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Understanding Azure Time Series Insights

Understanding Azure Time Series Insights

What is Azure Time Series Insights?

Azure Time Series Gen2 is an end-to-end Internet of Things (IoT) analytics service designed for industrial IoT deployments. It provides powerful APIs you can use to integrate it with current workflows and applications. 

Azure Time Series Insights collects, processes, stores, queries, and visualizes IoT data at scale, adding context and optimizing it for time series analysis. It is designed to explore data ad hoc and analyze operations, helping you discover hidden trends, spot anomalies, and perform root-cause analysis.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is an Azure Time Series Model?
    • Time Series Model Components
  • Azure Time Series Data Storage
    • Storage Tiers and Data Availability
    • Warm Store
    • Cold Store
  • Azure Time Series Best Practices
    • Using Warm Store and Cold Store
    • Configure Time Series IDs and Timestamp Properties
    • Optimize Your Events
    • High Availability

Firebase Cloud Messaging Alternatives

Whether you are developing an application that lets the users socialize or make some utility application that lets people connect and do their work, one thing that will be common in most of them will be messaging service.

Although adding this feature requires a lot of complex coding, solutions like Firebase Cloud Messaging make things easier for you. Here we will discuss some platforms that provide this service.

The 10 Best Server Backend Languages

As software development is getting complex with every passing day, the backend services and technologies are getting more crucial. It is because they will be determining the features and performance that your project pulls off.

The scope is your project, and its applications in real life do not matter whether it is a startup or a large project. The most important thing is the backend technology.

There are several reasons for this importance, one of them being the better reliability regarding the need for that application. Other than that, a good backend technology can assure you that your software will have the following features.

  • Scalability
  • Performance
  • Responsiveness

The selection of the right backend technology is a vital part when it comes to software development. However, the abundance of backend technologies present in the world makes it very difficult for managers or developers to select the best one.

Another reason for this is that each of them has its different features and benefits that increase the confusion. Believe it or not, but in this case, things get tricky when you are not a developer.

As selecting the right backend technology is very important, here we will discuss the ten best backend technologies. We hope that this detailed discussion about the best backend technologies will help you select the best one for your needs.

Parse Alternatives – The Best 10 Options

Opting for a reliable mobile application backend is quite important for any business today. Development teams around the world prioritize platforms such as Parse for the level of functionality it offers to users. While Parse is a top backend option, there are many alternatives worth looking at. Take a look at the best Parse alternatives below. 

Cloudflare Workers Alternatives

Serverless development is the need of the hour for thousands of businesses across the globe today. Developers are warming up to the idea of hassle-free application creation, deployment, and management without the need for handling infrastructure management.

The advances of serverless computing technology have facilitated just that through reliable solutions such as Cloudflare Workers. It is one of the most popular options for businesses across industry domains due to its features.

While Cloudflare Workers is a superb serverless option, there are also several equally good alternatives to look at. Take a look at the best currently available Cloudflare Workers alternatives below.

What is React Native?

Mobile development frameworks are used for developing modern apps with rich features that also withstand pressure from a massive userbase.

The framework you choose will determine your app quality and user experience.  React Native is one of the leading frameworks for creating feature-rich mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms. 

This article gives a general overview of application frameworks, the pro and cons of using React Native, and a list of other options for developers. 

Apps Made With React Native

React Native is one of the most popular and widely-used mobile application development platforms available today. This framework, created by Facebook, has been embraced openly by countless businesses around the world.

The features and functionality it offers help businesses deliver uniform and fluid experiences across the web, iOS, and Android platforms. Many prominent companies are also using React Native for their development needs. Take a look at the list of major businesses that use the framework below.

Top 5 Alternatives to Engine Yard

Engine Yard is one of the leading PaaS solutions meant to configure, deploy, and automate applications in a cloud environment. It is a robust cloud-based app management software built to empower developers and DevOps, to monitor, control, and provision cloud apps. 

Engine Yard can deliver excellent control and choice together, along with expert support. It can enable users to focus more on building apps without spending too much time on operating system installation, platform configurations, and managing their updates.

This tool is under use to enable users to leverage cloud computing’s essence without the hassles of being responsible for operation management.

Overall, it is a reliable solution for the developers who are using Ruby on Rails, Node.js, and PHP management and deployment. Whether it is a deployment of large or small scale, Engine Yard is capable of providing you all the essential tools to ensure fast deployments, deep expertise, and high scalability.

Even more, it also allows its consumers to retain overall app control. Some of Engine Yard’s key capabilities are load balancing, cloning, data replication, and backups. 

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