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19 Articles

Firebase Database: Should You Choose Realtime DB or Cloud Firestore?

Firebase is a NoSQL cloud service, offered as part of the Google Cloud Platform database offerings. It is based on a document-model and can be used to store and sync data in real-time with horizontal scaling. You can use Firebase for multi-user applications, such as mobile apps, serverless applications, and offline applications. 

Beyond standard NoSQL functionality, Firebase includes features for authentication, crash reporting, messaging, performance monitoring, and analytics. Firebase is accessible through SDK and API, with support for both Unity and C++. You can integrate it with a wide variety of services and utilities, including Kubernetes deployments, BigQuery, Google Marketing Platform, Data Studio, JIRA, and Slack. 

This article will explain the differences between Firestore vs Real Time Database.

Firebase के पांच सबसे अच्छे विकल्प

Firebase के पांच सबसे अच्छे विकल्प
Firebase के पांच सबसे अच्छे विकल्प

अगर आप वेब, एंड्राइड और आईओएस ऍप्लिकेशन्स डिलीवर करना चाहते हैं बिना सर्वर-साइड प्रोग्रामिंग लिखने की ज़हमत उठाये, तो यह अत्यंतआवश्यक हो जाता है कि आप बेस्ट एप्लीकेशन डेवलपमेंट प्लेटफार्म काम करने के लिए ढूंढ निकाले।  

पहला चुनाव जो आपके दिमाग में आ सकता है वह है फ़ायरबेस जो कि बैकेंड पर एक सर्विस प्लेटफार्म है जिसे गूगल ने 2014 में एक्वायर कर लियाथा।  उनका सबसे अधिक जाना जाने वाला फीचर है रियल-टाइम डाटाबेस और यह पूरा कंसोल एंगुलर के सहारे दोबारा लिखा गया था, मार्च 2020 केरिलीज़ नोट के मुताबिक।  इस प्लेटफार्म के बहुत फायदे हैं और यह ऐप डेवलपमेंट के लिए एक महान टूल है। इसका मुख्य डाउनसाइड इस सच्चाई में हैकि यह प्लेटफार्म ओपन-सोर्स नहीं है (यह गूगल की एक प्रोप्राइटरी टेक्नोलॉजी है), इसके पास हैं वेंडर लॉक-इन, और ग्राफक्यूएल एपीआई इस कोरप्रोडक्ट का हिस्सा नहीं हैं।

हालाँकि, एक डेवलपर होने के नाते, आपने एक चयन कर लिया है मगर फिर भी, यह आपके लिए एक शानदार मौका हो सकता है कि आप नीचे दी गयीपूरी जानकारी को समझें कि कितने बेहतरीन ऑप्शंस के रेंज आपके पास मौजूद हैं जिनका आप भरपूर प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।  यही नहीं, ऊपर दी गयीजानकारी पर एक नज़र डालें बिना किसी शंका के और सबसे उम्दा बैकेंड ऑप्शंस को समझें अपने एप्लीकेशन और वेब प्रोजेक्ट की ज़रूरतों के हिसाब सेसबकुछ बहुत ही प्रभावशाली तरीके से करने के लिए।  

क्या आप फ़ायरबेस के सबसे उत्तम विकल्प को जानते हैं जो कि आपको लाजवाब तरीके बताएंगे इनोवेटिव और प्रभावशाली वेब और मोबाइलऍप्लिकेशन्स को सबसे अच्छे से इस्तेमाल करने के लिए| खैर, यहाँ हम लेकर आते हैं सबसे प्रभावशाली और बेहतरीन फ़ायरबेस प्रतियोगियों को जो किनिःसंदेह आपको एक अच्छा निर्णय अच्छी तरह लेने में सहायता करेंगे।

De fem beste alternativene til Firebase

De fem beste alternativene til Firebase
De fem beste alternativene til Firebase

Hvis du ønsker å levere web-, Android- eller iOS-applikasjoner uten noen vanskeligheter med å skrive programmer på serversiden, er det svært viktig for deg å finne ut hvilken utviklingsplattform du synes det er best å jobbe med .

Den mest kjente plattformen er kanskje Firebase som er en Backend som Serviceplattform anskaffet av Google i 2014. Deres mest kjente funksjon er sanntidsdatabasen, og hele konsollen ble skrevet om ved hjelp av Angular i mars 2020 i henhold til utgivelsesnotatet. Fordelene med plattformen er mange, og det er et flott verktøy å bruke for å fremskynde utviklingen av apper. Den viktigste ulempen er at plattformen ikke er åpen kildekode (men en proprietær teknologi fra Google), den har leverandør lock-in, og GraphQL API er ikke en del av kjerneproduktet.

