David Ekete

How to build an Astro.js backend?

How to build an Astro.js backend?
How to build an Astro.js backend_

Astro.js is a static site generator (SSG) and frontend framework for building fast, modern web applications.

It allows you to build fast and lightweight websites by pre-rendering static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files at build time.

Unlike traditional SSGs, Astro.js also allows you to hydrate your static pages with JavaScript at runtime, giving you the flexibility to create dynamic and interactive websites.

This article provides a comprehensive tutorial on how to build an Astro.js application using Back4app as a Backend as a Service (BaaS).

It will provide an overview of Astro.js, its advantages and limitations, and a step-by-step guide on how to build and host an Astro.js application.

How To Deploy a SvelteKit Application?

How To Deploy a SvelteKit Application?
How to Deploy an SvelteKit Application_

In this article, you will build a basic quote generator application using SvelteKit and host it using Back4app Containers.

SvelteKit is a modern web application framework that builds upon the principles of the Svelte JavaScript framework. It offers developers an efficient and elegant way to create web applications with a focus on simplicity and performance.

In 2020, SvelteKit was created by Rich Harris, the creator of Svelte, and in October 2022, Rich Harris and his team joined Vercel.

When deploying a SvelteKit application, it is helpful to use the Back4app Containers. Back4app Containers is a platform that allows developers to deploy and manage containerized applications on Back4app’s infrastructure.

It is a cloud-based service that provides a simple and scalable way to run containerized applications in production.

How to Deploy a Bun Application?

How to Deploy a Bun Application?
How to Deploy an Bun Application_

Bun is a JavaScript runtime that is designed to be fast, lightweight, and easy to use. It is written in Zig and powered by JavaScriptCore, the JavaScript engine that powers Safari.

Bun has a built-in Node.js-compatible package manager, test runner, and bundler. It also provides a minimal set of highly optimized APIs for performing common tasks, like starting an HTTP server and writing files.

In this article, you will build a simple web API with Bun and deploy it on Back4app using Back4app containers. Keep reading to learn more how to host a Bun application.

How to create a SvelteKit app? 

SvelteKit is a powerful framework for building web applications that combines the simplicity and performance of the Svelte framework with additional features. It is the official framework for building applications with Svelte.

SvelteKit builds on the principles of Svelte, a component-based framework that compiles your application code into highly efficient JavaScript code during the build process.

SvelteKit takes this a step further by providing a full-fledged application framework that offers features such as routing, server-side rendering (SSR), and code splitting out of the box.

In this article, you will explore SvelteKit and build a basic application using SvelteKit and Back4app.

How to Deploy a Deno Application?

How to Deploy a Deno Application?
How to Deploy a Deno Application_

Various deployment options exist for web applications built with Deno. However, containerization as a service platform has become a popular choice in recent times due to the various advantages they offer over other deployment options.

In this article, you will explore Deno, its advantages, and its limitations. Additionally, you will build a simple Deno app and deploy it on Back4app containers.

How to Deploy a Vue.js Application

How to Deploy a Vue.js Application
How to Deploy a Vue.js Application_

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework developed to address common issues in web application development, such as complex state management and the need for a lightweight, flexible solution.

The framework was designed for simplicity, efficiency, and ease of use with a syntax similar to HTML and JavaScript. Additionally, Vue is reactive, making it faster and more efficient than traditional DOM manipulation.

In this article, you’ll learn about the benefits and limitations of using Vue and how to deploy your Vue application using Back4app’s containerization service for free.

How to build a backend for Vue.js?

How to build a backend for Vue.js?
How to build a backend for Vue.js_

This article will provide a comprehensive tutorial on how to build a backend for Vue.js. It will provide an overview about Vue.js, advantages and limitations, deployment methods available, and a step-by-step guide on how to build and host a Vue.js application.

Vue is a JavaScript framework for building flexible and performant user interfaces (UIs) and single-page applications (SPAs).

Vue is known for its progressive nature, which means it can be adopted incrementally into existing projects. Vue also features a declarative syntax, which allows you to describe your desired UI state and let Vue handle the underlying logic and updates.

In addition to its progressive nature and declarative syntax, Vue employs a virtual DOM, which is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM. This helps it to render and update the user interface efficiently.

When developing Vue apps, integrating a Backend as a Service (BaaS) platform like Back4app can offer several benefits, such as data storage and user authentication, which can greatly simplify development and save time. In this article, you will explore Vue and learn how to build an application with Vue using Back4app.

How to Build a Backend for Your iOS App?

How to Build a Backend for Your iOS App?
Back4App Guide _ How to Build a Backend for Your iOS App_-2

iOS apps, like web applications, require some way to store and keep track of data. Whether that data is stored on a cloud backend service or a locally built server run personally, a backend is essential for managing user data.

However, building a backend for your iOS app from scratch can be a daunting task, especially if you’re generally new to iOS development and backend development.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a backend for your iOS app. First, we’ll provide an overview of iOS development and discuss its benefits and limitations.

Then, you’ll explore the different backend options available to you. Finally, you will learn how to use Back4App, a Backend as a Service (BaaS), as a backend for your iOS app.

How to build an Angular application?

How to build an Angular application?
Back4App Guide _ How to build an AngularJS application_

Angular is a popular open-source framework for building dynamic, responsive, and complex web applications. Angular was first developed by Google in 2010 under the name “AngularJS.”

Angular allows you to create dynamic, single-page applications with a clean and organized code structure.

Angular uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, which adds features like type checking, interfaces, and classes to the language. This makes Angular code more maintainable and less error-prone.

To streamline web development with Angular, it’s helpful to use a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) solution like Back4app.

Back4app provides a pre-built backend infrastructure with features such as authentication, data storage, and server-side logic.

This allows you to focus on building the front end of your applications without worrying about the complexities of backend development.

In this article, you will explore Angular and build a basic blog application using Angular and Back4app.

How to Deploy a React Native Application?

How to Deploy a React Native Application?

React Native has become a leading framework for creating mobile applications that work and perform exceptionally well on both iOS and Android platforms. However, like any application, React Native apps need a performant way to handle their backend infrastructure.

By Pairing React Native technology and a backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform like Back4app, you can build and deploy scalable React Native applications quickly and easily.

In this tutorial, you will go through the process of deploying a React Native app on Back4app. We will also discuss React Native and the advantages of using Back4app for backend infrastructure management.

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!