backend Development
How to Use a Serverless Architecture for Backend Development

The ever-changing world of software development continually seeks innovative solutions that are efficient, scalable, and cost-effective. Serverless architecture has emerged as a notable trend in recent years, capturing the attention of developers and organizations looking to optimize their backend development practices.

This article aims to shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of employing serverless architecture for backend development, providing a thorough analysis of its core strengths and potential limitations.

Top 10 NodeJS Hosting Providers

<a></a><strong>Top 10 NodeJS Hosting Providers</strong>
Top 10 nodeJS hosting providers

Node.js is one of the commonly used runtime environments that is based on JavaScript. With 47.12% votes, Node.js also got the leading position among the most used technologies and web frameworks in a recent survey of Stack Overflow. However, finding a highly scalable, robust, and reliable hosting provider for Node.js requires great effort.

Thus, this guide presents the top Node.js hosting providers with their core features and pricing structures. Besides, we will have a look at the pros and cons of Node.js in this article.

Key Takeaways

  • Node.js is a highly popular and widely used runtime environment for building real-time and scalable applications. It offers advantages such as robustness, cost-effectiveness, scalability, fast loading times, a rich ecosystem, and active community support.
  • While Node.js has its advantages, it also has some drawbacks, including an unstable API, limited library support, complexity in maintaining code due to asynchronous programming, and being unsuitable for heavy computing projects.
  • When it comes to Node.js hosting providers, the top 10 options include Back4app Container Platform, Heroku, DigitalOcean, AWS, BlueHost, HostPapa, Glitch, Kamatera, FastComet, and SiteGround.

Top 10 Backend Frameworks In 2024

Top 10 Backend Frameworks In 2024
Backend Frameworks

Backend frameworks play a crucial role in web development. Without these frameworks, building and deploying web applications would consume an enormous amount of time and resources, significantly increasing the development process’s complexity.

Backend frameworks provide developers with the necessary tools and support to handle mundane tasks like server configuration, database management, and routing, among several others.

By handing over such responsibilities to the framework, developers can direct their focus entirely on the business logic of the web application, resulting in a faster development process and, ultimately, a high-quality product.

In terms of popularity, some backend frameworks have garnered a more significant following than others:

  • Node.js continues to be one of the most widely used backend frameworks among web developers, with over 1 billion downloads.
  • As of January 2023, the top-voted backend frameworks by users included Laravel, with 71,903 repository stars; Django, with 67.941 and Spring, with 64.405.

In this article, we’ll cover the top 10 backend frameworks for 2024, their features, and their key benefits. Let’s dive in!

Top 10 Ruby on Rails Hosting Providers

<a></a><strong>Top 10 Ruby on Rails Hosting Providers</strong>
Top 10 Ruby on Rails hosting providers

Ruby on Rails is famous among developers and businesses because of its outspread use in creating high-geared web applications. Although it is seamless to build Ruby on Rails projects for development teams but the selection of the right hosting provider is still complicated. 

So, this article is sharing one of the top Ruby on Rails hosting providers with all the necessary details. Significantly, this guide will help you know the factors you must consider while choosing a hosting service for RoR projects.

Render vs Comparison

Cloud-based platforms are without hesitation among the most helpful solutions that organizations can use to maximize their success.

However, because there are multiple PaaS platforms to choose from nowadays, your company must identify the best ones and interact with them correctly. In this regard, a thorough assessment of systems may assist you in selecting the most appropriate one.

Some market research has already been conducted, and the two most sought-after and recognized solutions are Render and However, it has now become vital to evaluate each of these options in order to select the best one for your company.

Both Render and are useful for your organization and may give you the highest rewards for long-term success.  As a result, you must consider reviewing all of the facts listed below in order to select the best platform for cloud computing. Read on to discover more. 

iOS and Android Programming Languages

iOS and Android Programming Languages
Android iOS Programming Languages

Android and iOS are two of the most popular modern operating systems used in today’s mobile devices. To develop applications that run on these platforms, developers must understand how to use the particular programming languages associated with each system.

In this blog post, we’ll compare Android and iOS programming languages to help you decide which language is best for your project.

Render VS Vercel Comparison

Cloud computing has been immensely popular in the world for its functions and growth. Businesses have always relied on this for their betterment. But there is a question that always remains in the minds of businesspeople – which cloud-based software to choose from among all the existing ones? The right answer to this question can be found in this blog if you continue to read on. 

Out of all today’s cloud computing technologies, Render and Vercel are considered the most popular ones that have helped a vast number of businesses reach their goals with pride. Businesses can often think of utilizing their features as their prime weapons in the world of business. But the entire learning session may become complicated if you are unable to find the right cloud-based software. 

Both Render and Vercel are suitable for your business. But since you cannot work with both at the same time, you need to find ways to practice ideal discrimination. Now, continue reading to understand each of them properly. 

Engine Yard vs Comparison

Cloud computing benefits small and large organizations that want to spend their money on something other than building IT infrastructure.

Essential services like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) are all examples of cloud computing services.

This article will discuss two popular platforms, software (PaaS), Engine Yard and 

How to deploy a static site?

How to deploy a static site?
How to deploy a static site_

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way software applications are developed, deployed, and managed. According to a recent report, the global cloud computing market is expected to grow to $832.1 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 17.5% from 2020 to 2025.

With this exponential growth, containers have emerged as a popular way to package and deploy applications. In this article, we will discuss how to build and deploy static sites using Back4app containers.

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!