Som utvikler har du kanskje tatt ditt valg allerede, men det kan likevel være nyttig for deg å lese all informasjonen du kan finne nedenfor for å forstå det fantastiske utvalget av alternativer som finnes tilgjengelige der ute, og som er enkle for deg å bruke. I tillegg vil å lese all informasjonen som er gitt ovenfor uten tvil hjelpe deg å forstå de beste backend-alternativene i forhold til behovene til din applikasjon eller ditt webprosjekt på en mer effektiv måte.

Er du på utkikk etter de beste alternativene til Firebase som vil gi deg flere muligheter til å utvikle innovative og effektive nett- og mobilapplikasjoner på best mulig måte? Vel, her presenterer vi noen av de beste og mest effektive Firebase-konkurrentene, noe som uten tvil vil hjelpe deg med å ta en bedre beslutning på en mer effektiv måte.

AWS vs. Firebase | Secrets Unlocked

AWS vs. Firebase | Secrets Unlocked
AWS vs Firebase

Over the last decade, the rate of advancement in mobile technology is mind-blowing. Mobile devices now have powerful processors that can perform advanced computing functions. Also, mobile application developers are on top of their game, creating impressive apps for business, personal computing, and gaming.

All these apps require powerful hosting and backend infrastructure to function optimally. Serverless architecture is a viable option many companies and developers prefer for their app development and hosting. In the serverless model, the cloud service provider operates the server and manages the dynamic allocation of resources.

This article focuses on comparing and contrasting AWS and Firebase, two of the leading cloud service providers. 

Step-by-Step Guide To Create Microservices With Node.js

You need dynamic programming when you are looking to build a real-world application and that too in JavaScript. 

With the surging size of the JavaScript application, the number of challenges that you have to face also increases simultaneously. So, to solve this issue, microservices architecture is introduced. 

As you go reading this article, you will move a step further toward building real-world microservice architecture. But before that, let us first make you understand what microservices and Node.js are. 

The best backend services for your PHP app

PHP is the language of choice for developers across the world today, as it offers a wide range of powerful features. This versatile language has a plethora of applications, including static and dynamic websites and web applications. 

It also offers various usability advantages for developers and reduces their coding efforts. PHP development requires a feature-rich backend for developers to get the intended application development outcomes. Choosing the best backend service for your PHP application can prove to be quite advantageous. Read on to know more. 

What is a Mobile Backend as a Service?

What is a Mobile Backend as a Service?
What is mBaaS

Mobile application development has a long and exciting history. In the past mobile devices can only use the features or apps that are shipped with the phone. These are essential utilities such as calculator, stopwatch, and the likes. Do you remember playing the arcade-like “snake game” on the Nokia Symbian-powered phone? The addictive game that first premiered in Nokia 6110 phone is generally regarded as the first mobile app.

The mobile industry has changed extensively two decades later. Phones are no longer dumb devices that can only launch programs shipped by the manufacturer. Mobile devices are now powered by intelligent operating systems capable of performing complicated computing tasks previously restricted to desktop devices. Thus, personal computing gradually shifted from desktops to mobile as people can conveniently perform everyday computing tasks from the palms of their hands.

The mobile apps industry has grown exponentially since the last decade. Data from the Statista website shows that 204 billion apps were downloaded from various online stores in 2019, and the number is projected to increase to 258 billion by 2022. It’s not surprising because the mobile app has become an essential strategy for corporations all over the world.

Given the increased attention on mobile technology by individuals and businesses, the need to create and update apps for the hungry mobile market increased significantly. Consequently, the conventional app development method can no longer cater to the massive demand. That is why developers heaved a sigh of relief when an agile app development technology emerged in the form of Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS.)

Mobile Backend as a Service provided the solution to the challenge of expediting mobile application development and adding advanced function without spending a fortune. In this article, we shall take an in-depth look at Mobile Backend as a Service and its value to mobile developers.

Firestore Alternatives

Firestore Alternatives
Firestore Alternatives

The purpose of every developer is to build outstanding applications. If you’re a developer and are looking for Cloud Firestore alternatives, this article is for you. We are here to help you discover some of the best options to Cloud Firestore and get your app development to a level higher.

Firestore remains to innovate and control the app development market. It has grown so much that it has converted a key component of Google Cloud mobile strategy. Although it’s a fantastic solution, my concerns about vendor lock-in and cost led me to write this article about other cloud database alternatives. While Firestore delivers a modern arrangement of services that takes care of several development requirements, it’s not always the easiest, most straightforward, or most affordable option.

The Best Backend for your Swift App

Developing applications for Apple’s devices require a great deal of sophistication. Applications written in the Swift programming language are used across a wide range of devices today. This programming language is revolutionizing development for macOS, iOS, and other Apple platforms. 

Developing an agile and user-friendly Swift application requires a robust and functional backend. Finding the best backend for your Swift app is quite crucial for ideal development outcomes. Read on to know more about Swift and suitable backend options for it.

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!