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The Architecture of an MBaaS-Mobile Backend as a Service

This article explains mBaaS – Mobile Backend as a Service, how it works, and it’s architecture. It will take you over the core features of a mBaaS, the advantages of using the platform, and the essential technical concepts required to understand a mobile backend structure.

What is a MBaaS?

What is a MBaaS?
what is a mbaas

Mobile Backend as a Service (mBaaS) is the name for online platforms that offer infrastructure and other backend services that enhance app development procedures.  In essence, mBaaS companies handle backend tasks, allowing the developer to focus on frontend development. Some of the resources mBaaS offers include APIs, push notifications, file storage, social media integrations, database, and many more. 

The Good and the Bad of mBaaS Development

The Good and the Bad of mBaaS Development
BaaS Good and Bad

A BaaS (Backend as a Service) or MbaaS refers to a platform capable of automating backend site development and performing comprehensive cloud infrastructure management. A BaaS lets developers reduce the burden of server maintenance as the third-party service providers handle this responsibility.

BaaS also facilitates access to tools that can be used for backend code creation and accelerating development processes. It provides various features such as code cloud functions, APIs, scalable databases, file storage, social media integrations, and push notifications.

Top 10 React Native Disadvantages

Top 10 React Native Disadvantages
React Native Disadvantages

In this era of technological advancements, everyone needs an application that is supported worldwide, but the application must be feature-rich. It puts the developers in challenging times because they have to develop the same application for different devices running on different platforms.

So, in these challenging times for the developers, React Native is a platform that quickly develops excellent applications. It comes with its unique advantages related to cross-framework mobile application development. However, with all the React Native advantages, we cannot ignore some disadvantages.

So, here we will enlighten some of the most significant disadvantages of React Native.

React Native Text Input

The TextInput is one of the main components of the React Native Core library, and also one of the most commonly used in many apps. This simple component is so fundamental in any application design that there are possibly only a few applications not using it. In this article, we are going to cover the most common use cases, input masking, and basic troubleshooting. If you want to know more about one of the most used components from React Native check this article out!

React Native Explained

Different platforms allow the developers to make mobile applications, and each of them is different. The main difference is in the features and the compatibility, so it is essential to carefully select the platform or the framework for developing the application as a developer. Among all of the frameworks present today, one of the most popular is React Native.

React Native is a platform that is well known all over the world, and there are a lot of developers using it for developing their iOS and Android applications. Additionally, the developers who are moving towards application development are also looking to learn about React Native. So, here we will discuss everything about React Native in detail that you need to know.

Top 10 Benefits of React Native

As mobile phones are getting powerful, the need for developing more powerful applications is increasing. It is all because the powerful mobile devices make it possible for the users to do most of their daily tasks on their phones, making things very difficult for the users.

This increased difficulty is that different people have different mobile phones in terms of operating systems and interfaces. So, the developers need to develop applications for all of the devices. One thing that has also gained a lot of popularity in recent years is React Native.

This platform allows the developers to develop applications for all the devices and platforms only by writing the code for once. This is only possible because of the cross-framework mobile application development provided by React Native. One of the major reasons for this popularity is that React Native comes with some amazing benefits.

Here we will discuss all of the benefits that the developers can enjoy from using React Native to develop modern-day mobile applications.

Top 5 Cloud Firestore Alternatives

Top 5 Cloud Firestore Alternatives
Top 5 Firestore Alternatives

All high-performance mobile and web apps need a reliable database. Although there are several database options in the market, Firestore stands out among others for its many useful functions and reliability.  However, Firestore’s undesirable vendor lock-in and inability to handle relational queries make it inadequate for specific app projects. This explains why developers are seeking reliable Google Firestore alternatives for their app development projects.  It would be easy to choose the right cloud development platform after selecting one of the best Google Firestore alternatives in 2021.

The Best 10 Mobile Cross-Platform Frameworks

The introduction of mobile applications has made things a lot easier to handle. Businesses now operate differently compared to what used to be a decade earlier. The entire approach to marketing and serving the clients have changed and become a lot easier to manage.

Several SMEs are creating mobile apps for their businesses, and it has reaped significant benefits. With the launch of mobile applications in a different field, it has become a lot more convenient to access different tasks with the least amount of effort. The majority of mobile apps are developed using cross-platform frameworks.

According to Statista, React Native and Flutter are the most popular cross-platform mobile frameworks. Cordova, Ionic, and Xamarin follow them. Unity is by far the most used solution for game-related applications.

React Native usage remained steady between 2019 and 2020, and Flutter increased roughly 30% during this period. Cordova, Ionic, and Xamarin had a significant decline.

How does a mobile backend as a service work?

How does a mobile backend as a service work?
how does a mobile backend as a service work

The old days of creating the Backend of your applications have passed. Now is the era of making the Backend of your applications on cloud storage. It is all possible only because of Mobile Backend as a Service or MBaaS (BaaS).

It is a technology that helps developers develop excellent mobile and web applications without setting up Backend servers and services. The Backend service providers manage all the services, features, and servers needed to be set up for the application’s proper functionality.

It makes things very easy for the developers to focus only on developing the applications’ front end. When MBaaS is used to create the applications, many features can be easily added to the applications like the following.

  • Scalable Database
  • GraphQL and REST APIs
  • Notifications
  • User management
  • Third-party services integration

There are a lot of features for the developers that are provided by the MBaaS providers. However, here we will discuss why the developers should select this method to develop their mobile applications. We will also discuss things that you must consider in your provider when you choose one.

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