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Firestore vs. Firebase

Firestore vs. Firebase
Firestore vs Firebase

Firebase is an amazing application development platform for mobile and web application development. It can provide an amazing variety of services and tools. These services and tools are meant to help developers in creating high-end and feature rich applications. So that they can get better opportunities to improve their user base as well as earn more revenue in the best possible time.

However, do you want to know more about Firebase? This article can let you explore much about similarities and differences between Firestore and Firebase. At the end, you will be able to make a bold decision of making the right choice with ease. 

Do you want to learn more? Let’s have a look at the information given below about this topic to get an even better idea about the things in this regard:

Firebase comparison vs other service providers

Developing cutting-edge mobile and web applications requires a powerful and feature-rich backend. A robust backend platform enables developers to access advanced functionality for creating agile applications.

Firebase is now regarded as a top choice for developers across the world today. While it is the preferred backend for many, there are many others solutions worthy of consideration. This article will compare Firebase vs several other service providers.

Read on to discover some of the best competitors and alternative services to Firebase BaaS. 

Is Firebase Free?

Is Firebase Free?
Is Firebase Free

Firebase is one of the best-known platforms for building mobile and web applications. Originally, this platform was developed as Firebase Inc. However, later on, Google purchased it in the year 2018. Till then, Firebase was being backed by Google.

Firebase is an excellent option for app development, but is Firebase free? This article will help you to answer this question and explore the details of Firebase’s pricing structure.

Let’s proceed below because here you will learn about:

  • Main pricing plans for Firebase 
  • Always free services by Firebase 
  • Firebase paid services pricing 
  • How to estimate your Firebase costs?

React Native vs. Flutter | Which is better?

Many developers prefer cross-platform application development technologies to build modern apps because of the many advantages. For instance, Flutter and React Native, which are two of the world’s leading cross-platform frameworks today, offer numerous features that enhance development outcomes. This article takes an overview of React Native vs. Flutter development frameworks.  Hopefully, this comparison would help you make an informed decision while choosing a framework for your next app project.

Below is the overview of the content of this article:

  • What is a cross-platform mobile framework?
  • Why Choose Cross-Platform Development?
  • Everything you should know about React Native
  • Everything you should know about Flutter
  • React Native vs. Flutter | Comparison
  • Conclusion

Firebase Databases: Which one you should go with?

Firebase Databases: Which one you should go with?
Firebase Database

Did you know that Firebase has more than one database option? This article will guide you over the two database options available at Firebase and explain the differences between the Real-Time Database and Cloud Firestore.

Here you will get to know about:

  • Available options for Firebase database
  • A comparison between real-time database and Firebase Firestore 

Google Firebase Pricing for Dummies

Google Firebase Pricing for Dummies

How Much Does Google Firebase Cost?

Firebase is a platform for building web and mobile applications. It was originally developed by Firebase Inc., and purchased by Google in 2018.

Firebase has two main pricing plans. The Firebase pricing plans are:

  • Spark Plan (Firebase free tier) is a basic plan offering 1 GB total storage, 20K writes/day, 50K reads/day, and 20K deleted/day
  • Blaze Plan (paid) is a pay as you go plan charging $0.18/GB for database storage, $0.026/GB for application storage, and additional charges for database operations, data transfer, etc.

In this article, you will learn:

  • How Much Does Google Firebase Cost?
  • Firebase Always-Free Services
  • Firebase Pricing for Paid Services
  • Cloud Firestore Database
  • Real-Time Databases
  • Hosting
  • Authentication
  • Cloud Functions
  • Firebase ML
  • Test Lab
  • Firebase: Estimating Your Costs

Flutter vs. React Native | Secrets Unlocked

Flutter vs. React Native | Secrets Unlocked

Cross-platform mobile frameworks help application developers achieve enhanced development outcomes. An increasing number of developers are now opting for cross-platform technologies and preferring them over native ones. React Native and Flutter are two of the most popular cross-platform frameworks today. Both of these platforms offer various powerful features and advantages. Outweighing the perks of Flutter vs. React Native is necessary for selecting the most suitable option. Read on to know more about each. 

Here is a summary of what you will learn reading this article:

  • Overview of cross-platform mobile framework
  • Flutter
    • Overview
    • Best use cases for using Flutter
    • When not to use Flutter?
    • Most famous Flutter apps
    • Flutter Advantages
    • Flutter Disadvantages
    • Flutter Overview
  • React Native
    • Overview
    • Best use cases for using React-Native
    • When not to use React-Native?
    • Most famous React-Native apps
    • React-Native Advantages
    • React-Native Disadvantages
  • Flutter vs. React Native Comparison
    • Similarities
    • Comparison Table
    • Notoriety
    • Programming Language
    • Productivity
    • Performance
    • Learning Curve
    • User Interface
    • Continuous Integration and Delivery
    • Publishing on Google Play and App Store

Mastering Parse Live Queries

Because I’ve seen some developers in the Back4App and Parse communities sometimes struggling to understand how Parse Live Query works, I wrote this article to explain all different events that Parse Live Query can fire and how to maintain a collection of Parse objects real-time updated on the client-side. So let’s get started! First of all, I created a Parse App at Back4App and a very simple class to illustrate the many different events that Parse Live Query can fire. The name of my class is Todo and I added two columns:

Xamarin Backend | Top 5 Providers

Xamarin is a leading open-source, cross-platform application platform for the development of high-performance mobile apps. Cross-platform Android and iOS applications developed with this platform are used by businesses across industries today. 

Finding the right Xamarin backend is crucial for any development team. There are many options available in the market and read on to discover the top 5 Xamarin backends available today. 

Ionic Backend Service | Top 4 Providers

Having the right backend service can be quite important for mobile application developers focussed on performance and security. Many developers use Ionic as their preferred solution for the features it offers for creating robust mobile applications.

Selecting the appropriate Ionic backend service can have a massive impact on development outcomes. Read on to explore some of the best backend options available today. 

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!