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Next JS Backend

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Building awesome apps in the blink of an eye using NextJS and Parse as a Backend

Next.Js has been one of the most beloved tools in the ReactJS ecosystem over the last few years. After the release of Next.js 11, the usage of Next for developers increased significantly, making the community and the React ecosystem stronger.

Top 5 Open Source Low Code Platforms

Non-coders may quickly create a simple app with just a few clicks. This promise of low-code development platforms and technologies sounds perfect in an era of skyrocketing deadlines and high-maintenance supervisors.

However, the question remains: What do open source low code platforms do?

Top 5 Datacenter Providers in Canada

Everyone’s life is connected to cloud technology in one way or another. It is most important for the people who have digital businesses based on this technology. As its importance is increasing, the difficulty of managing the resources is also increasing alongside.

Especially if you are running a small or medium scale business, then managing hardware resources will not be very efficient. So, getting cloud services from the data center providers will be the best choice. Here we will be discussing the five best data center providers that provide excellent services in Canada.

Top 5 Datacenter Providers in Australia

The importance of data center providers in today’s world is very high. Growing businesses, companies, and other brands are why data center providers are crucial. Datacenter providers are present everywhere in the world. They save and store data or information.

Keeping a vast amount of data had been troublesome before there were no data center providers. But now, it is easy to store your or clients’ data in general. Today, we will talk about the top 5 data center providers that are available in Australia.

Top 5 Datacenter Providers in Japan

Storing data and information is crucial since it provides a record of many things. Datacenter providers are the servers that have made the storage of data very easy. Before the data center providers, the private and confidential files of the people would get misplaced or hacked.

Therefore, data center providers are vital who keep a security check on your information and files. There are a million types of data center providers all around the globe. Today, we will talk about the top 5 data center providers in Japan and why people use them.

Top 5 Datacenter Providers in Germany

In a world full of business, trading, and computing, there is a lot of data to store and save. In companies that are established on a huge platform have many files and important data to store. For this purpose, there are data center providers. Datacenter providers are useful in storing and keeping a record of data.

A data center provider is not restricted to only one country or place. Instead, they are present all around the world, like Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and Australia. Today, we will talk about the top 5 Datacenter providers in Germany and how they are used to store data.

Top 5 Datacenter Providers in Mexico

With most of the businesses moving towards digitalization, all of them need to have powerful enough resources to meet the needs of their systems. These systems that allow businesses to go digital require many things like networking and computational power, and the data centers help businesses outsource their power needs to these service providers.

The businesses can focus more on what their company needs the most, like the chores of the businesses. So, if you are looking for the best data center providers in Mexico, here are the top 5 options you can select.

Top 5 Datacenter Providers in France

As technology is constantly evolving, more and more data centers are being built all across the world. A data center is typically a physical infrastructure that stores, manages, and processes an organization’s most valuable data. As companies have large sets of data, they need to make sure that it remains safe. 

Datacenter helps a company reduce cost and meet compliance. Moreover, data centers also provide numerous data center solutions. All of these solutions make sure that your data remains intact. 

However, there are not many good data center providers to choose from, especially in France. Today, we are going to talk about the top 5 data center providers in France.

Top 10 Serverless Solutions

This article will discuss the best ten serverless solutions available on the market, their features, advantages, and pricing models.

Due to the continued increase in demand for mobile app development, the need to have a maintenance-free platform for creating app becomes apparent.  That is why many cloud service providers often offer a serverless solution option for their users. 

A serverless solution enhances the efficiency of app development because the service provider handles server management tasks. This type of service is arguably the best option for app development.  In this article, we shall be discussing the following points.

  • An Overview of Serverless
  • The Advantages of Serverless.
  • Classification of Serverless Solutions
  • The Top10 Serverless Solutions for App Development.

At the end of the discourse, we listed the top ten serverless solutions in the world today.

Top 5 IaaS providers in Africa

Digital business has become very important for businesses in Africa, with a lot of opportunities online. However, most businesses cannot manage their hardware, resources, the team of professionals, and space for managing all of these.

Cloud services make things easier for such businesses. So, if you are looking to take your business to the next step by going online, IaaS will be the best choice. Here we will be discussing the 5 best IaaS providers that you can select in Africa.

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers

Build, deploy and scale your app with Back4App Containers. Start today!