Creating an app with ChatGPT without writing code

In the software development world, a notable revolution is brewing – the ability to generate both backend and frontend without physically writing any code.

The confluence of ChatGPT and Back4app makes this not just possible, but remarkably easy. Today, we delve into how to harness the combined strength of both tools to craft a comprehensive application.

Amazon FSx vs. Google Filestore: 6 Key Differences and How to Choose

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What Is Amazon FSx? 

Amazon FSx is a fully managed file storage service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides robust, scalable, and high-performance file system solutions for various workloads including Windows file servers, machine learning, and high-performance computing (HPC).

Amazon FSx offers two file systems: FSx for Windows File Server and FSx for Lustre. The former is built on Windows Server, making it compatible with Microsoft Windows applications and tools, while the latter is designed for high-performance workloads that require fast processing of large data volumes.

With Amazon FSx, you can store, retrieve, and process your data without worrying about the administration and maintenance of the underlying infrastructure. The service includes features like automatic backups, data encryption, and multi-AZ replication, which help ensure data durability and security. Read this detailed blog post for more background on Amazon FSx.

How to create a SvelteKit app? 

SvelteKit is a powerful framework for building web applications that combines the simplicity and performance of the Svelte framework with additional features. It is the official framework for building applications with Svelte.

SvelteKit builds on the principles of Svelte, a component-based framework that compiles your application code into highly efficient JavaScript code during the build process.

SvelteKit takes this a step further by providing a full-fledged application framework that offers features such as routing, server-side rendering (SSR), and code splitting out of the box.

In this article, you will explore SvelteKit and build a basic application using SvelteKit and Back4app.

Create serverless functions with ChatGPT

In the ever-evolving world of development, there’s an increasing need for tools and platforms that simplify backend processes.

Back4app emerges as a beacon in this space, and when coupled with the prowess of ChatGPT, it becomes a developer’s dream.

This detailed guide will dive deep into the synergistic relationship between the two and elucidate how to best utilize them for creating and scheduling cloud jobs.

Implementing data structures with ChatGPT

The contemporary digital world is undergoing a paradigm shift. AI-driven tools, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, are reshaping the boundaries of what’s possible in technology.

When synergized with platforms like Back4app, these tools offer a revitalized way developers conceptualize and tackle tasks.

Through a video tutorial, Alex, the chief architect from Back4app, provided a vivid display of the capabilities of ChatGPT in sculpting and refining data structures via simple textual descriptions.

Step-by-step tutorial for Express JS hosting

It is essential to select the most appropriate hosting methods to make sure your app runs smoothly and scales seamlessly when required.

In this article, we shall be considering various options for hosting an Express.js app. We shall zero in on using Back4app for Express.js app hosting.

How to create an app using AI?

ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence-powered platform from OpenAI has become incredibly popular worldwide.

Its impressive ability to comprehend and respond to questions has proven valuable in various fields, particularly in software development.

This guide provides deep insight about ChatGPT, its functions, and the ways it can be applied in software development.

After reading this guide, you will have the know-how to prompt ChatGPT effectively and leverage it for creating uncomplicated applications.

Nest JS Hosting | A step by step guide

Picking the right way to put your Nest.js app out there is really important. It helps your app run well and grow seamlessly when the need arises. This piece talks about various ways to make your  Nest.js apps go live. Specifically, it’s about hosting your Nest.js app in a Back4app container.

Top 10 Svelte Hosting Providers

Svelte is an open-source JS framework designed by Rich Harris in 2016. This web framework is typically used to build the frontend of web applications and reusable components for other JS frameworks.

The robust and lean development properties make this programming technology popular among users. Yes, the recent survey of Stack Overflow ranked Svelte in the 6th position among the most admired & desired web frameworks. 

However, finding the right Svelte hosting provider to get maximum results using this framework is also significant. Therefore, this article introduces one of the best Svelte hosting providers with their core competencies and pricing structure. 

Top 10 FastAPI Hosting Providers

FastAPI is an advanced web-centric framework that Sebastián Ramírez introduced in 2018 to create RESTful application programming interfaces in Python.

The recent survey of Stack Overflow listed FastAPI among the most popular frameworks, with 7.42% votes of respondents. Although the use of FastAPI is snowballing because of its robustness, but it is still knotty to choose the right FastAPI hosting provider.

So, the main agenda of this article is to share one of the most decent FastAPI hosting providers with their essential details. Indeed, this guide will present the core characteristics and pricing structure of hosting providers for FastAPI.

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!