George Batschinski

Open Source Backend as a Service Providers

Are you looking for a BaaS open source solution? Here is an in-depth analysis of ten excellent open source backend providers, including the core features and pricing model.

Cloud computing has shaken up every industry since its invention. Indeed, the majority of the businesses prefer to pick any cloud computing model to successfully release, build and run their web or mobile applications. Hereof, Backend as a Service (BaaS) is an outstanding choice that startups, SMEs and big enterprises like to use.

However, open-source property adds more value to the services of BaaS platforms, but it is still complicated to find credible BaaS open-source providers. So, this article shares one of the top open-source BaaS platforms with their core features and pricing models.

What is an SDK – Software Development Kit?

What is an SDK – Software Development Kit?
What is an SDK?

Are you looking for the meaning of the term SDK? Here is an in-depth analysis of what is an SDK, the advantages of using it for software development, use cases, and examples of how to implement it.

Key Takeaways

  • SDK is a building block to creating an application;
  • An SDK helps developers to accelerate software development;
  • It usually provides code examples, APIs, libraries, etc;
  • SDKs are available for mobile and web applications;
  • SDK is not an API. These are two different concepts.

The Top 5 Real Time Messaging Platforms You Should Know

This article will explore five of the best real time messaging platforms. The list includes Back4App, PubNub, Firebase, Pusher, and Scale Drone.

Real-time messaging uses real-time processing to manage workloads whose state is regularly changing. This contrasts with conventional databases containing persistent data, primarily unaffected by time.

When it is about choosing the best real-time platform, we have immense options available for this. But to let things work better for you, you need to be wise while selecting the best real-time platform for your next project.

Top MBaaS Providers in 2024

This article will explore ten of the best MBaaS providers. It will also provide an overview about MBaaS, the advantages of this technology, and its core features.

Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) is basically a modern cloud computing type that is useful to build mobile applications rapidly. Startups, SMEs and large enterprises prefer to go with MBaaS solutions because of their low cost, speedy development and other benefits.

However, it is still tricky to shortlist a single MBaaS provider to benefit from this cloud computing model. So, this guide presents one of the top MBaaS providers with their core properties and pricing structures.

Best Backend Services for Mobile Apps

Backend services are considered vital to appropriately perform the server-side operations of mobile applications. Compared to client-side development, the backend creation of applications is more complicated. That is why it is always essential to choose the backend services wisely.

Therefore, this article shares one of the best backend services for mobile apps with their pricing structure and core properties. Moreover, this guide also discusses the other details, including an overview of the BaaS market and best-handled projects by backend services.

How to scale content marketing for your Startup?

This article will detail how Back4App increased organic traffic from 8k users/month to 100k users/month in less than 24 months. In addition, we will provide real-life guidelines based on our own experience scaling marketing content. 

Key Takeaways

  • Writing quality content is a must, but not enough
  • It’s possible to scale marketing content without backlinks or social media posts
  • I’m not a marketer and had no previous experience creating content
  • No need for a full time marketing person, and you can outsource most of the tasks
  • We started creating content with only a $100/month budget

Intriguing and hard to believe, right?

What is a Real-Time App?

Real-Time App (RTA) is a piece of software that implements a feature that works in a time span user perceives as immediate. The term is most commonly used for apps performing real-time connections with the server or between users to provide an instant, connected experience.

There are many components that power RTAs, and even more concepts behind them. This includes real-time messaging and a database. Let’s see how these parts fit together.

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