Mobile application development has a long and exciting history. In the past mobile devices can only use the features or apps that are shipped with the phone. These are essential utilities such as calculator, stopwatch, and the likes. Do you remember playing the arcade-like “snake game” on the Nokia Symbian-powered phone? The addictive game that first premiered in Nokia 6110 phone is generally regarded as the first mobile app.
The mobile industry has changed extensively two decades later. Phones are no longer dumb devices that can only launch programs shipped by the manufacturer. Mobile devices are now powered by intelligent operating systems capable of performing complicated computing tasks previously restricted to desktop devices. Thus, personal computing gradually shifted from desktops to mobile as people can conveniently perform everyday computing tasks from the palms of their hands.
The mobile apps industry has grown exponentially since the last decade. Data from the Statista website shows that 204 billion apps were downloaded from various online stores in 2019, and the number is projected to increase to 258 billion by 2022. It’s not surprising because the mobile app has become an essential strategy for corporations all over the world.
Given the increased attention on mobile technology by individuals and businesses, the need to create and update apps for the hungry mobile market increased significantly. Consequently, the conventional app development method can no longer cater to the massive demand. That is why developers heaved a sigh of relief when an agile app development technology emerged in the form of Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS.)
Mobile Backend as a Service provided the solution to the challenge of expediting mobile application development and adding advanced function without spending a fortune. In this article, we shall take an in-depth look at Mobile Backend as a Service and its value to mobile developers.
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